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library user_agent_analyzer;
/// Utils for device detection.
class UserAgent {
bool _isChrome = false;
bool _isOpera = false;
bool _isIE = false;
bool _isFirefox = false;
bool _isWebKit = false;
String? _cachedCssPrefix;
String? _cachedPropertyPrefix;
final String value, _lowerValue;
static const List<String> knownMobileUserAgentPrefixes = [
'w3c ',
'xda ',
static const List<String> knownMobileUserAgentKeywords = [
'lge vx',
'nintendo DS',
'opera mobi',
'opera mini',
'windows ce'
static const List<String> knownTabletUserAgentKeywords = [
UserAgent(this.value) : _lowerValue = value.toLowerCase();
/// Determines if the user agent string contains the desired string. Case-insensitive.
bool contains(String needle) => _lowerValue.contains(needle.toLowerCase());
bool get isDesktop => isMacOS || (!isMobile && !isTablet);
bool get isTablet => knownTabletUserAgentKeywords.any(contains);
bool get isMobile => knownMobileUserAgentKeywords.any(contains);
bool get isMacOS => contains('Macintosh') || contains('Mac OS X');
bool get isSafari => contains('Safari');
bool get isAndroid => contains('android');
bool get isAndroidPhone => contains('android') && contains('mobile');
bool get isAndroidTablet => contains('android') && !contains('mobile');
bool get isWindows => contains('windows');
bool get isWindowsPhone => isWindows && contains('phone');
bool get isWindowsTablet => isWindows && contains('touch');
bool get isBlackberry =>
contains('blackberry') || contains('bb10') || contains('rim');
bool get isBlackberryPhone => isBlackberry && !contains('tablet');
bool get isBlackberryTablet => isBlackberry && contains('tablet');
/// Determines if the current device is running Chrome.
bool get isChrome {
_isChrome = value.contains('Chrome', 0);
return _isChrome;
/// Determines if the current device is running Opera.
bool get isOpera {
_isOpera = value.contains('Opera', 0);
return _isOpera;
/// Determines if the current device is running Internet Explorer.
bool get isIE {
_isIE = !isOpera && value.contains('Trident/', 0);
return _isIE;
/// Determines if the current device is running Firefox.
bool get isFirefox {
_isFirefox = value.contains('Firefox', 0);
return _isFirefox;
/// Determines if the current device is running WebKit.
bool get isWebKit {
_isWebKit = !isOpera && value.contains('WebKit', 0);
return _isWebKit;
/// Gets the CSS property prefix for the current platform.
String get cssPrefix {
var prefix = _cachedCssPrefix;
if (prefix != null) return prefix;
if (isFirefox) {
prefix = '-moz-';
} else if (isIE) {
prefix = '-ms-';
} else if (isOpera) {
prefix = '-o-';
} else {
prefix = '-webkit-';
return _cachedCssPrefix = prefix;
/// Prefix as used for JS property names.
String get propertyPrefix {
var prefix = _cachedPropertyPrefix;
if (prefix != null) return prefix;
if (isFirefox) {
prefix = 'moz';
} else if (isIE) {
prefix = 'ms';
} else if (isOpera) {
prefix = 'o';
} else {
prefix = 'webkit';
return _cachedPropertyPrefix = prefix;