platform/Test Results - Run_All_Tests.html

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2016-03-04 03:47:20 +00:00
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<title>Test Results &mdash; Run All Tests</title>
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heightHide: function(animated, callback) {
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this.animate({ height: "hide" }, animated, callback);
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if (callback)
prepareBranches: function(settings) {
if (!settings.prerendered) {
// mark last tree items
// collapse whole tree, or only those marked as closed, anyway except those marked as open
this.filter((settings.collapsed ? "" : "." + CLASSES.closed) + ":not(." + + ")").find(">ul").hide();
// return all items with sublists
return this.filter(":has(>ul)");
applyClasses: function(settings, toggler) {
this.filter(":has(>ul):not(:has(>a))").find(">span").click(function(event) {
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// handle closed ones first
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// create hitarea
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var classes = "";
$.each($(this).parent().attr("class").split(" "), function() {
classes += this + "-hitarea ";
$(this).addClass( classes );
// apply event to hitarea
this.find("div." + CLASSES.hitarea).click( toggler );
treeview: function(settings) {
settings = $.extend({
cookieId: "treeview"
}, settings);
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return this.trigger("add", [settings.add]);
if ( settings.toggle ) {
var callback = settings.toggle;
settings.toggle = function() {
return callback.apply($(this).parent()[0], arguments);
// factory for treecontroller
function treeController(tree, control) {
// factory for click handlers
function handler(filter) {
return function() {
// reuse toggle event handler, applying the elements to toggle
// start searching for all hitareas
toggler.apply( $("div." + CLASSES.hitarea, tree).filter(function() {
// for plain toggle, no filter is provided, otherwise we need to check the parent element
return filter ? $(this).parent("." + filter).length : true;
}) );
return false;
// click on first element to collapse tree
$("a:eq(0)", control).click( handler(CLASSES.collapsable) );
// click on second to expand tree
$("a:eq(1)", control).click( handler(CLASSES.expandable) );
// click on third to toggle tree
$("a:eq(2)", control).click( handler() );
// handle toggle event
function toggler() {
// swap classes for hitarea
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.swapClass( CLASSES.lastCollapsableHitarea, CLASSES.lastExpandableHitarea )
// swap classes for parent li
.swapClass( CLASSES.collapsable, CLASSES.expandable )
.swapClass( CLASSES.lastCollapsable, CLASSES.lastExpandable )
// find child lists
.find( ">ul" )
// toggle them
.heightToggle( settings.animated, settings.toggle );
if ( settings.unique ) {
// swap classes for hitarea
.replaceClass( CLASSES.collapsableHitarea, CLASSES.expandableHitarea )
.replaceClass( CLASSES.lastCollapsableHitarea, CLASSES.lastExpandableHitarea )
.replaceClass( CLASSES.collapsable, CLASSES.expandable )
.replaceClass( CLASSES.lastCollapsable, CLASSES.lastExpandable )
.find( ">ul" )
.heightHide( settings.animated, settings.toggle );
function serialize() {
function binary(arg) {
return arg ? 1 : 0;
var data = [];
branches.each(function(i, e) {
data[i] = $(e).is(":has(>ul:visible)") ? 1 : 0;
$.cookie(settings.cookieId, data.join("") );
function deserialize() {
var stored = $.cookie(settings.cookieId);
if ( stored ) {
var data = stored.split("");
branches.each(function(i, e) {
$(e).find(">ul")[ parseInt(data[i]) ? "show" : "hide" ]();
// add treeview class to activate styles
// prepare branches and find all tree items with child lists
var branches = this.find("li").prepareBranches(settings);
switch(settings.persist) {
case "cookie":
var toggleCallback = settings.toggle;
settings.toggle = function() {
if (toggleCallback) {
toggleCallback.apply(this, arguments);
case "location":
var current = this.find("a").filter(function() { return this.href.toLowerCase() == location.href.toLowerCase(); });
if ( current.length ) {
current.addClass("selected").parents("ul, li").add( ).show();
branches.applyClasses(settings, toggler);
// if control option is set, create the treecontroller and show it
if ( settings.control ) {
treeController(this, settings.control);
return this.bind("add", function(event, branches) {
$(branches).find("li").andSelf().prepareBranches(settings).applyClasses(settings, toggler);
var CLASSES = $.fn.treeview.classes = {
open: "open",
closed: "closed",
expandable: "expandable",
expandableHitarea: "expandable-hitarea",
lastExpandableHitarea: "lastExpandable-hitarea",
collapsable: "collapsable",
collapsableHitarea: "collapsable-hitarea",
lastCollapsableHitarea: "lastCollapsable-hitarea",
lastCollapsable: "lastCollapsable",
lastExpandable: "lastExpandable",
last: "last",
hitarea: "hitarea"
$.fn.Treeview = $.fn.treeview;
<script type="text/javascript">
control: "#treecontrol",
animated: "fast",
collapsed: true,
toggle: function() {
window.console && console.log("%o was toggled", this);
$("#content").css("padding-top", $("#header").height());
<div id="container">
<div id="header">
<div class="time">922 ms</div>
<h1>Run All Tests: <strong><span class="total">2 total, </span><span class="failed">1 failed, </span><span class="passed">1 passed</span></strong>
<div id="treecontrol">
<a title="Collapse the entire tree below" href="#">Collapse</a>
<a title="Expand the entire tree below" href="#">Expand</a>
<div id="content">
<ul id="tree">
<li xmlns="" class="level top ignored open">
<span><em class="time">
<div class="time">922 ms</div>
</em>Test server support</span>
<li class="level suite failed open">
<span><em class="time">
<div class="time">922 ms</div>
<li class="level test">
<span><em class="time">
<div class="time">528 ms</div>
</em><em class="status">passed</em>Post Simple JSON</span>
<li class="text">
<span class="stdout">Test server listening on http://localhost:60667<br/></span>
<li class="level test failed open">
<span><em class="time">
<div class="time">394 ms</div>
</em><em class="status">failed</em>Post Complex JSON</span>
<li class="text">
<span class="stdout">Test server listening on http://localhost:60669<br/></span>
<li class="text">
<span class="stderr">package:test expect<br/>test\all_tests.dart 56:9 main.&lt;fn&gt;.&lt;fn&gt;.&lt;fn&gt;.&lt;async&gt;<br/>===== asynchronous gap ===========================<br/>dart:async _Completer.completeError<br/>test\all_tests.dart 57:8 main.&lt;fn&gt;.&lt;fn&gt;.&lt;fn&gt;.&lt;async&gt;<br/>===== asynchronous gap ===========================<br/>dart:async _asyncThenWrapperHelper<br/>test\all_tests.dart main.&lt;fn&gt;.&lt;fn&gt;.&lt;fn&gt;<br/></span>
<div id="footer">
<p>Generated by WebStorm on 3/3/16 10:43 PM</p>