# Belatuk Body Parser [![version](https://img.shields.io/badge/pub-v3.0.0-brightgreen)](https://pub.dev/packages/belatuk_body_parser) [![Null Safety](https://img.shields.io/badge/null-safety-brightgreen)](https://dart.dev/null-safety) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/dart-backend/belatuk-common-utilities)](https://github.com/dart-backend/belatuk-common-utilities/packages/body_parser/LICENSE) **Replacement of `package:body_parser` with breaking changes to support NNBD.** Parse request bodies and query strings in Dart, as well multipart/form-data uploads. No external dependencies required. This is the request body parser powering the [Angel3 framework](https://pub.dev/packages/angel3_framework). If you are looking for a server-side solution with dependency injection, WebSockets, and more, then I highly recommend it as your first choice. Bam! ## Contents - [Belatuk Body Parser](#belatuk-body-parser) - [Contents](#contents) - [About](#about) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Custom Body Parsing](#custom-body-parsing) ### About I needed something like Express.js's `body-parser` module, so I made it here. It fully supports JSON requests. x-www-form-urlencoded fully supported, as well as query strings. You can also include arrays in your query, in the same way you would for a PHP application. Full file upload support will also be present by the production 1.0.0 release. A benefit of this is that primitive types are automatically deserialized correctly. As in, if you have a `hello=1.5` request, then `body['hello']` will equal `1.5` and not `'1.5'`. A very semantic difference, yes, but it relieves stress in my head. ### Installation To install Body Parser for your Dart project, simply add body_parser to your pub dependencies. dependencies: belatuk_body_parser: ^3.0.0 ### Usage Body Parser exposes a simple class called `BodyParseResult`. You can easily parse the query string and request body for a request by calling `Future parseBody`. ```dart import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:belatuk_body_parser/belatuk_body_parser.dart'; main() async { // ... await for (HttpRequest request in server) { request.response.write(JSON.encode(await parseBody(request).body)); await request.response.close(); } } ``` You can also use `buildMapFromUri(Map, String)` to populate a map from a URL encoded string. This can easily be used with a library like [Angel3 JSON God](https://pub.dev/packages/angel3_json_god) to build structured JSON/REST APIs. Add validation and you've got an instant backend. ```dart MyClass create(HttpRequest request) async { return god.deserialize(await parseBody(request).body, MyClass); } ``` ### Custom Body Parsing In cases where you need to parse unrecognized content types, `body_parser` won't be of any help to you on its own. However, you can use the `originalBuffer` property of a `BodyParseResult` to see the original request buffer. To get this functionality, pass `storeOriginalBuffer` as `true` when calling `parseBody`. For example, if you wanted to [parse GraphQL queries within your server](https://github.com/dukefirehawk/graphql_dart)... ```dart app.get('/graphql', (req, res) async { if (req.headers.contentType.mimeType == 'application/graphql') { var graphQlString = String.fromCharCodes(req.originalBuffer); // ... } }); ```