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324 lines
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import 'dart:async';
import 'package:angel3_reactivex/angel3_reactivex.dart';
import 'package:angel3_reactivex/subjects.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
void main() {
group('PublishSubject', () {
test('emits items to every subscriber', () async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
scheduleMicrotask(() {
await expectLater(
subject.stream, emitsInOrder(<dynamic>[1, 2, 3, emitsDone]));
'emits items to every subscriber that subscribe directly to the Subject',
() async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
scheduleMicrotask(() {
await expectLater(subject, emitsInOrder(<dynamic>[1, 2, 3, emitsDone]));
test('emits done event to listeners when the subject is closed', () async {
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
await expectLater(subject.isClosed, isFalse);
scheduleMicrotask(() => subject.add(1));
scheduleMicrotask(() => subject.close());
await expectLater(subject.stream, emitsInOrder(<dynamic>[1, emitsDone]));
await expectLater(subject.isClosed, isTrue);
'emits done event to listeners when the subject is closed (listen directly on Subject)',
() async {
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
await expectLater(subject.isClosed, isFalse);
scheduleMicrotask(() => subject.add(1));
scheduleMicrotask(() => subject.close());
await expectLater(subject, emitsInOrder(<dynamic>[1, emitsDone]));
await expectLater(subject.isClosed, isTrue);
test('emits error events to subscribers', () async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
scheduleMicrotask(() => subject.addError(Exception()));
await expectLater(subject.stream, emitsError(isException));
test('emits error events to subscribers (listen directly on Subject)',
() async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
scheduleMicrotask(() => subject.addError(Exception()));
await expectLater(subject, emitsError(isException));
test('emits the items from addStream', () async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
() => subject.addStream(Stream.fromIterable(const [1, 2, 3])));
await expectLater(subject.stream, emitsInOrder(const <int>[1, 2, 3]));
test('allows items to be added once addStream is complete', () async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
await subject.addStream(Stream.fromIterable(const [1, 2]));
scheduleMicrotask(() => subject.add(3));
await expectLater(subject.stream, emits(3));
test('allows items to be added once addStream completes with an error',
() async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
.addStream(Stream<int>.error(Exception()), cancelOnError: true)
.whenComplete(() => subject.add(1)));
await expectLater(subject.stream,
emitsInOrder(<StreamMatcher>[emitsError(isException), emits(1)]));
test('does not allow events to be added when addStream is active',
() async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
// Purposely don't wait for the future to complete, then try to add items
// ignore: unawaited_futures
subject.addStream(Stream.fromIterable(const [1, 2, 3]));
await expectLater(() => subject.add(1), throwsStateError);
test('does not allow errors to be added when addStream is active',
() async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
// Purposely don't wait for the future to complete, then try to add items
// ignore: unawaited_futures
subject.addStream(Stream.fromIterable(const [1, 2, 3]));
await expectLater(() => subject.addError(Error()), throwsStateError);
test('does not allow subject to be closed when addStream is active',
() async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
// Purposely don't wait for the future to complete, then try to add items
// ignore: unawaited_futures
subject.addStream(Stream.fromIterable(const [1, 2, 3]));
await expectLater(() => subject.close(), throwsStateError);
'does not allow addStream to add items when previous addStream is active',
() async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
// Purposely don't wait for the future to complete, then try to add items
// ignore: unawaited_futures
subject.addStream(Stream.fromIterable(const [1, 2, 3]));
await expectLater(() => subject.addStream(Stream.fromIterable(const [1])),
test('returns onListen callback set in constructor', () async {
void testOnListen() {}
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>(onListen: testOnListen);
await expectLater(subject.onListen, testOnListen);
test('sets onListen callback', () async {
void testOnListen() {}
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
await expectLater(subject.onListen, isNull);
subject.onListen = testOnListen;
await expectLater(subject.onListen, testOnListen);
test('returns onCancel callback set in constructor', () async {
Future<void> onCancel() => Future<void>.value(null);
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>(onCancel: onCancel);
await expectLater(subject.onCancel, onCancel);
test('sets onCancel callback', () async {
void testOnCancel() {}
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
await expectLater(subject.onCancel, isNull);
subject.onCancel = testOnCancel;
await expectLater(subject.onCancel, testOnCancel);
test('reports if a listener is present', () async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
await expectLater(subject.hasListener, isFalse);
await expectLater(subject.hasListener, isTrue);
test('onPause unsupported', () {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
expect(subject.isPaused, isFalse);
expect(() => subject.onPause, throwsUnsupportedError);
expect(() => subject.onPause = () {}, throwsUnsupportedError);
test('onResume unsupported', () {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
expect(() => subject.onResume, throwsUnsupportedError);
expect(() => subject.onResume = () {}, throwsUnsupportedError);
test('returns controller sink', () async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
await expectLater(subject.sink, TypeMatcher<EventSink<int>>());
test('correctly closes done Future', () async {
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
scheduleMicrotask(() => subject.close());
await expectLater(subject.done, completes);
test('can be listened to multiple times', () async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
final stream = subject.stream;
scheduleMicrotask(() => subject.add(1));
await expectLater(stream, emits(1));
scheduleMicrotask(() => subject.add(2));
await expectLater(stream, emits(2));
test('always returns the same stream', () async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
await expectLater(subject.stream, equals(subject.stream));
test('adding to sink has same behavior as adding to Subject itself',
() async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
scheduleMicrotask(() {
await expectLater(
subject.stream, emitsInOrder(<dynamic>[1, 2, 3, emitsDone]));
test('is always treated as a broadcast Stream', () async {
// ignore: close_sinks
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
final stream = subject.asyncMap((event) => Future.value(event));
expect(subject.isBroadcast, isTrue);
expect(stream.isBroadcast, isTrue);
test('stream returns a read-only stream', () async {
final subject = PublishSubject<int>();
// streams returned by PublishSubject are read-only stream,
// ie. they don't support adding events.
expect(subject.stream, isNot(isA<PublishSubject<int>>()));
expect(subject.stream, isNot(isA<Sink<int>>()));
// PublishSubject.stream is a broadcast stream
final stream = subject.stream;
expect(stream.isBroadcast, isTrue);
scheduleMicrotask(() => subject.add(1));
await expectLater(stream, emitsInOrder(<Object>[1]));
scheduleMicrotask(() => subject.add(1));
await expectLater(stream, emitsInOrder(<Object>[1]));
// streams returned by the same subject are considered equal,
// but not identical
expect(identical(subject.stream, subject.stream), isFalse);
expect(subject.stream == subject.stream, isTrue);