This commit is contained in:
thosakwe 2017-03-25 11:26:00 -04:00
parent e2ab72ba96
commit 7f709fb91c
5 changed files with 516 additions and 130 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,72 @@
# angel_test # angel_test
[![version 1.0.1](]( [![version 1.0.2](](
[![build status](]( [![build status](](
Testing utility library for the Angel framework. Testing utility library for the Angel framework.
See the tests for examples. # TestClient
The `TestClient` class is a custom `angel_client` that sends mock requests to your server.
This means that you will not have to bind your server to HTTP to run.
Plus, it is an `angel_client`, and thus supports services and other goodies.
The `TestClient` also supports WebSockets. WebSockets cannot be mocked (yet!) within this library,
so calling the `websocket()` function will also bind your server to HTTP, if it is not already listening.
The return value is a `WebSockets` client instance
(from [`package:angel_websocket`](;
var ws = await client.websocket('/ws');
// To receive all blobs of data sent on the WebSocket:
# Matchers
Several `Matcher`s are bundled with this package, and run on any `package:http` `Response`,
not just those returned by Angel.
test('foo', () async {
var res = await client.get('/foo');
expect(res, allOf([
isJson({'foo': 'bar'}),
hasHeader('server'), // Assert header present
hasHeader('server', 'angel'), // Assert header present with value
hasHeader('foo', ['bar', 'baz']), // ... Or multiple values
hasBody(), // Assert non-empty body
hasBody('{"foo":"bar"}') // Assert specific body
test('error', () async {
var res = await client.get('/error');
expect(res, isAngelHttpException());
expect(res, isAngelHttpException(statusCode: 404, message: ..., errors: [...])) // Optional
`hasValidBody` is one of the most powerful `Matcher`s in this library,
because it allows you to validate a JSON body against a
[validation schema](
Angel provides a comprehensive validation library that integrates tightly
with the very `matcher` package that you already use for testing. :)
test('validate response', () async {
var res = await client.get('/bar');
expect(res, hasValidBody(new Validator({
'foo': isBoolean,
'bar': [isString, equals('baz')],
'age*': [],
'nested': someNestedValidator

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@ -1,104 +1,198 @@
import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:io';
import 'package:angel_client/angel_client.dart' show AngelAuthResult;
import 'package:angel_client/base_angel_client.dart' as client;
import 'package:angel_client/io.dart' as client; import 'package:angel_client/io.dart' as client;
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'package:angel_websocket/io.dart' as client;
import 'package:http/src/base_request.dart' as http;
import 'package:http/src/response.dart' as http;
import 'package:http/src/streamed_response.dart' as http;
import 'package:mock_request/mock_request.dart'; import 'package:mock_request/mock_request.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/io.dart';
import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
final RegExp _straySlashes = new RegExp(r"(^/)|(/+$)");
const Map<String, String> _readHeaders = const {'Accept': 'application/json'};
const Map<String, String> _writeHeaders = const {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
final Uuid _uuid = new Uuid(); final Uuid _uuid = new Uuid();
Future<TestClient> connectTo(Angel app, /// Shorthand for bootstrapping a [TestClient].
{Map initialSession, bool saveSession: false}) async { Future<TestClient> connectTo(Angel app, {Map initialSession}) async =>
TestClient client; new TestClient(app)..session.addAll(initialSession ?? {});
var path = '/${_uuid.v1()}/${_uuid.v1()}/${_uuid.v1()}';
if (saveSession) { /// An `angel_client` that sends mock requests to a server, rather than actual HTTP transactions.
app class TestClient extends client.BaseAngelClient {
..get(path, (RequestContext req, res) async { final Map<String, Service> _services = {};
client._session = req.session;
if (initialSession != null) { /// Session info to be sent to the server on every request.
req.session.addAll(initialSession); final HttpSession session = new MockHttpSession(id: 'angel-test-client');
}) /// A list of cookies to be sent to and received from the server., (RequestContext req, res) async { final List<Cookie> cookies = [];
client._session = req.session..addAll(req.body);
}) /// The server instance to mock.
..patch(path, (RequestContext req, res) async { final Angel server;
client._session = req.session; @override
}); String authToken;
TestClient(this.server) : super(null, '/');
Future close() async {
if (server.httpServer != null) await server.httpServer.close(force: true);
} }
final server = await app.startServer(); /// Opens a WebSockets connection to the server. This will automatically bind the server
final url = 'http://${server.address.address}:${server.port}'; /// over HTTP, if it is not already listening. Unfortunately, WebSockets cannot be mocked (yet!).
client = new TestClient(server, url); Future<client.WebSockets> websocket({String path, Duration timeout}) async {
HttpServer http = server.httpServer;
if (saveSession) { if (http == null) http = await server.startServer();
await client.client.get('$url$path'); var url = 'ws://${http.address.address}:${http.port}';
client._sessionPath = path; var cleanPath = (path ?? '/ws')?.replaceAll(_straySlashes, '');
if (cleanPath?.isNotEmpty == true) url += '/$cleanPath';
var ws = new _MockWebSockets(this, url);
await ws.connect(timeout: timeout);
return ws;
} }
return client; Future<http.Response> sendUnstreamed(
} String method, url, Map<String, String> headers,
[body, Encoding encoding]) =>
send(method, url, headers, body, encoding).then(http.Response.fromStream);
Future<MockHttpResponse> mock(Angel app, String method, Uri uri, Future<http.StreamedResponse> send(
{body, String method, url, Map<String, String> headers,
Iterable<Cookie> cookies: const [], [body, Encoding encoding]) async {
Map<String, dynamic> headers: const {}}) async { var rq = new MockHttpRequest(
var rq = new MockHttpRequest(method, uri); method, url is Uri ? url : Uri.parse(url.toString()));
rq.cookies.addAll(cookies ?? []); headers?.forEach(rq.headers.add);
if (body is! Map) { if (authToken?.isNotEmpty == true)
rq.write(body); rq.headers.set(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, 'Bearer $authToken');
} else if (rq.headers.contentType == null ||
if (body is Stream<List<int>>) {
await rq.addStream(body);
} else if (body is List<int>) {
} else if (body is Map) {
if (rq.headers.contentType == null ||
rq.headers.contentType.mimeType == ContentType.JSON.mimeType) { rq.headers.contentType.mimeType == ContentType.JSON.mimeType) {
rq rq
..headers.contentType = ContentType.JSON ..headers.contentType = ContentType.JSON
..write(JSON.encode(body)); ..write(JSON.encode(
} else if (rq.headers.contentType.mimeType == body.keys.fold({}, (out, k) => out..[k.toString()] = body[k])));
} else if (rq.headers.contentType?.mimeType ==
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') { 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {
rq rq.write(body.keys.fold<List<String>>([],
..headers.contentType = (out, k) => out..add('$k=' + Uri.encodeComponent(body[k]))).join());
new ContentType('application', 'x-www-form-urlencoded') } else {
(out, k) =>
out..add('$k=' + Uri.encodeComponent(body[k]))).join('&'));
} else
throw new UnsupportedError( throw new UnsupportedError(
'mock() only supports sending JSON or URL-encoded bodies.'); 'Map bodies can only be sent for requests with the content type application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded.');
} else if (body != null) {
await rq.close(); await rq.close();
await app.handleRequest(rq); await server.handleRequest(rq);
return rq.response;
var rs = rq.response;
Map<String, String> extractedHeaders = {};
rs.headers.forEach((k, v) {
extractedHeaders[k] = v.join(',');
return new http.StreamedResponse(rs, rs.statusCode,
contentLength: rs.contentLength,
isRedirect: rs.headers[HttpHeaders.LOCATION] != null,
headers: extractedHeaders,
rq.headers.value(HttpHeaders.CONNECTION)?.toLowerCase()?.trim() ==
reasonPhrase: rs.reasonPhrase);
} }
/// Interacts with an Angel server. Future<http.Response> delete(url, {Map<String, String> headers}) =>
class TestClient extends client.Rest { sendUnstreamed('DELETE', url, headers);
final HttpServer server;
HttpSession _session;
String _sessionPath;
/// Returns a pointer to the current session. Future<http.Response> get(url, {Map<String, String> headers}) =>
HttpSession get session => _session; sendUnstreamed('GET', url, headers);
TestClient(this.server, String path) : super(path); Future<http.Response> head(url, {Map<String, String> headers}) =>
sendUnstreamed('HEAD', url, headers);
/// Adds data to the [session]. Future<http.Response> patch(url, {body, Map<String, String> headers}) =>
Future addToSession(Map data) => post(_sessionPath, body: data); sendUnstreamed('PATCH', url, headers, body);
/// Removes data from the [session]. Future<http.Response> post(url, {body, Map<String, String> headers}) =>
Future removeFromSession(List<String> keys) => patch(_sessionPath, sendUnstreamed('POST', url, headers, body);
body: JSON.encode({'keys': keys}),
headers: {HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE: ContentType.JSON.mimeType}); Future<http.Response> put(url, {body, Map<String, String> headers}) =>
sendUnstreamed('PUT', url, headers, body);
@override @override
Future close() async { String basePath;
if (server != null) {
await server.close(force: true); @override
Stream<String> authenticateViaPopup(String url, {String eventName: 'token'}) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'MockClient does not support authentication via popup.');
Future configure(client.AngelConfigurer configurer) => configurer(this);
client.Service service<T>(String path,
{Type type, client.AngelDeserializer deserializer}) {
String uri = path.toString().replaceAll(_straySlashes, "");
return _services.putIfAbsent(uri,
new MockService(this, '$basePath/$uri', deserializer: deserializer));
} }
} }
class MockService extends client.BaseAngelService {
final TestClient _app;
MockService(this._app, String basePath,
{client.AngelDeserializer deserializer})
: super(null, _app, basePath, deserializer: deserializer);
Future<http.StreamedResponse> send(http.BaseRequest request) {
if (app.authToken != null && app.authToken.isNotEmpty) {
request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ${app.authToken}';
return _app.send(request.method, request.url, request.headers,
request.finalize(), request);
class _MockWebSockets extends client.WebSockets {
final TestClient app;
_MockWebSockets(, String url) : super(url);
Future<WebSocketChannel> getConnectedWebSocket() async {
Map<String, String> headers = {};
if (app.authToken?.isNotEmpty == true)
headers[HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION] = 'Bearer ${app.authToken}';
var socket = await WebSocket.connect(basePath, headers: headers);
return new IOWebSocketChannel(socket);
} }

View file

@ -1,14 +1,45 @@
import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:angel_framework/src/http/angel_http_exception.dart';
import 'package:angel_validate/angel_validate.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart'; import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
/// Expects a response to be a JSON representation of an `AngelHttpException`.
/// You can optionally check for a matching [message], [statusCode] and [errors].
Matcher isAngelHttpException(
{String message, int statusCode, Iterable<String> errors: const []}) =>
new _IsAngelHttpException(
message: message, statusCode: statusCode, errors: errors);
/// Expects a given response, when parsed as JSON, /// Expects a given response, when parsed as JSON,
/// to equal a desired value. /// to equal a desired value.
Matcher isJson(value) => new _IsJson(value); Matcher isJson(value) => new _IsJson(value);
/// Expects a response to have the given content type, whether a `String` or [ContentType].
Matcher hasContentType(contentType) => new _HasContentType(contentType);
/// Expects a response to have the given body.
/// If `true` is passed as the value (default), then this matcher will simply assert
/// that the response has a non-empty body.
/// If value is a `List<int>`, then it will be matched against `res.bodyBytes`.
/// Otherwise, the string value will be matched against `res.body`.
Matcher hasBody([value]) => new _HasBody(value ?? true);
/// Expects a response to have a header named [key] which contains [value]. [value] can be a `String`, or a List of `String`s.
/// If `value` is true (default), then this matcher will simply assert that the header is present.
Matcher hasHeader(String key, [value]) => new _HasHeader(key, value ?? true);
/// Expects a response to have the given status code. /// Expects a response to have the given status code.
Matcher hasStatus(int status) => new _HasStatus(status); Matcher hasStatus(int status) => new _HasStatus(status);
/// Expects a response to have a JSON body that is a `Map` and satisfies the given [validator] schema.
Matcher hasValidBody(Validator validator) => new _HasValidBody(validator);
class _IsJson extends Matcher { class _IsJson extends Matcher {
var value; var value;
@ -16,7 +47,7 @@ class _IsJson extends Matcher {
@override @override
Description describe(Description description) { Description describe(Description description) {
return description.add('should equal the desired JSON response: $value'); return description.add('equals the desired JSON response: $value');
} }
@override @override
@ -24,6 +55,79 @@ class _IsJson extends Matcher {
equals(value).matches(JSON.decode(item.body), matchState); equals(value).matches(JSON.decode(item.body), matchState);
} }
class _HasBody extends Matcher {
final body;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('has body $body');
bool matches(http.Response item, Map matchState) {
if (body == true) return isNotEmpty.matches(item.bodyBytes, matchState);
if (body is List<int>)
return equals(body).matches(item.bodyBytes, matchState);
return equals(body.toString()).matches(item.body, matchState);
class _HasContentType extends Matcher {
var contentType;
Description describe(Description description) {
var str =
contentType is ContentType ? contentType.value : contentType.toString();
return description.add('has content type ' + str);
bool matches(http.Response item, Map matchState) {
if (!item.headers.containsKey(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE)) return false;
if (contentType is ContentType) {
var compare = ContentType.parse(item.headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE]);
return equals(contentType.mimeType).matches(compare.mimeType, matchState);
} else {
return equals(contentType.toString())
.matches(item.headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE], matchState);
class _HasHeader extends Matcher {
final String key;
final value;
_HasHeader(this.key, this.value);
Description describe(Description description) {
if (value == true)
return description.add('contains header $key');
return description.add('contains header $key with value(s) $value');
bool matches(http.Response item, Map matchState) {
if (value == true) {
return contains(key.toLowerCase()).matches(item.headers.keys, matchState);
} else {
if (!item.headers.containsKey(key.toLowerCase())) return false;
Iterable v = value is Iterable ? value : [value];
return v
.map((x) => x.toString())
class _HasStatus extends Matcher { class _HasStatus extends Matcher {
int status; int status;
@ -31,10 +135,93 @@ class _HasStatus extends Matcher {
@override @override
Description describe(Description description) { Description describe(Description description) {
return description.add('should have status code $status'); return description.add('has status code $status');
} }
@override @override
bool matches(http.Response item, Map matchState) => bool matches(http.Response item, Map matchState) =>
equals(status).matches(item.statusCode, matchState); equals(status).matches(item.statusCode, matchState);
} }
class _HasValidBody extends Matcher {
final Validator validator;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('matches validation schema ${validator.rules}');
bool matches(http.Response item, Map matchState) {
final json = JSON.decode(item.body);
if (json is! Map) return false;
return validator.matches(json, matchState);
class _IsAngelHttpException extends Matcher {
String message;
int statusCode;
final List<String> errors = [];
{this.message, this.statusCode, Iterable<String> errors: const []}) {
this.errors.addAll(errors ?? []);
Description describe(Description description) {
if (message?.isNotEmpty != true && statusCode == null && errors.isEmpty)
return description.add('is an Angel HTTP Exception');
else {
var buf = new StringBuffer('is an Angel HTTP Exception with');
if (statusCode != null) buf.write(' status code $statusCode');
if (message?.isNotEmpty == true) {
if (statusCode != null && errors.isNotEmpty)
else if (statusCode != null && errors.isEmpty) buf.write(' and');
buf.write(' message "$message"');
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
if (statusCode != null || message?.isNotEmpty == true)
buf.write(' and errors $errors');
buf.write(' errors $errors');
return description.add(buf.toString());
bool matches(http.Response item, Map matchState) {
final json = JSON.decode(item.body);
if (json is Map && json['isError'] == true) {
var exc = new AngelHttpException.fromMap(json);
if (message?.isNotEmpty != true && statusCode == null && errors.isEmpty)
return true;
else {
if (statusCode != null) if (!equals(statusCode)
.matches(exc.statusCode, matchState)) return false;
if (message?.isNotEmpty == true) if (!equals(message)
.matches(exc.message, matchState)) return false;
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
if (!errors
.every((err) => contains(err).matches(exc.errors, matchState)))
return false;
return true;
} else
return false;

View file

@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ author: "Tobe O <>"
description: "Testing utility library for the Angel framework." description: "Testing utility library for the Angel framework."
homepage: "" homepage: ""
name: "angel_test" name: "angel_test"
version: "1.0.1" version: "1.0.2"
dependencies: dependencies:
angel_client: "^1.0.0-dev+16" angel_client: "^1.0.0"
angel_framework: "^1.0.0-dev" angel_framework: "^1.0.0-dev"
angel_validate: ^1.0.0
angel_websocket: ^1.0.0
http: "^0.11.3+9" http: "^0.11.3+9"
matcher: "^0.12.0+2" matcher: "^0.12.0+2"
mock_request: ^1.0.0 mock_request: ^1.0.0

View file

@ -1,67 +1,105 @@
import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart' as server;
import 'package:angel_test/angel_test.dart'; import 'package:angel_test/angel_test.dart';
import 'package:angel_validate/angel_validate.dart';
import 'package:angel_websocket/server.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart';
main() { main() {
server.Angel app; Angel app;
TestClient testClient; TestClient client;
setUp(() async { setUp(() async {
app = new server.Angel() app = new Angel()
..get('/hello', 'Hello') ..get('/hello', 'Hello')
() => throw new AngelHttpException.forbidden(message: 'Test')
..errors.addAll(['foo', 'bar']))
..get('/body', (ResponseContext res) {
() => {
'michael': 'jackson',
'billie': {'jean': 'hee-hee', 'is_my_lover': false}
})'/hello', (req, res) async {'/hello', (req, res) async {
return {'bar': req.body['foo']}; return {'bar': req.body['foo']};
}); })
new AnonymousService(
create: (data, [params]) async => {'foo': 'bar'}));
testClient = await connectTo(app); var ws = new AngelWebSocket();
await app.configure(ws);
client = await connectTo(app);
}); });
tearDown(() async { tearDown(() async {
await testClient.close(); await client.close();
app = null; app = null;
}); });
test('mock()', () async { group('matchers', () {
var response = await mock(app, 'GET', Uri.parse('/hello'));
expect(await response.transform(UTF8.decoder).join(), equals('"Hello"'));
group('isJson+hasStatus', () { group('isJson+hasStatus', () {
test('get', () async { test('get', () async {
final response = await testClient.get('/hello'); final response = await client.get('/hello');
expect(response, isJson('Hello')); expect(response, isJson('Hello'));
}); });
test('post', () async { test('post', () async {
final response = await'/hello', body: {'foo': 'baz'}); final response = await'/hello', body: {'foo': 'baz'});
expect(response, allOf(hasStatus(200), isJson({'bar': 'baz'}))); expect(response, allOf(hasStatus(200), isJson({'bar': 'baz'})));
}); });
}); });
group('session', () { test('isAngelHttpException', () async {
test('initial session', () async { var res = await client.get('/error');
final TestClient client = await connectTo(app, expect(res, isAngelHttpException());
initialSession: {'foo': 'bar'}, saveSession: true); expect(
expect(client.session['foo'], equals('bar')); res,
statusCode: 403, message: 'Test', errors: ['foo', 'bar']));
}); });
test('add to session', () async { test('hasBody', () async {
final TestClient client = await connectTo(app, saveSession: true); var res = await client.get('/body');
await client.addToSession({'michael': 'jackson'}); expect(res, hasBody());
expect(client.session['michael'], equals('jackson')); expect(res, hasBody('OK'));
}); });
test('remove from session', () async { test('hasHeader', () async {
final TestClient client = await connectTo(app, var res = await client.get('/hello');
initialSession: {'angel': 'framework'}, saveSession: true); expect(res, hasHeader('server'));
await client.removeFromSession(['angel']); expect(res, hasHeader('server', 'angel'));
expect(client.session.containsKey('angel'), isFalse); expect(res, hasHeader('server', ['angel']));
}); });
test('disable session', () async { test('hasValidBody', () async {
final client = await connectTo(app, saveSession: false); var res = await client.get('/valid');
expect(client.session, isNull); expect(res, hasContentType('application/json'));
hasValidBody(new Validator({
'michael*': [isString, isNotEmpty, equals('jackson')],
'billie': new Validator({
'jean': [isString, isNotEmpty],
'is_my_lover': [isBool, isFalse]
test('websocket', () async {
var ws = await client.websocket();
var foo = ws.service('foo');
var result = await foo.onCreated.first;
expect(, equals({'foo': 'bar'}));
}); });
}); });
} }