Helpers for building SEO-friendly Web pages in Angel. The goal of `package:angel3_seo` is to speed up perceived client page loads, prevent the infamous [flash of unstyled content](, and other SEO optimizations that can easily become tedious to perform by hand.
A [response finalizer]( that can be used in any application to patch HTML responses, including those sent with a templating engine like Jael3.
In any `text/html` response sent down, `link` and `script` elements that point to internal resources will have the contents of said file read, and inlined into the HTML page itself.
In this case, "internal resources" refers to a URI *without* a scheme, i.e. `/site.css` or `foo/bar/baz.js`.
This function is a simple one; it wraps a `VirtualDirectory` to patch the way it sends `.html` files. Produces the same functionality as `inlineAssets`.