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2016-09-14 04:33:28 +00:00
import "package:args/command_runner.dart";
import "package:console/console.dart";
import "package:mustache4dart/mustache4dart.dart";
class ServiceCommand extends Command {
final String CUSTOM = "Custom";
final String MEMORY = "In-Memory";
final String MONGO = "MongoDB";
final TextPen _pen = new TextPen();
@override String get name => "service";
@override String get description =>
"Creates a new service within the given project.";
run() async {
var name = await readInput("Name of Service (not plural): ");
var chooser = new Chooser([MONGO, MEMORY, CUSTOM],
message: "What type of service would you like to create? ");
var type = await chooser.choose();
print("Creating $type service $name");
fail() {;
_pen("Could not successfully create service $name.");
String serviceSource = "";
if (type == MONGO) {
serviceSource = _generateMongoService(name);
} else fail();
print("Generated source: ");
_generateMongoService(String name) {
return '''
import "package:angel_mongo/angel_mongo.dart";
class ${name}Service extends MongoService {
${name}Service(collection):super(collection) {