276 lines
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276 lines
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import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:build/build.dart';
import 'package:code_builder/code_builder.dart';
import 'package:code_builder/dart/core.dart';
import 'package:recase/recase.dart';
import 'package:source_gen/src/annotation.dart';
import 'package:source_gen/source_gen.dart';
import 'angel_serialize.dart';
class JsonModelGenerator extends GeneratorForAnnotation<Serializable> {
const JsonModelGenerator();
Future<String> generateForAnnotatedElement(
Element element, Serializable annotation, BuildStep buildStep) async {
if (element.kind != ElementKind.CLASS)
throw 'Only classes can be annotated with a @Serializable() annotation.';
var lib = generateSerializerLibrary(element);
return prettyToSource(lib.buildAst());
LibraryBuilder generateSerializerLibrary(ClassElement clazz) {
var lib = new LibraryBuilder();
return lib;
ClassBuilder generateBaseModelClass(ClassElement clazz) {
if (!clazz.name.startsWith('_'))
throw 'Classes annotated with @Serializable() must have names starting with a leading underscore.';
var genClassName = clazz.name.substring(1);
var genClass =
new ClassBuilder(genClassName, asExtends: new TypeBuilder(clazz.name));
Map<String, DartType> fields = {};
Map<String, String> aliases = {};
// Find all fields
for (var field in clazz.fields) {
// Skip if annotated with @exclude
var excludeAnnotation = field.metadata.firstWhere(
(ann) => matchAnnotation(Exclude, ann),
orElse: () => null);
if (excludeAnnotation == null) {
// Register the field
fields[field.name] = field.type;
// Search for Alias
var aliasAnnotation = field.metadata.firstWhere(
(ann) => matchAnnotation(Alias, ann),
orElse: () => null);
if (aliasAnnotation != null) {
var alias = instantiateAnnotation(aliasAnnotation) as Alias;
aliases[field.name] = alias.name;
// Now, add all fields to the base class
clazz.fields.forEach((field) {
varField(field.name, type: new TypeBuilder(field.type.displayName))
// Create convenience constructor
var convenienceConstructor = constructor(clazz.fields.map((field) {
return thisField(named(parameter(field.name)));
// Create toJson
Map<String, ExpressionBuilder> toJsonFields = {};
fields.forEach((fieldName, type) {
var resolvedName =
aliases.containsKey(fieldName) ? aliases[fieldName] : fieldName;
ExpressionBuilder value;
// DateTime
if (type.name == 'DateTime') {
value = reference(fieldName).equals(literal(null)).ternary(
literal(null), reference(fieldName).invoke('toIso8601String', []));
// Anything else
else {
value = reference(fieldName);
toJsonFields[resolvedName] = value;
var toJson = new MethodBuilder('toJson',
returnType: new TypeBuilder('Map', genericTypes: [
new TypeBuilder('String'),
new TypeBuilder('dynamic')
returns: map(toJsonFields));
// Create factory [name].fromJson
var fromJson = new ConstructorBuilder(name: 'fromJson', asFactory: true);
fromJson.addPositional(parameter('data', [new TypeBuilder('Map')]));
var namedParams =
fields.keys.fold<Map<String, ExpressionBuilder>>({}, (out, fieldName) {
var resolvedName =
aliases.containsKey(fieldName) ? aliases[fieldName] : fieldName;
var mapKey = reference('data')[literal(resolvedName)];
ExpressionBuilder value = mapKey;
var type = fields[fieldName];
// DateTime
if (type.name == 'DateTime') {
// map['foo'] is DateTime ? map['foo'] : (map['foo'] is String ? DateTime.parse(map['foo']) : null)
var dt = new TypeBuilder('DateTime');
value = mapKey.isInstanceOf(dt).ternary(
(mapKey.isInstanceOf(new TypeBuilder('String')).ternary(
new TypeBuilder('DateTime').invoke('parse', [mapKey]),
bool done = false;
// Handle List
if (type.toString().contains('List') && type is ParameterizedType) {
var listType = type.typeArguments.first;
if (listType.element is ClassElement) {
var genericClass = listType.element as ClassElement;
String fromJsonClassName;
bool hasFromJson =
genericClass.constructors.any((c) => c.name == 'fromJson');
if (hasFromJson) {
fromJsonClassName = genericClass.displayName;
} else {
// If it has a serializable annotation, act accordingly.
if (genericClass.metadata
.any((ann) => matchAnnotation(Serializable, ann))) {
fromJsonClassName = genericClass.displayName.substring(1);
hasFromJson = true;
// Check for fromJson
if (hasFromJson) {
var outputType = new TypeBuilder(fromJsonClassName);
var x = reference('x');
value = mapKey.isInstanceOf(lib$core.List).ternary(
mapKey.invoke('map', [
new MethodBuilder.closure(
returns: x.equals(literal(null)).ternary(
constructor: 'fromJson')))
]).invoke('toList', []),
done = true;
// Check for fromJson
if (!done && type.element is ClassElement) {
String fromJsonClassName;
var genericClass = type.element as ClassElement;
bool hasFromJson =
genericClass.constructors.any((c) => c.name == 'fromJson');
if (hasFromJson) {
fromJsonClassName = type.displayName;
} else {
// If it has a serializable annotation, act accordingly.
if (genericClass.metadata
.any((ann) => matchAnnotation(Serializable, ann))) {
fromJsonClassName = type.displayName.substring(1);
hasFromJson = true;
// Check for fromJson
if (hasFromJson) {
var outputType = new TypeBuilder(fromJsonClassName);
value = mapKey.equals(literal(null)).ternary(
.newInstance([mapKey], constructor: 'fromJson')))
// Handle Map...
if (!done &&
type.toString().contains('Map') &&
type is ParameterizedType &&
type.typeArguments.length >= 2) {
var targetType = type.typeArguments[1];
if (targetType.element is ClassElement) {
String fromJsonClassName;
var genericClass = targetType.element as ClassElement;
bool hasFromJson =
genericClass.constructors.any((c) => c.name == 'fromJson');
if (hasFromJson) {
fromJsonClassName = targetType.displayName;
} else {
// If it has a serializable annotation, act accordingly.
if (genericClass.metadata
.any((ann) => matchAnnotation(Serializable, ann))) {
fromJsonClassName = targetType.displayName.substring(1);
hasFromJson = true;
// Check for fromJson
if (hasFromJson) {
var outputType = new TypeBuilder(fromJsonClassName);
var v = mapKey[reference('k')];
value = mapKey.isInstanceOf(lib$core.Map).ternary(
mapKey.property('keys').invoke('fold', [
new MethodBuilder.closure()
constructor: 'fromJson')))
} else {
value = mapKey
.ternary(mapKey, literal(null));
return out..[fieldName] = value;
fromJson.addStatement(new TypeBuilder(genClassName)
.newInstance([], named: namedParams).asReturn());
// Create `parse` to just forward
var parseMethod = new MethodBuilder('parse',
returnType: new TypeBuilder(genClassName),
returns: new TypeBuilder(genClassName)
.newInstance([reference('map')], constructor: 'fromJson'));
parseMethod.addPositional(parameter('map', [new TypeBuilder('Map')]));
genClass.addMethod(parseMethod, asStatic: true);
return genClass;