import 'dart:io'; import 'package:args/command_runner.dart'; import 'package:console/console.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'pubspec.update.g.dart'; import 'pub.dart'; class UpdateCommand extends Command { @override String get name => 'update'; @override String get description => 'Updates the Angel CLI, if an update is available.'; @override run() async { stdout.write('Checking for update... '); try { var client = new http.Client(); var update = await checkForUpdate(client); client.close(); if (update != null) { stdout.writeln(); var pen = new TextPen(); pen.cyan(); pen.text( 'ATTENTION: There is a new version of the Angel CLI available (version $update).');; var prompt = new Chooser(['Yes', 'No']); print('Update now?'); var choice = await prompt.choose(); if (choice != 'Yes') { pen.reset(); pen.cyan(); pen.text( 'When you are ready to update, run `pub global activate angel_cli`.'); pen(); stdout.writeln(); } else { var pubPath = resolvePub(); print('Running `pub global activate` using $pubPath...'); var p = await Process.start(pubPath, ['global', 'activate', 'angel_cli']); p.stderr.listen(stderr.add); p.stdout.listen(stdout.add); var exitCode = await p.exitCode; if (exitCode != 0) throw 'Pub terminated with a non-zero exit code.'; else { pen.reset();; pen("${Icon.CHECKMARK} Successfully updated the Angel CLI to version $update.\n"); pen(); } } } else stdout.writeln('No update available.'); } catch (e) { stdout.writeln('Failed to check for update.'); } } }