This starter application is for creating backend services that provide functionalities such as SIP integration, message brokers, data processing services, and other background tasks. These services do not necessarily expose API endpoints or serve web views but can interact with the protevus platform backend to perform specific tasks.
Updated 2024-08-11 22:29:37 +00:00
This starter application is for developing protevus platform powered console applications that perform backend tasks, process data, or manage server operations without a graphical user interface. Ideal for server applications, batch processing, scripting, and automation tasks.
Updated 2024-08-11 17:40:32 +00:00
Protevus is a highly versatile and extensible application server platform for the Dart programming language. Inspired by the Laravel framework, Protevus aims to provide a familiar and Laravel-compatible API, allowing developers to leverage their existing Laravel knowledge and experience in the Dart ecosystem.
Updated 2024-08-11 15:43:48 +00:00