Revert "Begin 3.0.0-alpha"

This reverts commit c9c103d451.
This commit is contained in:
Tobe O 2019-02-06 16:44:38 -05:00
parent c9c103d451
commit f8a6cab236
10 changed files with 412 additions and 527 deletions

View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'package:angel_hot/angel_hot.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'src/foo.dart';
main() async {
var hot = new HotReloader(createServer, [
new Directory('src'),
new Directory('src'),
await hot.startServer('', 3000);
Future<Angel> createServer() async {
var app = new Angel()..serializer = json.encode;
// Edit this line, and then refresh the page in your browser!
app.get('/', (req, res) => {'hello': 'hot world!'});
app.get('/foo', (req, res) => new Foo(bar: 'baz'));
app.fallback((req, res) => throw new AngelHttpException.notFound());
'gzip': gzip.encoder,
'deflate': zlib.encoder,
app.logger = new Logger('angel')
..onRecord.listen((rec) {
if (rec.error != null) {
return app;

View file

@ -1,23 +1,44 @@
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'package:angel_hot/angel_hot.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'src/foo.dart';
main(_, [SendPort sendPort]) {
return runHot(sendPort, (client) {
var app = Angel();
if (client != null) {
// Specify which paths to listen to.
main() async {
var hot = new HotReloader(createServer, [
new Directory('src'),
new Directory('src'),
await hot.startServer('', 3000);
// When the top-level triggers a hot reload, shut down the existing server.
client.onReload.listen((reload) {
Future<Angel> createServer() async {
var app = new Angel()..serializer = json.encode;
// Edit this line, and then refresh the page in your browser!
app.get('/', (req, res) => {'hello': 'hot world!'});
app.get('/foo', (req, res) => new Foo(bar: 'baz'));
app.fallback((req, res) => throw new AngelHttpException.notFound());
'gzip': gzip.encoder,
'deflate': zlib.encoder,
app.logger = new Logger('angel')
..onRecord.listen((rec) {
if (rec.error != null) {
return app;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,369 @@
export 'src/client.dart';
export 'src/reloader.dart';
export 'src/rpc.dart';
export 'src/run_hot.dart';
export 'src/server.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'package:angel_framework/http.dart';
import 'package:angel_websocket/server.dart';
import 'package:charcode/ascii.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'package:html_builder/elements.dart';
import 'package:html_builder/html_builder.dart';
import 'package:io/ansi.dart';
import 'package:vm_service_lib/vm_service_lib.dart' as vm;
import 'package:vm_service_lib/vm_service_lib_io.dart' as vm;
import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart';
/// A utility class that watches the filesystem for changes, and starts new instances of an Angel server.
class HotReloader {
vm.VmService _client;
vm.IsolateRef _mainIsolate;
final StreamController<WatchEvent> _onChange =
new StreamController<WatchEvent>.broadcast();
final List _paths = [];
final StringRenderer _renderer = new StringRenderer(pretty: false);
final Queue<HttpRequest> _requestQueue = new Queue<HttpRequest>();
HttpServer _io;
AngelHttp _server;
Duration _timeout;
vm.VM _vmachine;
/// If `true` (default), then developers can `press 'r' to reload` the application on-the-fly.
/// This option triggers printing a Flutter-like output to the terminal.
final bool enableHotkeys;
/// Invoked to load a new instance of [Angel] on file changes.
final FutureOr<Angel> Function() generator;
/// Fires whenever a file change. You might consider using this to trigger
/// page reloads in a client.
Stream<WatchEvent> get onChange =>;
/// The maximum amount of time to queue incoming requests for if there is no [server] available.
/// If the timeout expires, then the request will be immediately terminated with a `502 Bad Gateway` error.
/// Default: `5s`
Duration get timeout => _timeout;
/// The Dart VM service host.
/// Default: `localhost`.
final String vmServiceHost;
/// The port to connect to the Dart VM service.
/// Default: `8181`.
final int vmServicePort;
/// Initializes a hot reloader that proxies the server created by [generator].
/// [paths] can contain [FileSystemEntity], [Uri], [String] and [Glob] only.
/// URI's can be `package:` URI's as well.
HotReloader(this.generator, Iterable paths,
{Duration timeout,
this.vmServiceHost: 'localhost',
this.vmServicePort: 8181,
this.enableHotkeys: true}) {
_timeout = timeout ?? new Duration(seconds: 5);
_paths.addAll(paths ?? []);
Future close() async {
await _io?.close(force: true);
void sendError(HttpRequest request, int status, String title_, e) {
var doc = html(lang: 'en', c: [
head(c: [
meta(name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1'),
title(c: [text(title_)])
body(c: [
h1(c: [text(title_)]),
i(c: [text(e.toString())])
var response = request.response;
response.statusCode = HttpStatus.badGateway;
..contentType = ContentType.html
..set(HttpHeaders.serverHeader, 'angel_hot');
if (request.headers
?.contains('gzip') ==
true) {
..headers.set(HttpHeaders.contentEncodingHeader, 'gzip')
} else
Future _handle(HttpRequest request) {
return _server.handleRequest(request);
Future handleRequest(HttpRequest request) async {
if (_server != null)
return await _handle(request);
else if (timeout == null)
else {
new Timer(timeout, () {
if (_requestQueue.remove(request)) {
// Send 502 response
sendError(request, HttpStatus.badGateway, '502 Bad Gateway',
'Request timed out after ${timeout.inMilliseconds}ms.');
Future<AngelHttp> _generateServer() async {
var s = await generator();
await Future.forEach(s.startupHooks, s.configure);
return new AngelHttp.custom(s, startShared);
/// Starts listening to requests and filesystem events.
Future<HttpServer> startServer([address, int port]) async {
var isHot = true;
_server = await _generateServer();
if (_paths?.isNotEmpty != true)
'WARNING: You have instantiated a HotReloader without providing any filesystem paths to watch.'));
if (!Platform.executableArguments.contains('--observe') &&
!Platform.executableArguments.contains('--enable-vm-service')) {
'WARNING: You have instantiated a HotReloader without passing `--enable-vm-service` or `--observe` to the Dart VM. Hot reloading will be disabled.'));
isHot = false;
} else {
_client = await vm.vmServiceConnect(
vmServiceHost ?? 'localhost', vmServicePort ?? 8181);
_vmachine ??= await _client.getVM();
_mainIsolate ??= _vmachine.isolates.first;
await _client.setExceptionPauseMode(, 'None');
await _listenToFilesystem();
//.transform(new _Debounce(new Duration(seconds: 1)))
while (!_requestQueue.isEmpty) await _handle(_requestQueue.removeFirst());
var server = _io = await HttpServer.bind(address ?? '', port ?? 0);
// Print a Flutter-like prompt...
if (enableHotkeys) {
var serverUri = new Uri(
scheme: 'http', host: server.address.address, port: server.port);
var host = vmServiceHost == 'localhost' ? '' : vmServiceHost;
var observatoryUri =
new Uri(scheme: 'http', host: host, port: vmServicePort);
'\n🔥 To hot reload changes while running, press "r". To hot restart (and rebuild state), press "R".'));
stdout.write('Your Angel server is listening at: ');
print(wrapWith('$serverUri', [cyan, styleUnderlined]));
'An Observatory debugger and profiler on ${Platform.operatingSystem} is available at: ');
print(wrapWith('$observatoryUri', [cyan, styleUnderlined]));
'For a more detailed help message, press "h". To quit, press "q".\n');
if (_paths.isNotEmpty) {
'Changes to the following path(s) will also trigger a hot reload:'));
for (var p in _paths) {
print(darkGray.wrap(' * $p'));
// Listen for hotkeys
try {
stdin.lineMode = stdin.echoMode = false;
} catch (_) {}
StreamSubscription<int> sub;
try {
sub = stdin.expand((l) => l).listen((ch) async {
if (ch == $r) {
new WatchEvent(ChangeType.MODIFY, '[manual-reload]'), isHot);
if (ch == $R) {
print('Manually restarting server...\n');
await _killServer();
await _server.close();
var addr = _io.address.address;
var port = _io.port;
await _io?.close(force: true);
await startServer(addr, port);
} else if (ch == $q) {
stdin.echoMode = stdin.lineMode = true;
} else if (ch == $h) {
'Press "r" to hot reload the Dart VM, and restart the active server.');
'Press "R" to restart the server, WITHOUT a hot reload of the VM.');
print('Press "q" to quit the server.');
print('Press "h" to display this help information.');
} catch (_) {}
return server;
_listenToFilesystem() async {
for (var path in _paths) {
if (path is String) {
await _listenToStat(path);
} else if (path is Glob) {
await for (var entity in path.list()) {
await _listenToStat(entity.path);
} else if (path is FileSystemEntity) {
await _listenToStat(path.path);
} else if (path is Uri) {
if (path.scheme == 'package') {
var uri = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(path);
if (uri != null)
await _listenToStat(uri.toFilePath());
await _listenToStat(path.toFilePath());
} else
await _listenToStat(path.toFilePath());
} else {
throw new ArgumentError(
'Hot reload paths must be a FileSystemEntity, a Uri, a String or a Glob. You provided: $path');
_listenToStat(String path) async {
_listen() async {
try {
var stat = await FileStat.stat(path);
if (stat.type == {
var lnk = new Link(path);
var p = await lnk.resolveSymbolicLinks();
return await _listenToStat(p);
} else if (stat.type == FileSystemEntityType.file) {
var file = new File(path);
if (!await file.exists()) return null;
} else if (stat.type == {
var dir = new Directory(path);
if (!await dir.exists()) return null;
} else
return null;
var watcher = new Watcher(path);, onError: (e) {
stderr.writeln('Could not listen to file changes at ${path}: $e');
// print('Listening for file changes at ${path}...');
return true;
} catch (e) {
if (e is! FileSystemException) rethrow;
var r = await _listen();
if (r == null) {
'WARNING: Unable to watch path "$path" from working directory "${Directory.current.path}". Please ensure that it exists.'));
Future _killServer() async {
if (_server != null) {
// Do this asynchronously, because we really don't care about the old server anymore.
new Future(() async {
// Disconnect active WebSockets
try {
var ws =<AngelWebSocket>();
for (var client in ws.clients) {
try {
await client.close();
} catch (e) {
'Couldn\'t close WebSocket from session #${}: $e');
await Future.forEach(,;
} catch (_) {
// Fail silently...
_handleWatchEvent(WatchEvent e, [bool hot = true]) async {
print('${e.path} changed. Reloading server...\n');
await _killServer();
_server = null;
if (hot) {
var report = await _client.reloadSources(;
if (!report.success) {
'Hot reload failed - perhaps some sources have not been generated yet.');
var s = await _generateServer();
_server = s;
while (!_requestQueue.isEmpty) await _handle(_requestQueue.removeFirst());
class _Debounce<S> extends StreamTransformerBase<S, S> {
final Duration _delay;
const _Debounce(this._delay);
Stream<S> bind(Stream<S> stream) {
var initial = new;
var next = initial.subtract(this._delay);
return stream.where((S data) {
var now = new;
if (now.isAfter(next)) {
next = now.add(this._delay);
return true;
} else {
return false;

View file

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as json_rpc_2;
/// The client side of the Hot Reload RPC.
class HotReloadClient {
final StreamController<HotReload> _onReload = StreamController();
/// The underlying transport.
final json_rpc_2.Peer peer;
/// Returns whether the underlying [peer] has been closed.
bool get isClosed => peer.isClosed;
/// Fires whenever the sources within the current Isolate are about to be reloaded.
Stream<HotReload> get onReload =>;
/// Tell the server to establish file watchers at the given [paths],
/// which may be files, directories, globs, or even `package:` URI's.
void watchPaths(Iterable<String> paths) {
// TODO: Watch paths
/// Notifies the server that an error has been encountered.
void reportError(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
// TODO: Error reporting
void close() {
/// A request from the server to reload the current Isolate.
class HotReload {
final HotReloadClient _client;
final List<String> modifiedPaths;
HotReload._(this._client, this.modifiedPaths);
/// Successfully terminate this attempt at a hot reload.
void accept() {
// TODO: accept
/// Reject the hot reload attempt
void reject(Object error, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {
// TODO: reject

View file

View file

@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart';
import 'package:angel_framework/http.dart';
import 'package:angel_websocket/server.dart';
import 'package:charcode/ascii.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'package:html_builder/elements.dart';
import 'package:html_builder/html_builder.dart';
import 'package:io/ansi.dart';
import 'package:vm_service_lib/vm_service_lib.dart' as vm;
import 'package:vm_service_lib/vm_service_lib_io.dart' as vm;
import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart';
/// A utility class that watches the filesystem for changes, and starts new instances of an Angel server.
class HotReloader {
vm.VmService _client;
vm.IsolateRef _mainIsolate;
final StreamController<WatchEvent> _onChange =
new StreamController<WatchEvent>.broadcast();
final List _paths = [];
final StringRenderer _renderer = new StringRenderer(pretty: false);
final Queue<HttpRequest> _requestQueue = new Queue<HttpRequest>();
HttpServer _io;
AngelHttp _server;
Duration _timeout;
vm.VM _vmachine;
/// If `true` (default), then developers can `press 'r' to reload` the application on-the-fly.
/// This option triggers printing a Flutter-like output to the terminal.
final bool enableHotkeys;
/// Invoked to load a new instance of [Angel] on file changes.
final FutureOr<Angel> Function() generator;
/// Fires whenever a file change. You might consider using this to trigger
/// page reloads in a client.
Stream<WatchEvent> get onChange =>;
/// The maximum amount of time to queue incoming requests for if there is no [server] available.
/// If the timeout expires, then the request will be immediately terminated with a `502 Bad Gateway` error.
/// Default: `5s`
Duration get timeout => _timeout;
/// The Dart VM service host.
/// Default: `localhost`.
final String vmServiceHost;
/// The port to connect to the Dart VM service.
/// Default: `8181`.
final int vmServicePort;
/// Initializes a hot reloader that proxies the server created by [generator].
/// [paths] can contain [FileSystemEntity], [Uri], [String] and [Glob] only.
/// URI's can be `package:` URI's as well.
HotReloader(this.generator, Iterable paths,
{Duration timeout,
this.vmServiceHost: 'localhost',
this.vmServicePort: 8181,
this.enableHotkeys: true}) {
_timeout = timeout ?? new Duration(seconds: 5);
_paths.addAll(paths ?? []);
Future close() async {
await _io?.close(force: true);
void sendError(HttpRequest request, int status, String title_, e) {
var doc = html(lang: 'en', c: [
head(c: [
meta(name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1'),
title(c: [text(title_)])
body(c: [
h1(c: [text(title_)]),
i(c: [text(e.toString())])
var response = request.response;
response.statusCode = HttpStatus.badGateway;
..contentType = ContentType.html
..set(HttpHeaders.serverHeader, 'angel_hot');
if (request.headers
?.contains('gzip') ==
true) {
..headers.set(HttpHeaders.contentEncodingHeader, 'gzip')
} else
Future _handle(HttpRequest request) {
return _server.handleRequest(request);
Future handleRequest(HttpRequest request) async {
if (_server != null)
return await _handle(request);
else if (timeout == null)
else {
new Timer(timeout, () {
if (_requestQueue.remove(request)) {
// Send 502 response
sendError(request, HttpStatus.badGateway, '502 Bad Gateway',
'Request timed out after ${timeout.inMilliseconds}ms.');
Future<AngelHttp> _generateServer() async {
var s = await generator();
await Future.forEach(s.startupHooks, s.configure);
return new AngelHttp.custom(s, startShared);
void handleErrorEvent(vm.Event e) {
if (e.exception != null) {
print('Uncaught error in application:');
/// Starts listening to requests and filesystem events.
Future<HttpServer> startServer([address, int port]) async {
var isHot = true;
_server = await _generateServer();
if (_paths?.isNotEmpty != true)
'WARNING: You have instantiated a HotReloader without providing any filesystem paths to watch.'));
if (!Platform.executableArguments.contains('--observe') &&
!Platform.executableArguments.contains('--enable-vm-service')) {
'WARNING: You have instantiated a HotReloader without passing `--enable-vm-service` or `--observe` to the Dart VM. Hot reloading will be disabled.'));
isHot = false;
} else {
_client = await vm.vmServiceConnect(
vmServiceHost ?? 'localhost', vmServicePort ?? 8181);
_vmachine ??= await _client.getVM();
_mainIsolate ??= _vmachine.isolates.first;
await _client.setExceptionPauseMode(, 'None');
await _listenToFilesystem();
//.transform(new _Debounce(new Duration(seconds: 1)))
while (!_requestQueue.isEmpty) await _handle(_requestQueue.removeFirst());
var server = _io = await HttpServer.bind(address ?? '', port ?? 0);
// Print a Flutter-like prompt...
if (enableHotkeys) {
var serverUri = new Uri(
scheme: 'http', host: server.address.address, port: server.port);
var host = vmServiceHost == 'localhost' ? '' : vmServiceHost;
var observatoryUri =
new Uri(scheme: 'http', host: host, port: vmServicePort);
'\n🔥 To hot reload changes while running, press "r". To hot restart (and rebuild state), press "R".'));
stdout.write('Your Angel server is listening at: ');
print(wrapWith('$serverUri', [cyan, styleUnderlined]));
'An Observatory debugger and profiler on ${Platform.operatingSystem} is available at: ');
print(wrapWith('$observatoryUri', [cyan, styleUnderlined]));
'For a more detailed help message, press "h". To quit, press "q".\n');
if (_paths.isNotEmpty) {
'Changes to the following path(s) will also trigger a hot reload:'));
for (var p in _paths) {
print(darkGray.wrap(' * $p'));
// Listen for hotkeys
try {
stdin.lineMode = stdin.echoMode = false;
} catch (_) {}
StreamSubscription<int> sub;
try {
sub = stdin.expand((l) => l).listen((ch) async {
if (ch == $r) {
new WatchEvent(ChangeType.MODIFY, '[manual-reload]'), isHot);
if (ch == $R) {
print('Manually restarting server...\n');
await _killServer();
await _server.close();
var addr = _io.address.address;
var port = _io.port;
await _io?.close(force: true);
await startServer(addr, port);
} else if (ch == $q) {
stdin.echoMode = stdin.lineMode = true;
} else if (ch == $h) {
'Press "r" to hot reload the Dart VM, and restart the active server.');
'Press "R" to restart the server, WITHOUT a hot reload of the VM.');
print('Press "q" to quit the server.');
print('Press "h" to display this help information.');
} catch (_) {}
return server;
_listenToFilesystem() async {
for (var path in _paths) {
if (path is String) {
await _listenToStat(path);
} else if (path is Glob) {
await for (var entity in path.list()) {
await _listenToStat(entity.path);
} else if (path is FileSystemEntity) {
await _listenToStat(path.path);
} else if (path is Uri) {
if (path.scheme == 'package') {
var uri = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(path);
if (uri != null)
await _listenToStat(uri.toFilePath());
await _listenToStat(path.toFilePath());
} else
await _listenToStat(path.toFilePath());
} else {
throw new ArgumentError(
'Hot reload paths must be a FileSystemEntity, a Uri, a String or a Glob. You provided: $path');
_listenToStat(String path) async {
_listen() async {
try {
var stat = await FileStat.stat(path);
if (stat.type == {
var lnk = new Link(path);
var p = await lnk.resolveSymbolicLinks();
return await _listenToStat(p);
} else if (stat.type == FileSystemEntityType.file) {
var file = new File(path);
if (!await file.exists()) return null;
} else if (stat.type == {
var dir = new Directory(path);
if (!await dir.exists()) return null;
} else
return null;
var watcher = new Watcher(path);, onError: (e) {
stderr.writeln('Could not listen to file changes at ${path}: $e');
// print('Listening for file changes at ${path}...');
return true;
} catch (e) {
if (e is! FileSystemException) rethrow;
var r = await _listen();
if (r == null) {
'WARNING: Unable to watch path "$path" from working directory "${Directory.current.path}". Please ensure that it exists.'));
Future _killServer() async {
if (_server != null) {
// Do this asynchronously, because we really don't care about the old server anymore.
new Future(() async {
// Disconnect active WebSockets
try {
var ws =<AngelWebSocket>();
for (var client in ws.clients) {
try {
await client.close();
} catch (e) {
'Couldn\'t close WebSocket from session #${}: $e');
await Future.forEach(,;
} catch (_) {
// Fail silently...
_handleWatchEvent(WatchEvent e, [bool hot = true]) async {
print('${e.path} changed. Reloading server...\n');
await _killServer();
_server = null;
if (hot) {
var report = await _client.reloadSources(;
if (!report.success) {
'Hot reload failed - perhaps some sources have not been generated yet.');
var s = await _generateServer();
_server = s;
while (!_requestQueue.isEmpty) await _handle(_requestQueue.removeFirst());
class _Debounce<S> extends StreamTransformerBase<S, S> {
final Duration _delay;
const _Debounce(this._delay);
Stream<S> bind(Stream<S> stream) {
var initial = new;
var next = initial.subtract(this._delay);
return stream.where((S data) {
var now = new;
if (now.isAfter(next)) {
next = now.add(this._delay);
return true;
} else {
return false;

View file

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as json_rpc_2;
import 'package:stream_channel/src/isolate_channel.dart';
import 'client.dart';
/// Runs the [f] after connecting to a hot reload server. Runs the [f] as-is if no [sendPort] is given.
Future<T> runHot<T>(
SendPort sendPort, FutureOr<T> Function(HotReloadClient) f) {
if (sendPort == null) {
return Future<T>.sync(() => f(null));
} else {
var channel = IsolateChannel.connectSend(sendPort);
var peer = json_rpc_2.Peer.withoutJson(channel);
var client = HotReloadClient(peer);
return Future<T>.sync(() => f(client)).whenComplete(client.close);

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as json_rpc_2;
class HotReloadServer {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: angel_hot
description: Supports hot reloading/hot code push of Angel servers on file changes.
version: 3.0.0-alpha
version: 2.0.3
author: Tobe O <>
@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ dependencies:
glob: ^1.0.0
html_builder: ^1.0.0
io: ^0.3.2
json_rpc_2: ^2.0.0
stream_channel: ^1.0.0
vm_service_lib: ^0.3.5
watcher: ^0.9.0