import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'package:belatuk_pub_sub/isolate.dart'; import 'package:belatuk_pub_sub/belatuk_pub_sub.dart'; void main() async { // Easily bring up a server. var adapter = IsolateAdapter(); var server = Server([adapter]); // You then need to create a client that will connect to the adapter. // Every untrusted client in your application should be pre-registered. // // In the case of Isolates, however, those are always implicitly trusted. print("Register Client"); for (var i = 0; i < Platform.numberOfProcessors - 1; i++) { server.registerClient(ClientInfo('client$i')); } // Start the server. server.start(); // Next, let's start isolates that interact with the server. // // Fortunately, we can send SendPorts over Isolates, so this is no hassle. print("Create Isolate"); for (var i = 0; i < Platform.numberOfProcessors - 1; i++) { await Isolate.spawn(isolateMain, [i, adapter.receivePort.sendPort]); } // It's possible that you're running your application in the server isolate as well: isolateMain([0, adapter.receivePort.sendPort]); } void isolateMain(List args) { // Isolates are always trusted, so technically we don't need to pass a client iD. var client = IsolateClient('client${args[0]}', args[1] as SendPort); // The client will connect automatically. In the meantime, we can start subscribing to events. client.subscribe('user::logged_in').then((sub) { // The `ClientSubscription` class extends `Stream`. Hooray for asynchrony! sub.listen((msg) { print('Logged in: $msg'); }); }); }