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# Comprehensive Roadmap: Porting Laravel Illuminate to Dart (Angel3-based)
## Phase 0: Forking and Preparing Angel3
### 0.1 Fork Angel3
- Create a new repository based on Angel3
- Update package names and namespaces
- Considerations:
- Maintain compatibility with existing Angel3 apps
- Plan for gradual migration of Angel3 users
### 0.2 Set Up Development Environment
- Configure CI/CD pipeline
- Set up testing framework
- Establish coding standards and linting rules
### 0.3 Audit Existing Angel3 Packages
- Identify packages to keep, modify, or replace
- Create a compatibility layer for existing Angel3 apps
## Phase 1: Core Utilities and Infrastructure
### 1.1 Support
**Description**: Provides a set of utility functions and helper methods used throughout the framework.
- **Dependencies**: None
- **Dart packages**: dart:core, collection, quiver
- **Angel3 equivalent**: partial (angel3_framework)
- **Tasks**:
- Implement string helpers
- Create array manipulation utilities
- Develop common utility functions
- **Considerations**:
- Leverage Dart's built-in capabilities
- Ensure compatibility with existing Angel3 utilities
### 1.2 Contracts
**Description**: Defines a set of interfaces that form the core of the framework, ensuring loose coupling and consistent API design.
- **Dependencies**: Support
- **Dart packages**: None (custom interfaces)
- **Angel3 equivalent**: partial (angel3_framework)
- **Tasks**:
- Define core interfaces for the framework
- Adapt Laravel contracts to Dart
- **Considerations**:
- Account for Dart language features (e.g., mixins)
- Ensure compatibility with Angel3's existing interfaces
### 1.3 Container
**Description**: Implements a powerful dependency injection container for managing class dependencies and performing dependency injection.
- **Dependencies**: Support
- **Dart packages**: get_it, injectable
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_container
- **Tasks**:
- Implement service container
- Support auto-wiring and dependency resolution
- Implement container events and extensions
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure compatibility with existing Angel3 DI system
- Optimize for performance in resolving dependencies
### 1.4 Config
**Description**: Manages application configuration, supporting various config formats and environment-specific settings.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts
- **Dart packages**: yaml, json_annotation
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_configuration
- **Tasks**:
- Implement configuration management system
- Support YAML and JSON formats
- Implement dot notation access for nested configs
- **Considerations**:
- Allow for environment-specific configurations
- Implement caching for performance
### 1.5 Filesystem
**Description**: Provides a powerful filesystem abstraction layer, supporting both local and cloud storage systems.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts
- **Dart packages**: dart:io, path
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement file system abstraction
- Support local and cloud storage providers
- Implement file streaming capabilities
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure cross-platform compatibility
- Implement asynchronous operations for better performance
## Phase 2: Data Management and Caching
### 2.1 Cache
**Description**: Provides a unified API for various caching systems, supporting multiple cache stores and tagging.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts
- **Dart packages**: hive, shared_preferences
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_cache
- **Tasks**:
- Implement multi-store caching system
- Support in-memory, file, and database caching
- Implement cache tagging and invalidation
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure thread-safety for concurrent access
- Implement distributed caching capabilities
### 2.2 Collections
**Description**: Provides a fluent, convenient wrapper for working with arrays of data, offering numerous helpful methods for manipulating and interacting with collections.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Macroable
- **Dart packages**: dart:collection, collection
- **Angel3 equivalent**: Partial (in angel3_framework)
- **Tasks**:
- Enhance collection manipulation capabilities
- Implement Laravel-style collection methods
- Consider lazy evaluation for performance
- **Considerations**:
- Optimize for performance with large datasets
- Implement method chaining for fluent API
### 2.3 Database
**Description**: Provides a database abstraction layer supporting various database systems with a fluent query builder.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Events
- **Dart packages**: sqflite, postgres, mysql1
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_orm
- **Tasks**:
- Implement database abstraction layer
- Support multiple database systems
- Implement query builder
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure compatibility with existing Angel3 ORM
- Implement connection pooling for performance
### 2.4 Eloquent (ORM)
**Description**: An advanced implementation of the ActiveRecord pattern, providing an expressive ORM for database interaction.
- **Dependencies**: Database, Support, Container, Contracts, Events, Pagination
- **Dart packages**: drift, floor
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_orm
- **Tasks**:
- Implement Active Record ORM
- Support relationships, eager loading, and model events
- Implement query scopes and attribute casting
- **Considerations**:
- Balance between feature parity with Laravel and Dart idioms
- Optimize for performance, especially with large datasets
### 2.5 Pagination
**Description**: Provides convenient methods for paginating database results or large datasets.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts
- **Dart packages**: Custom implementation
- **Angel3 equivalent**: Partial (in angel3_orm)
- **Tasks**:
- Implement database result pagination
- Support cursor-based and offset-based pagination
- Implement serialization for API responses
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure efficiency with large datasets
- Implement support for various front-end frameworks
## Phase 3: HTTP and Routing
### 3.1 Http
**Description**: Provides a powerful HTTP client and server implementation, including middleware support and content negotiation.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Events, Filesystem, Log
- **Dart packages**: http, dio
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_http
- **Tasks**:
- Enhance HTTP client and server capabilities
- Implement middleware pipeline
- Support content negotiation and file uploads
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure backward compatibility with Angel3 HTTP handling
- Implement HTTP/2 support
### 3.2 Session
**Description**: Provides a unified API for storing and retrieving user session data across various backends.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Cookie, Filesystem
- **Dart packages**: shared_preferences, hive
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_session
- **Tasks**:
- Implement session management
- Support multiple session drivers (file, database, cache)
- Implement session encryption and flash data
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure data security and encryption
- Implement efficient session garbage collection
### 3.3 Cookie
**Description**: Provides a convenient interface for creating and managing HTTP cookies.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Encryption
- **Dart packages**: http (for web)
- **Angel3 equivalent**: Partial (in angel3_http)
- **Tasks**:
- Implement cookie handling
- Support secure cookies and cookie encryption
- Implement cookie jar for HTTP clients
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure compliance with cookie standards and best practices
- Implement support for SameSite attribute
### 3.4 Routing
**Description**: Provides a powerful routing system for handling HTTP requests, including route groups, model binding, and subdomain routing.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Http, Events
- **Dart packages**: Custom implementation (building on Angel3's route)
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_route
- **Tasks**:
- Enhance routing capabilities
- Implement route groups, named routes, and route model binding
- Support subdomain routing
- **Considerations**:
- Maintain compatibility with existing Angel3 routes
- Implement route caching for performance
### 3.5 Middleware
**Description**: Provides a mechanism for filtering HTTP requests entering your application.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts
- **Dart packages**: shelf (for server-side)
- **Angel3 equivalent**: Partial (in angel3_framework)
- **Tasks**:
- Implement middleware system
- Support both global and route-specific middleware
- Implement common middleware (CORS, authentication, etc.)
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure efficient middleware execution
- Implement prioritization for middleware order
## Phase 4: Security and Authentication
### 4.1 Hashing
**Description**: Provides secure Bcrypt and Argon2 hashing for storing user passwords.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts
- **Dart packages**: crypto
- **Angel3 equivalent**: Partial (in angel3_auth)
- **Tasks**:
- Implement secure password hashing
- Support multiple hashing algorithms
- Implement password verification and rehashing
- **Considerations**:
- Stay updated with latest cryptographic standards
- Implement password strength validation
### 4.2 Encryption
**Description**: Provides simple encryption and decryption of arbitrary data using OpenSSL.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts
- **Dart packages**: encrypt
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement data encryption and decryption
- Support symmetric and asymmetric encryption
- Implement secure key management
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure compliance with encryption standards
- Implement key rotation and management features
### 4.3 Auth
**Description**: Provides authentication services for the framework, including various guards and providers.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Cookie, Events, Http, Session
- **Dart packages**: firebase_auth, google_sign_in, oauth2
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_auth
- **Tasks**:
- Implement authentication system
- Support multiple authentication guards and providers
- Implement password reset and email verification
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure compatibility with existing Angel3 auth
- Implement support for JWT and OAuth2
### 4.4 Passport
**Description**: Provides a full OAuth2 server implementation, supporting personal access tokens and API authentication.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Database, Encryption, Http
- **Dart packages**: oauth2
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement OAuth2 server
- Support personal access tokens
- Implement scope-based permissions
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure compliance with OAuth2 standards
- Implement token revocation and refresh mechanisms
### 4.5 Sanctum
**Description**: Provides a lightweight authentication system for SPAs, mobile applications, and simple token-based APIs.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Database
- **Dart packages**: Custom implementation
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement lightweight authentication system for SPAs and mobile apps
- Support token-based authentication
- Implement CSRF protection for cookies
- **Considerations**:
- Balance between security and simplicity
- Implement rate limiting for token generation
## Phase 5: Views and Console
### 5.1 View
**Description**: Provides a simple and elegant template engine, supporting template inheritance and automatic data sharing.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Filesystem, Events
- **Dart packages**: mustache, jinja
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_jael
- **Tasks**:
- Implement template rendering system
- Support multiple template engines
- Implement view composers and shared data
- **Considerations**:
- Maintain compatibility with Jael templating
- Implement template caching for performance
### 5.2 Console
**Description**: Provides a robust console application framework, including powerful command scheduling capabilities.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Events
- **Dart packages**: args, cli_util
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_cli
- **Tasks**:
- Implement command-line interface
- Support command arguments and options
- Implement progress bars and table output
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure compatibility with existing Angel3 CLI
- Implement plugin system for custom commands
### 5.3 Blade
**Description**: Provides a powerful templating engine with template inheritance and components.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Container, Contracts, Filesystem, View
- **Dart packages**: mustache, jinja
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_jael
- **Tasks**:
- Implement Blade-like templating engine
- Support template inheritance and components
- Implement template compilation for performance
- **Considerations**:
- Balance between Blade syntax and Dart language features
- Implement efficient template caching mechanism
## Phase 6: Advanced Features
### 6.1 Queue
**Description**: Provides a unified API for various queue backends, allowing you to defer the processing of time-consuming tasks.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Database, Events, Encryption
- **Dart packages**: async, worker_manager
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement job queuing system
- Support multiple queue drivers
- Implement job retries and error handling
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure scalability for high-volume queues
- Implement delayed and scheduled jobs
### 6.2 Broadcasting
**Description**: Provides a simple way to implement real-time, websocket-based events in your application.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Events, Queue
- **Dart packages**: web_socket_channel, socket_io_client
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_websocket
- **Tasks**:
- Implement real-time event broadcasting
- Support WebSockets and server-sent events
- Implement channel authentication
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure compatibility with existing Angel3 WebSocket support
- Implement scaling for multiple server instances
### 6.3 Mail
**Description**: Provides a clean, simple API over popular email sending libraries like SwiftMailer.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Container, Contracts, Events, View
- **Dart packages**: mailer
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_mail
- **Tasks**:
- Implement mailing system
- Support multiple mail drivers
- Implement email queuing and templating
- **Considerations**:
- Implement support for attachments and inline attachments
- Ensure proper email header management
### 6.4 Notifications
**Description**: Provides support for sending notifications across a variety of delivery channels, including mail, SMS, and Slack.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Container, Contracts, Mail, Queue
- **Dart packages**: flutter_local_notifications, firebase_messaging
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement notification system
- Support multiple notification channels
- Implement notification queuing and batching
- **Considerations**:
- Design for easy addition of new notification channels
- Implement rate limiting for notifications
### 6.5 Redis
**Description**: Provides an expressive interface for interacting with Redis, supporting caching, queues, and real-time events.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts
- **Dart packages**: redis
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement Redis client
- Support pub/sub, caching, and queuing with Redis
- Implement Redis-based session driver
- **Considerations**:
- Implement connection pooling for performance
- Support Redis Cluster for scalability
### 6.6 Bus
**Description**: Provides a simple, unified API over a variety of queue systems, allowing for easy swapping of backing technologies.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Container, Pipeline
- **Dart packages**: async
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement command and event bus
- Support synchronous and asynchronous dispatching
- Implement middleware for commands
- **Considerations**:
- Design for easy extensibility with custom handlers
- Implement logging and monitoring capabilities
### 6.7 Scout
**Description**: Provides a driver based solution for adding full-text search to your Eloquent models.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Database, Contracts
- **Dart packages**: algolia
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement full-text search capabilities
- Support multiple search drivers (Algolia, Elasticsearch)
- Implement searchable model trait
- **Considerations**:
- Design for easy addition of new search drivers
- Implement efficient indexing strategies
## Phase 7: Testing and Development Tools
### 7.1 Testing
**Description**: Provides a set of helpful tools and assertions to make application testing easier and more expressive.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Http
- **Dart packages**: test, mockito
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_test
- **Tasks**:
- Implement testing utilities
- Support HTTP testing, database testing, and mocking
- Implement test factories and database transactions for tests
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure compatibility with existing Angel3 test utilities
- Implement performance profiling tools
### 7.2 Tinker
**Description**: Provides a powerful REPL for interacting with your application.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Console
- **Dart packages**: dart:io
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement REPL for application interaction
- Support code execution in application context
- Implement auto-completion and history
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure security when executing arbitrary code
- Implement helpful debugging information display
### 7.3 Telescope
**Description**: Provides insight into the requests coming into your application, exceptions, log entries, database queries, queued jobs, mail, notifications, cache operations, scheduled tasks, variable dumps, and more.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Database, Encryption
- **Dart packages**: logging, sentry
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement debugging and profiling tool
- Support request monitoring and error tracking
- Implement performance insights
- **Considerations**:
- Design for minimal performance impact in production
- Implement data pruning to manage storage
### 7.4 Dusk
**Description**: Provides an expressive, easy-to-use browser automation and testing API.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts, Console
- **Dart packages**: webdriver
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement browser automation testing framework
- Support multiple browsers
- Implement page object pattern
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure cross-browser compatibility
- Implement parallel test execution for performance
## Phase 8: Framework Integration
### 8.1 Foundation
**Description**: Ties together all Laravel components, including the IoC container definition, the console kernel definition, and more.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Container, Contracts, Http, Config, Events, Log, Routing
- **Dart packages**: Custom implementation
- **Angel3 equivalent**: angel3_framework
- **Tasks**:
- Implement core application class
- Tie together all components
- Implement service provider system and application lifecycle
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure backward compatibility with Angel3 applications
- Implement performance optimizations
### 8.2 Service Providers
**Description**: Provides a central place of bootstrapping for all of the framework's various components.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Container
- **Dart packages**: get_it, injectable
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement service provider system
- Support deferred providers
- Implement provider discovery and automatic registration
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure lazy loading of services for performance
- Implement dependency injection container
### 8.3 Facades
**Description**: Provides a static interface to classes that are available in the application's IoC container.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Container
- **Dart packages**: Custom implementation
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement facade-like static accessors
- Consider Dart's limitations and best practices
- Implement real-time facade resolution
- **Considerations**:
- Balance between Laravel-like syntax and Dart idioms
- Ensure type safety and IDE support
### 8.4 Macroable
**Description**: Allows you to add methods to classes at runtime.
- **Dependencies**: Support
- **Dart packages**: Custom implementation
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement trait for adding macro capabilities to classes
- Support dynamic method addition
- Implement scoped macros
- **Considerations**:
- Consider Dart's static typing constraints
- Implement efficient method resolution
### 8.5 Pipeline
**Description**: Provides a way to pass an object through a series of stages or "pipes", each performing an action on the object.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Contracts
- **Dart packages**: Custom implementation
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement pipeline pattern
- Support both synchronous and asynchronous pipes
- Implement pipeline testing utilities
- **Considerations**:
- Optimize for performance with long pipelines
- Implement error handling and pipeline interruption
### 8.6 Conditionable
**Description**: Allows for the fluent definition of conditional logic in objects.
- **Dependencies**: Support
- **Dart packages**: Custom implementation
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement trait for adding conditional execution to classes
- Support fluent conditionals
- Implement nested conditions
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure readability of complex conditional chains
- Optimize for performance with multiple conditions
### 8.7 Stringable
**Description**: Provides a fluent interface for string manipulation.
- **Dependencies**: Support, Macroable
- **Dart packages**: dart:core, characters
- **Angel3 equivalent**: None
- **Tasks**:
- Implement fluent string manipulation
- Support multibyte-safe string operations
- Implement string transformation methods
- **Considerations**:
- Ensure proper handling of different character encodings
- Optimize for performance with large strings
## Phase 9: Final Integration and Optimization
### 9.1 Performance Optimization
- Conduct thorough performance testing
- Optimize critical paths and frequently used components
- Implement caching strategies across the framework
### 9.2 Documentation
- Write comprehensive API documentation
- Create migration guides for Angel3 users
- Develop tutorials and example applications
### 9.3 Community Engagement
- Establish contribution guidelines
- Set up forums or discussion platforms
- Plan for long-term maintenance and support
This comprehensive roadmap provides a detailed guide for reimplementing Laravel's Illuminate packages in Dart, building on Angel3's foundation. It covers all major components, including advanced features, and provides context and considerations for each package. By following this roadmap, the project will successfully replicate Laravel's functionality in Dart, while also taking advantage of Dart's unique features and best practices.