2017-10-20 01:06:15 +00:00
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:console/console.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'package:homedir/homedir.dart';
import 'package:mustache4dart/mustache4dart.dart' as mustache;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pubspec/pubspec.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart' as yaml;
import 'make/maker.dart';
class InstallCommand extends Command {
static const String repo = 'https://github.com/angel-dart/install.git';
static final Directory installRepo =
new Directory.fromUri(homeDir.uri.resolve('./.angel/addons'));
String get name => 'install';
String get description =>
'Installs additional add-ons to minimize boilerplate.';
InstallCommand() {
help: 'List all currently-installed add-ons.',
negatable: false,
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Update the local add-on repository.',
negatable: false,
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Wipe the local add-on repository.',
negatable: false,
defaultsTo: false,
run() async {
if (argResults['wipe']) {
2017-10-20 14:32:10 +00:00
if (await installRepo.exists()) await installRepo.delete(recursive: true);
2017-10-20 01:06:15 +00:00
} else if (argResults['list']) {
var addons = await list();
print('${addons.length} add-on(s) installed:');
for (var addon in addons) {
print(' * ${addon.name}@${addon.version}: ${addon.description}');
} else if (argResults['update']) {
await update();
} else if (argResults.rest.isNotEmpty) {
if (!await installRepo.exists())
throw 'No local add-on database exists. Run `angel install --update` first.';
var pubspec = await PubSpec.load(Directory.current);
for (var packageName in argResults.rest) {
var packageDir =
new Directory.fromUri(installRepo.uri.resolve(packageName));
if (!await packageDir.exists())
throw 'No add-on named "$packageName" is installed. You might need to run `angel install --update`.';
2017-10-20 06:29:23 +00:00
print('Installing $packageName...');
2017-10-20 01:06:15 +00:00
Map<String, dynamic> values = {
'project_name': pubspec.name,
'pubspec': pubspec,
List<Glob> globs = [];
2017-10-20 06:29:23 +00:00
var projectPubspec = await PubSpec.load(packageDir);
var deps = projectPubspec.dependencies.keys
.map((k) {
var dep = projectPubspec.dependencies[k];
if (dep is HostedReference)
return new MakerDependency(
k, dep.versionConstraint.toString());
return null;
.where((d) => d != null)
deps.addAll(projectPubspec.devDependencies.keys.map((k) {
var dep = projectPubspec.devDependencies[k];
if (dep is HostedReference)
return new MakerDependency(k, dep.versionConstraint.toString(),
dev: true);
return null;
}).where((d) => d != null));
await depend(deps);
2017-10-20 01:06:15 +00:00
var promptFile =
new File.fromUri(packageDir.uri.resolve('angel_cli.yaml'));
if (await promptFile.exists()) {
var contents = await promptFile.readAsString();
var y = yaml.loadYamlDocument(contents);
var cfg = y.contents.value as Map<String, dynamic>;
// Loads globs
if (cfg['templates'] is List) {
globs.addAll(cfg['templates'].map((p) => new Glob(p)));
if (cfg['values'] is Map) {
var val = cfg['values'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
for (var key in val.keys) {
var desc = val[key]['description'] ?? key;
if (val[key]['type'] == 'prompt') {
Prompter prompt;
if (val[key]['default'] != null) {
prompt = new Prompter('$desc (${val[key]['default']}): ');
} else {
prompt = new Prompter('$desc: ');
if (val[key]['default'] != null) {
var v = await prompt.prompt();
v = v.isNotEmpty ? v : val[key]['default'];
values[key] = v;
} else
values[key] =
await prompt.prompt(checker: (s) => s.isNotEmpty);
} else if (val[key]['type'] == 'choice') {
var chooser =
new Chooser(val[key]['choices'], message: '$desc: ');
values[key] = await chooser.choose();
Future merge(Directory src, Directory dst, String prefix) async {
if (!await src.exists()) return;
print('Copying ${src.absolute.path} into ${dst.absolute.path}...');
if (!await dst.exists()) await dst.create(recursive: true);
await for (var entity in src.list()) {
if (entity is Directory) {
var name = p.basename(entity.path);
var newDir = new Directory.fromUri(dst.uri.resolve(name));
await merge(
entity, newDir, prefix.isEmpty ? name : '$prefix/$name');
} else if (entity is File &&
!entity.path.endsWith('angel_cli.yaml')) {
var name = p.basename(entity.path);
var target = dst.uri.resolve(name);
var targetFile = new File.fromUri(target);
bool allClear = !await targetFile.exists();
if (!allClear) {
print('The file ${entity.absolute.path} already exists.');
var p = new Prompter('Overwrite the existing file? [y/N]');
var answer = await p.prompt(
checker: (s) => s.trim() == 'y' || s.trim() == 'N');
allClear = answer == 'y';
if (allClear) await targetFile.delete();
if (allClear) {
try {
var path = prefix.isEmpty ? name : '$prefix/$name';
if (globs.any((g) => g.matches(path))) {
print('Rendering Mustache template from ${entity.absolute
.path} to ${targetFile.absolute.path}...');
var contents = await entity.readAsString();
var renderer = mustache.compile(contents);
var generated = renderer(values);
await targetFile.writeAsString(generated);
} else {
'Copying ${entity.absolute.path} to ${targetFile.absolute.path}...');
await targetFile.parent.create(recursive: true);
await entity.copy(targetFile.absolute.path);
} catch (_) {
print('Failed to copy.');
} else {
print('Skipped ${entity.absolute.path}.');
await merge(new Directory.fromUri(packageDir.uri.resolve('files')),
Directory.current, '');
print('Successfully installed $packageName@${projectPubspec.version}.');
} else {
print('No add-ons were specified to be installed.');
Future<List<PubSpec>> list() async {
if (!await installRepo.exists()) {
throw 'No local add-on database exists. Run `angel install --update` first.';
} else {
List<PubSpec> repos = [];
await for (var entity in installRepo.list()) {
if (entity is Directory) {
try {
repos.add(await PubSpec.load(entity));
} catch (_) {
// Ignore failures...
return repos;
Future update() async {
Process git;
if (!await installRepo.exists()) {
git = await Process.start('git', [
} else {
git = await Process.start(
workingDirectory: installRepo.absolute.path,
var code = await git.exitCode;
if (code != 0) {
throw 'git exited with code $code.';