Migrated angel_auth to NNBD
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 257 additions and 236 deletions
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
* Added merge_map and updated to 2.0.0
* Added mock_request and updated to 2.0.0
* Updated angel_framework to 4.0.0 (Revisit TODO)
* Updated angel_auth to 4.0.0 (todo)
* Updated angel_auth to 4.0.0
* Updated angel_configuration to 4.0.0 (todo)
# 3.0.0 (Non NNBD)
@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ import 'package:angel_auth/angel_auth.dart';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'package:angel_framework/http.dart';
main() async {
void main() async {
var app = Angel();
var auth = AngelAuth<User>();
var auth = AngelAuth<User?>();
auth.serializer = (user) => user.id;
auth.serializer = (user) => user!.id;
auth.deserializer = (id) => fetchAUserByIdSomehow(id);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ main() async {
class User {
String id, username, password;
String? id, username, password;
Future<User> fetchAUserByIdSomehow(id) async {
@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ String decodeBase64(String str) {
class AuthToken {
final SplayTreeMap<String, String> _header =
SplayTreeMap.from({"alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT"});
SplayTreeMap.from({'alg': 'HS256', 'typ': 'JWT'});
String ipAddress;
DateTime issuedAt;
num lifeSpan;
String? ipAddress;
late DateTime issuedAt;
num? lifeSpan;
var userId;
Map<String, dynamic> payload = {};
@ -38,12 +38,15 @@ class AuthToken {
this.lifeSpan = -1,
DateTime issuedAt,
DateTime? issuedAt,
Map payload = const {}}) {
this.issuedAt = issuedAt ?? DateTime.now();
payload?.keys?.fold({}, (out, k) => out..[k.toString()] = payload[k]) ??
((out, k) => out..[k.toString()] = payload[k])
as Map<String, dynamic>? Function(
Map<String, dynamic>?, dynamic)) ??
factory AuthToken.fromJson(String jsons) =>
@ -51,37 +54,40 @@ class AuthToken {
factory AuthToken.fromMap(Map data) {
return AuthToken(
ipAddress: data["aud"].toString(),
lifeSpan: data["exp"] as num,
issuedAt: DateTime.parse(data["iat"].toString()),
userId: data["sub"],
payload: data["pld"] as Map ?? {});
ipAddress: data['aud'].toString(),
lifeSpan: data['exp'] as num?,
issuedAt: DateTime.parse(data['iat'].toString()),
userId: data['sub'],
payload: data['pld'] as Map? ?? {});
factory AuthToken.parse(String jwt) {
var split = jwt.split(".");
var split = jwt.split('.');
if (split.length != 3)
throw AngelHttpException.notAuthenticated(message: "Invalid JWT.");
if (split.length != 3) {
throw AngelHttpException.notAuthenticated(message: 'Invalid JWT.');
var payloadString = decodeBase64(split[1]);
return AuthToken.fromMap(json.decode(payloadString) as Map);
factory AuthToken.validate(String jwt, Hmac hmac) {
var split = jwt.split(".");
var split = jwt.split('.');
if (split.length != 3)
throw AngelHttpException.notAuthenticated(message: "Invalid JWT.");
if (split.length != 3) {
throw AngelHttpException.notAuthenticated(message: 'Invalid JWT.');
// var headerString = decodeBase64(split[0]);
var payloadString = decodeBase64(split[1]);
var data = split[0] + "." + split[1];
var data = split[0] + '.' + split[1];
var signature = base64Url.encode(hmac.convert(data.codeUnits).bytes);
if (signature != split[2])
if (signature != split[2]) {
throw AngelHttpException.notAuthenticated(
message: "JWT payload does not match hashed version.");
message: 'JWT payload does not match hashed version.');
return AuthToken.fromMap(json.decode(payloadString) as Map);
@ -89,9 +95,9 @@ class AuthToken {
String serialize(Hmac hmac) {
var headerString = base64Url.encode(json.encode(_header).codeUnits);
var payloadString = base64Url.encode(json.encode(toJson()).codeUnits);
var data = headerString + "." + payloadString;
var data = headerString + '.' + payloadString;
var signature = hmac.convert(data.codeUnits).bytes;
return data + "." + base64Url.encode(signature);
return data + '.' + base64Url.encode(signature);
Map toJson() {
@ -114,11 +120,12 @@ SplayTreeMap _splayify(Map map) {
return SplayTreeMap.from(data);
_splay(value) {
dynamic _splay(value) {
if (value is Iterable) {
return value.map(_splay).toList();
} else if (value is Map)
} else if (value is Map) {
return _splayify(value);
} else {
return value;
@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
import 'package:charcode/ascii.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:quiver_hashcode/hashcode.dart';
import 'package:quiver/core.dart';
/// A common class containing parsing and validation logic for third-party authentication configuration.
class ExternalAuthOptions {
/// The user's identifier, otherwise known as an "application id".
final String clientId;
final String? clientId;
/// The user's secret, other known as an "application secret".
final String clientSecret;
final String? clientSecret;
/// The user's redirect URI.
final Uri redirectUri;
@ -27,9 +26,9 @@ class ExternalAuthOptions {
factory ExternalAuthOptions(
{@required String clientId,
@required String clientSecret,
@required redirectUri,
{required String? clientId,
required String? clientSecret,
required redirectUri,
Iterable<String> scopes = const []}) {
if (redirectUri is String) {
return ExternalAuthOptions._(
@ -51,8 +50,8 @@ class ExternalAuthOptions {
/// * `redirect_uri`
factory ExternalAuthOptions.fromMap(Map map) {
return ExternalAuthOptions(
clientId: map['client_id'] as String,
clientSecret: map['client_secret'] as String,
clientId: map['client_id'] as String?,
clientSecret: map['client_secret'] as String?,
redirectUri: map['redirect_uri'],
scopes: map['scopes'] is Iterable
? ((map['scopes'] as Iterable).map((x) => x.toString()))
@ -73,10 +72,10 @@ class ExternalAuthOptions {
/// Creates a copy of this object, with the specified changes.
ExternalAuthOptions copyWith(
{String clientId,
String clientSecret,
{String? clientId,
String? clientSecret,
Iterable<String> scopes}) {
Iterable<String>? scopes}) {
return ExternalAuthOptions(
clientId: clientId ?? this.clientId,
clientSecret: clientSecret ?? this.clientSecret,
@ -111,14 +110,14 @@ class ExternalAuthOptions {
/// If no [asteriskCount] is given, then the number of asterisks will equal the length of
/// the actual [clientSecret].
String toString({bool obscureSecret = true, int asteriskCount}) {
String secret;
String toString({bool obscureSecret = true, int? asteriskCount}) {
String? secret;
if (!obscureSecret) {
secret = clientSecret;
} else {
var codeUnits =
List<int>.filled(asteriskCount ?? clientSecret.length, $asterisk);
List<int>.filled(asteriskCount ?? clientSecret!.length, $asterisk);
secret = String.fromCharCodes(codeUnits);
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
/// Forces Basic authentication over the requested resource, with the given [realm] name, if no JWT is present.
/// [realm] defaults to `'angel_auth'`.
RequestHandler forceBasicAuth<User>({String realm}) {
RequestHandler forceBasicAuth<User>({String? realm}) {
return (RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async {
if (req.container.has<User>())
if (req.container!.has<User>()) {
return true;
else if (req.container.has<Future<User>>()) {
await req.container.makeAsync<User>();
} else if (req.container!.has<Future<User>>()) {
await req.container!.makeAsync<User>();
return true;
@ -26,16 +26,18 @@ RequestHandler requireAuthentication<User>() {
if (throwError) {
res.statusCode = 403;
throw AngelHttpException.forbidden();
} else
} else {
return false;
if (req.container.has<User>() || req.method == 'OPTIONS')
if (req.container!.has<User>() || req.method == 'OPTIONS') {
return true;
else if (req.container.has<Future<User>>()) {
await req.container.makeAsync<User>();
} else if (req.container!.has<Future<User>>()) {
await req.container!.makeAsync<User>();
return true;
} else
} else {
return _reject(res);
@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'auth_token.dart';
typedef FutureOr AngelAuthCallback(
typedef AngelAuthCallback = FutureOr Function(
RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, String token);
typedef FutureOr AngelAuthTokenCallback<User>(
typedef AngelAuthTokenCallback<User> = FutureOr Function(
RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, AuthToken token, User user);
class AngelAuthOptions<User> {
AngelAuthCallback callback;
AngelAuthTokenCallback<User> tokenCallback;
String successRedirect;
String failureRedirect;
AngelAuthCallback? callback;
AngelAuthTokenCallback<User>? tokenCallback;
String? successRedirect;
String? failureRedirect;
/// If `false` (default: `true`), then successful authentication will return `true` and allow the
/// execution of subsequent handlers, just like any other middleware.
@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ class AngelAuthOptions<User> {
this.canRespondWithJson = true,
String this.failureRedirect});
@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ import 'strategy.dart';
/// Handles authentication within an Angel application.
class AngelAuth<User> {
Hmac _hs256;
int _jwtLifeSpan;
final StreamController<User> _onLogin = StreamController<User>(),
Hmac? _hs256;
int? _jwtLifeSpan;
final StreamController<User?> _onLogin = StreamController<User>(),
_onLogout = StreamController<User>();
Math.Random _random = Math.Random.secure();
final RegExp _rgxBearer = RegExp(r"^Bearer");
final Math.Random _random = Math.Random.secure();
final RegExp _rgxBearer = RegExp(r'^Bearer');
/// If `true` (default), then JWT's will be stored and retrieved from a `token` cookie.
final bool allowCookie;
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
/// A domain to restrict emitted cookies to.
/// Only applies if [allowCookie] is `true`.
final String cookieDomain;
final String? cookieDomain;
/// A path to restrict emitted cookies to.
@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
Map<String, AuthStrategy<User>> strategies = {};
/// Serializes a user into a unique identifier associated only with one identity.
FutureOr Function(User) serializer;
FutureOr Function(User)? serializer;
/// Deserializes a unique identifier into its associated identity. In most cases, this is a user object or model instance.
FutureOr<User> Function(Object) deserializer;
FutureOr<User> Function(Object?)? deserializer;
/// Fires the result of [deserializer] whenever a user signs in to the application.
Stream<User> get onLogin => _onLogin.stream;
Stream<User?> get onLogin => _onLogin.stream;
/// Fires `req.user`, which is usually the result of [deserializer], whenever a user signs out of the application.
Stream<User> get onLogout => _onLogout.stream;
Stream<User?> get onLogout => _onLogout.stream;
/// The [Hmac] being used to encode JWT's.
Hmac get hmac => _hs256;
Hmac? get hmac => _hs256;
String _randomString(
{int length = 32,
@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
/// `jwtLifeSpan` - should be in *milliseconds*.
{String jwtKey,
{String? jwtKey,
num jwtLifeSpan,
num? jwtLifeSpan,
this.allowCookie = true,
this.allowTokenInQuery = true,
this.enforceIp = true,
@ -92,21 +92,24 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
/// Configures an Angel server to decode and validate JSON Web tokens on demand,
/// whenever an instance of [User] is injected.
Future<void> configureServer(Angel app) async {
if (serializer == null)
if (serializer == null) {
throw StateError(
'An `AngelAuth` plug-in was called without its `serializer` being set. All authentication will fail.');
if (deserializer == null)
if (deserializer == null) {
throw StateError(
'An `AngelAuth` plug-in was called without its `deserializer` being set. All authentication will fail.');
if (runtimeType != AngelAuth)
app.container.registerSingleton(this, as: AngelAuth);
if (runtimeType != AngelAuth) {
app.container!.registerSingleton(this, as: AngelAuth);
if (!app.container.has<_AuthResult<User>>()) {
if (!app.container!.has<_AuthResult<User>>()) {
.registerLazySingleton<Future<_AuthResult<User>>>((container) async {
var req = container.make<RequestContext>();
var req = container.make<RequestContext>()!;
var res = container.make<ResponseContext>();
var result = await _decodeJwt(req, res);
if (result != null) {
@ -116,20 +119,19 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
app.container.registerLazySingleton<Future<User>>((container) async {
var result = await container.makeAsync<_AuthResult<User>>();
app.container!.registerLazySingleton<Future<User>>((container) async {
var result = await container.makeAsync<_AuthResult<User>>()!;
return result.user;
app.container.registerLazySingleton<Future<AuthToken>>((container) async {
var result = await container.makeAsync<_AuthResult<User>>();
.registerLazySingleton<Future<AuthToken>>((container) async {
var result = await container.makeAsync<_AuthResult<User>>()!;
return result.token;
if (reviveTokenEndpoint != null) {
app.post(reviveTokenEndpoint, reviveJwt);
app.post(reviveTokenEndpoint, reviveJwt);
app.shutdownHooks.add((_) {
@ -137,17 +139,17 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
void _apply(
RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, AuthToken token, User user) {
if (!req.container.has<User>()) {
RequestContext req, ResponseContext? res, AuthToken token, User user) {
if (!req.container!.has<User>()) {
if (!req.container.has<AuthToken>()) {
if (!req.container!.has<AuthToken>()) {
if (allowCookie == true) {
_addProtectedCookie(res, 'token', token.serialize(_hs256));
_addProtectedCookie(res!, 'token', token.serialize(_hs256!));
@ -174,7 +176,7 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
/// ```
Future decodeJwt(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async {
if (req.method == "POST" && req.path == reviveTokenEndpoint) {
if (req.method == 'POST' && req.path == reviveTokenEndpoint) {
return await reviveJwt(req, res);
} else {
await _decodeJwt(req, res);
@ -182,28 +184,30 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
Future<_AuthResult<User>> _decodeJwt(
RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async {
String jwt = getJwt(req);
Future<_AuthResult<User>?> _decodeJwt(
RequestContext req, ResponseContext? res) async {
var jwt = getJwt(req);
if (jwt != null) {
var token = AuthToken.validate(jwt, _hs256);
var token = AuthToken.validate(jwt, _hs256!);
if (enforceIp) {
if (req.ip != null && req.ip != token.ipAddress)
if (req.ip != token.ipAddress) {
throw AngelHttpException.forbidden(
message: "JWT cannot be accessed from this IP address.");
if (token.lifeSpan > -1) {
if (token.lifeSpan! > -1) {
var expiry =
token.issuedAt.add(Duration(milliseconds: token.lifeSpan.toInt()));
token.issuedAt.add(Duration(milliseconds: token.lifeSpan!.toInt()));
if (!expiry.isAfter(DateTime.now()))
if (!expiry.isAfter(DateTime.now())) {
throw AngelHttpException.forbidden(message: "Expired JWT.");
var user = await deserializer(token.userId);
var user = await deserializer!(token.userId);
_apply(req, res, token, user);
return _AuthResult(user, token);
@ -212,19 +216,20 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
/// Retrieves a JWT from a request, if any was sent at all.
String getJwt(RequestContext req) {
if (req.headers.value("Authorization") != null) {
final authHeader = req.headers.value("Authorization");
String? getJwt(RequestContext req) {
if (req.headers!.value("Authorization") != null) {
final authHeader = req.headers!.value("Authorization")!;
// Allow Basic auth to fall through
if (_rgxBearer.hasMatch(authHeader))
if (_rgxBearer.hasMatch(authHeader)) {
return authHeader.replaceAll(_rgxBearer, "").trim();
} else if (allowCookie &&
req.cookies.any((cookie) => cookie.name == "token")) {
return req.cookies.firstWhere((cookie) => cookie.name == "token").value;
req.cookies!.any((cookie) => cookie.name == "token")) {
return req.cookies!.firstWhere((cookie) => cookie.name == "token").value;
} else if (allowTokenInQuery &&
req.uri.queryParameters['token'] is String) {
return req.uri.queryParameters['token']?.toString();
req.uri!.queryParameters['token'] is String) {
return req.uri!.queryParameters['token']?.toString();
return null;
@ -243,10 +248,10 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
cookie.secure = true;
if (_jwtLifeSpan > 0) {
cookie.maxAge ??= _jwtLifeSpan < 0 ? -1 : _jwtLifeSpan ~/ 1000;
if (_jwtLifeSpan! > 0) {
cookie.maxAge ??= _jwtLifeSpan! < 0 ? -1 : _jwtLifeSpan! ~/ 1000;
cookie.expires ??=
DateTime.now().add(Duration(milliseconds: _jwtLifeSpan));
DateTime.now().add(Duration(milliseconds: _jwtLifeSpan!));
cookie.domain ??= cookieDomain;
@ -261,22 +266,23 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
var jwt = getJwt(req);
if (jwt == null) {
var body = await req.parseBody().then((_) => req.bodyAsMap);
var body = await req.parseBody().then((_) => req.bodyAsMap!);
jwt = body['token']?.toString();
if (jwt == null) {
throw AngelHttpException.forbidden(message: "No JWT provided");
} else {
var token = AuthToken.validate(jwt, _hs256);
var token = AuthToken.validate(jwt, _hs256!);
if (enforceIp) {
if (req.ip != token.ipAddress)
if (req.ip != token.ipAddress) {
throw AngelHttpException.forbidden(
message: "JWT cannot be accessed from this IP address.");
if (token.lifeSpan > -1) {
if (token.lifeSpan! > -1) {
var expiry = token.issuedAt
.add(Duration(milliseconds: token.lifeSpan.toInt()));
.add(Duration(milliseconds: token.lifeSpan!.toInt()));
if (!expiry.isAfter(DateTime.now())) {
@ -287,11 +293,11 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
if (allowCookie) {
_addProtectedCookie(res, 'token', token.serialize(_hs256));
_addProtectedCookie(res, 'token', token.serialize(_hs256!));
final data = await deserializer(token.userId);
return {'data': data, 'token': token.serialize(_hs256)};
final data = await deserializer!(token.userId);
return {'data': data, 'token': token.serialize(_hs256!)};
} catch (e) {
if (e is AngelHttpException) rethrow;
@ -307,14 +313,14 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
/// or a `401 Not Authenticated` is thrown, if it is the last one.
/// Any other result is considered an authenticated user, and terminates the loop.
RequestHandler authenticate(type, [AngelAuthOptions<User> options]) {
RequestHandler authenticate(type, [AngelAuthOptions<User>? options]) {
return (RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async {
List<String> names = [];
var names = <String>[];
var arr = type is Iterable
? type.map((x) => x.toString()).toList()
: [type.toString()];
for (String t in arr) {
for (var t in arr) {
var n = t
.map((s) => s.trim())
@ -323,34 +329,34 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
var name = names[i];
var strategy = strategies[name] ??=
throw ArgumentError('No strategy "$name" found.');
var hasExisting = req.container.has<User>();
var hasExisting = req.container!.has<User>();
var result = hasExisting
? req.container.make<User>()
: await strategy.authenticate(req, res, options);
if (result == true)
? req.container!.make<User>()
: await strategy.authenticate(req, res, options!);
if (result == true) {
return result;
else if (result != false && result != null) {
var userId = await serializer(result);
} else if (result != false && result != null) {
var userId = await serializer!(result);
// Create JWT
var token = AuthToken(
userId: userId, lifeSpan: _jwtLifeSpan, ipAddress: req.ip);
var jwt = token.serialize(_hs256);
var jwt = token.serialize(_hs256!);
if (options?.tokenCallback != null) {
if (!req.container.has<User>()) {
if (!req.container!.has<User>()) {
var r = await options.tokenCallback(req, res, token, result);
var r = await options!.tokenCallback!(req, res, token, result);
if (r != null) return r;
jwt = token.serialize(_hs256);
jwt = token.serialize(_hs256!);
_apply(req, res, token, result);
@ -360,17 +366,17 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
if (options?.callback != null) {
return await options.callback(req, res, jwt);
return await options!.callback!(req, res, jwt);
if (options?.successRedirect?.isNotEmpty == true) {
await res.redirect(options.successRedirect);
await res.redirect(options!.successRedirect);
return false;
} else if (options?.canRespondWithJson != false &&
req.accepts('application/json')) {
var user = hasExisting
? result
: await deserializer(await serializer(result));
: await deserializer!(await serializer!(result));
return {"data": user, "token": jwt};
@ -381,13 +387,14 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
// Check if not redirect
if (res.statusCode == 301 ||
res.statusCode == 302 ||
res.headers.containsKey('location')) {
return false;
else if (options?.failureRedirect != null) {
await res.redirect(options.failureRedirect);
} else if (options?.failureRedirect != null) {
await res.redirect(options!.failureRedirect);
return false;
} else
} else {
throw AngelHttpException.notAuthenticated();
@ -395,33 +402,33 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
/// Log a user in on-demand.
Future login(AuthToken token, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async {
var user = await deserializer(token.userId);
var user = await deserializer!(token.userId);
_apply(req, res, token, user);
if (allowCookie) {
_addProtectedCookie(res, 'token', token.serialize(_hs256));
_addProtectedCookie(res, 'token', token.serialize(_hs256!));
/// Log a user in on-demand.
Future loginById(userId, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async {
var user = await deserializer(userId);
var user = await deserializer!(userId);
var token =
AuthToken(userId: userId, lifeSpan: _jwtLifeSpan, ipAddress: req.ip);
_apply(req, res, token, user);
if (allowCookie) {
_addProtectedCookie(res, 'token', token.serialize(_hs256));
_addProtectedCookie(res, 'token', token.serialize(_hs256!));
/// Log an authenticated user out.
RequestHandler logout([AngelAuthOptions<User> options]) {
RequestHandler logout([AngelAuthOptions<User>? options]) {
return (RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async {
if (req.container.has<User>()) {
var user = req.container.make<User>();
if (req.container!.has<User>()) {
var user = req.container!.make<User>();
@ -432,7 +439,7 @@ class AngelAuth<User> {
if (options != null &&
options.successRedirect != null &&
options.successRedirect.isNotEmpty) {
options.successRedirect!.isNotEmpty) {
await res.redirect(options.successRedirect);
@ -4,15 +4,16 @@ import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import '../options.dart';
import '../strategy.dart';
bool _validateString(String str) => str != null && str.isNotEmpty;
bool _validateString(String? str) => str != null && str.isNotEmpty;
/// Determines the validity of an incoming username and password.
typedef FutureOr<User> LocalAuthVerifier<User>(
String username, String password);
// typedef FutureOr<User> LocalAuthVerifier<User>(String? username, String? password);
typedef LocalAuthVerifier<User> = FutureOr<User> Function(
String? username, String? password);
class LocalAuthStrategy<User> extends AuthStrategy<User> {
RegExp _rgxBasic = RegExp(r'^Basic (.+)$', caseSensitive: false);
RegExp _rgxUsrPass = RegExp(r'^([^:]+):(.+)$');
final RegExp _rgxBasic = RegExp(r'^Basic (.+)$', caseSensitive: false);
final RegExp _rgxUsrPass = RegExp(r'^([^:]+):(.+)$');
LocalAuthVerifier<User> verifier;
String usernameField;
@ -23,33 +24,32 @@ class LocalAuthStrategy<User> extends AuthStrategy<User> {
String realm;
{String this.usernameField = 'username',
String this.passwordField = 'password',
String this.invalidMessage =
'Please provide a valid username and password.',
bool this.allowBasic = true,
bool this.forceBasic = false,
String this.realm = 'Authentication is required.'});
{this.usernameField = 'username',
this.passwordField = 'password',
this.invalidMessage = 'Please provide a valid username and password.',
this.allowBasic = true,
this.forceBasic = false,
this.realm = 'Authentication is required.'});
Future<User> authenticate(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res,
[AngelAuthOptions options_]) async {
AngelAuthOptions options = options_ ?? AngelAuthOptions();
User verificationResult;
Future<User?> authenticate(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res,
[AngelAuthOptions? options_]) async {
var options = options_ ?? AngelAuthOptions();
User? verificationResult;
if (allowBasic) {
String authHeader = req.headers.value('authorization') ?? "";
var authHeader = req.headers!.value('authorization') ?? '';
if (_rgxBasic.hasMatch(authHeader)) {
String base64AuthString = _rgxBasic.firstMatch(authHeader).group(1);
String authString =
var base64AuthString = _rgxBasic.firstMatch(authHeader)!.group(1)!;
var authString = String.fromCharCodes(base64.decode(base64AuthString));
if (_rgxUsrPass.hasMatch(authString)) {
Match usrPassMatch = _rgxUsrPass.firstMatch(authString);
Match usrPassMatch = _rgxUsrPass.firstMatch(authString)!;
verificationResult =
await verifier(usrPassMatch.group(1), usrPassMatch.group(2));
} else
} else {
throw AngelHttpException.badRequest(errors: [invalidMessage]);
if (verificationResult == false || verificationResult == null) {
@ -68,27 +68,29 @@ class LocalAuthStrategy<User> extends AuthStrategy<User> {
.then((_) => req.bodyAsMap)
.catchError((_) => <String, dynamic>{});
if (_validateString(body[usernameField]?.toString()) &&
_validateString(body[passwordField]?.toString())) {
verificationResult = await verifier(
body[usernameField]?.toString(), body[passwordField]?.toString());
if (body != null) {
if (_validateString(body[usernameField]?.toString()) &&
_validateString(body[passwordField]?.toString())) {
verificationResult = await verifier(
body[usernameField]?.toString(), body[passwordField]?.toString());
if (verificationResult == false || verificationResult == null) {
if (options.failureRedirect != null &&
options.failureRedirect.isNotEmpty) {
options.failureRedirect!.isNotEmpty) {
await res.redirect(options.failureRedirect, code: 401);
return null;
if (forceBasic) {
res.headers['www-authenticate'] = 'Basic realm="$realm"';
throw AngelHttpException.notAuthenticated();
return null;
return null;
} else if (verificationResult != null && verificationResult != false) {
} else if (verificationResult != false) {
return verificationResult;
} else {
throw AngelHttpException.notAuthenticated();
@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ import 'options.dart';
/// A function that handles login and signup for an Angel application.
abstract class AuthStrategy<User> {
/// Authenticates or rejects an incoming user.
FutureOr<User> authenticate(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res,
FutureOr<User?> authenticate(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res,
[AngelAuthOptions<User> options]);
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
name: angel_auth
description: A complete authentication plugin for Angel. Includes support for stateless JWT tokens, Basic Auth, and more.
version: 3.0.0
version: 4.0.0
author: Tobe O <thosakwe@gmail.com>
homepage: https://github.com/angel-dart/angel_auth
publish_to: none
sdk: ">=2.10.0 <3.0.0"
sdk: '>=2.12.0 <3.0.0'
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ dependencies:
crypto: ^3.0.0
http_parser: ^4.0.0
meta: ^1.3.0
quiver_hashcode: ^3.0.0+1
quiver: ^3.0.0
http: ^0.13.1
io: ^1.0.0
@ -3,20 +3,22 @@ import 'package:angel_auth/angel_auth.dart';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'package:angel_framework/http.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:io/ansi.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
class User extends Model {
String username, password;
String? username, password;
User({this.username, this.password});
static User parse(Map map) {
return User(
username: map['username'] as String,
password: map['password'] as String,
username: map['username'] as String?,
password: map['password'] as String?,
@ -31,27 +33,27 @@ class User extends Model {
main() {
Angel app;
AngelHttp angelHttp;
AngelAuth<User> auth;
http.Client client;
void main() {
Angel? app;
late AngelHttp angelHttp;
AngelAuth<User?> auth;
http.Client? client;
HttpServer server;
String url;
String? url;
setUp(() async {
hierarchicalLoggingEnabled = true;
app = Angel();
angelHttp = AngelHttp(app);
app.use('/users', MapService());
app!.use('/users', MapService());
var oldErrorHandler = app.errorHandler;
app.errorHandler = (e, req, res) {
app.logger.severe(e.message, e, e.stackTrace ?? StackTrace.current);
var oldErrorHandler = app!.errorHandler;
app!.errorHandler = (e, req, res) {
app!.logger!.severe(e.message, e, e.stackTrace ?? StackTrace.current);
return oldErrorHandler(e, req, res);
app.logger = Logger('angel_auth')
app!.logger = Logger('angel_auth')
..level = Level.FINEST
..onRecord.listen((rec) {
@ -65,28 +67,30 @@ main() {
await app
await app!
.create({'username': 'jdoe1', 'password': 'password'});
auth = AngelAuth<User>();
auth.serializer = (u) => u.id;
auth = AngelAuth<User?>();
auth.serializer = (u) => u!.id;
auth.deserializer =
(id) async => await app.findService('users').read(id) as User;
(id) async => await app!.findService('users')!.read(id) as User;
await app.configure(auth.configureServer);
await app!.configure(auth.configureServer);
auth.strategies['local'] = LocalAuthStrategy((username, password) async {
var users = await app
var users = await app!
.then((it) => it.map<User>((m) => User.parse(m as Map)).toList());
return users.firstWhere(
(user) => user.username == username && user.password == password,
orElse: () => null);
var result = users.firstWhereOrNull(
(user) => user.username == username && user.password == password);
return Future.value(result);
AngelAuthOptions(callback: (req, res, token) {
@ -95,10 +99,10 @@ main() {
(req, res) {
if (!req.container.has<User>()) {
if (!req.container!.has<User>()) {
User(username: req.params['name']?.toString()));
return true;
@ -114,7 +118,7 @@ main() {
tearDown(() async {
await angelHttp.close();
app = null;
client = null;
@ -122,7 +126,7 @@ main() {
test('login', () async {
final response = await client.post(Uri.parse('$url/login'),
final response = await client!.post(Uri.parse('$url/login'),
body: {'username': 'jdoe1', 'password': 'password'});
print('Response: ${response.body}');
expect(response.body, equals('Hello!'));
@ -132,7 +136,7 @@ main() {
: null);
test('preserve existing user', () async {
final response = await client.post(Uri.parse('$url/existing/foo'),
final response = await client!.post(Uri.parse('$url/existing/foo'),
body: {'username': 'jdoe1', 'password': 'password'},
headers: {'accept': 'application/json'});
print('Response: ${response.body}');
@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
final AngelAuth<Map<String, String>> auth = AngelAuth<Map<String, String>>();
final AngelAuth<Map<String, String>?> auth = AngelAuth<Map<String, String>?>();
var headers = <String, String>{'accept': 'application/json'};
var localOpts = AngelAuthOptions<Map<String, String>>(
failureRedirect: '/failure', successRedirect: '/success');
Map<String, String> sampleUser = {'hello': 'world'};
Future<Map<String, String>> verifier(String username, String password) async {
Future<Map<String, String>> verifier(String? username, String? password) async {
if (username == 'username' && password == 'password') {
return sampleUser;
} else {
return null;
throw ArgumentError('Unexpected type for data');
@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ Future wireAuth(Angel app) async {
void main() async {
Angel app;
AngelHttp angelHttp;
http.Client client;
String url;
String basicAuthUrl;
late AngelHttp angelHttp;
http.Client? client;
String? url;
String? basicAuthUrl;
setUp(() async {
client = http.Client();
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ void main() async {
test('can use "auth" as middleware', () async {
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/success'),
var response = await client!.get(Uri.parse('$url/success'),
headers: {'Accept': 'application/json'});
expect(response.statusCode, equals(403));
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void main() async {
test('successRedirect', () async {
var postData = {'username': 'username', 'password': 'password'};
var response = await client.post(Uri.parse('$url/login'),
var response = await client!.post(Uri.parse('$url/login'),
body: json.encode(postData),
headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'});
expect(response.statusCode, equals(302));
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ void main() async {
test('failureRedirect', () async {
var postData = {'username': 'password', 'password': 'username'};
var response = await client.post(Uri.parse('$url/login'),
var response = await client!.post(Uri.parse('$url/login'),
body: json.encode(postData),
headers: {'content-type': 'application/json'});
print('Login response: ${response.body}');
@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ void main() async {
test('allow basic', () async {
var authString = base64.encode('username:password'.runes.toList());
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/hello'),
var response = await client!.get(Uri.parse('$url/hello'),
headers: {'authorization': 'Basic $authString'});
expect(response.body, equals('"Woo auth"'));
test('allow basic via URL encoding', () async {
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$basicAuthUrl/hello'));
var response = await client!.get(Uri.parse('$basicAuthUrl/hello'));
expect(response.body, equals('"Woo auth"'));
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ void main() async {
auth.strategies['local'] =
LocalAuthStrategy(verifier, forceBasic: true, realm: 'test');
var response = await client.get(Uri.parse('$url/hello'), headers: {
var response = await client!.get(Uri.parse('$url/hello'), headers: {
'accept': 'application/json',
'content-type': 'application/json'
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import 'package:test/test.dart';
const Duration threeDays = const Duration(days: 3);
void main() {
Cookie defaultCookie;
late Cookie defaultCookie;
var auth = AngelAuth(
secureCookies: true,
cookieDomain: 'SECURE',
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ void main() {
test('sets expires', () {
var now = DateTime.now();
var expiry = auth.protectCookie(defaultCookie).expires;
var expiry = auth.protectCookie(defaultCookie).expires!;
var diff = expiry.difference(now);
expect(diff.inSeconds, threeDays.inSeconds);
Reference in a new issue