import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:angel_validate/server.dart'; import 'package:graphql_parser/graphql_parser.dart'; import 'package:graphql_schema/graphql_schema.dart'; import 'package:graphql_server/graphql_server.dart'; final ContentType graphQlContentType = ContentType('application', 'graphql'); final Validator graphQlPostBody = Validator({ 'query*': isNonEmptyString, 'operation_name': isNonEmptyString, 'variables': predicate((v) => v == null || v is String || v is Map), }); final RegExp _num = RegExp(r'^[0-9]+$'); /// A [RequestHandler] that serves a spec-compliant GraphQL backend. /// /// Follows the guidelines listed here: /// RequestHandler graphQLHttp(GraphQL graphQL, {Function(RequestContext, ResponseContext, Stream>) onSubscription}) { return (req, res) async { var globalVariables = { '__requestctx': req, '__responsectx': res, }; sendGraphQLResponse(result) async { if (result is Stream>) { if (onSubscription == null) { throw StateError( 'The GraphQL backend returned a Stream, but no `onSubscription` callback was provided.'); } else { return await onSubscription(req, res, result); } } return { 'data': result, }; } executeMap(Map map) async { var body = await req.parseBody().then((_) => req.bodyAsMap); var text = body['query'] as String; var operationName = body['operation_name'] as String; var variables = body['variables']; if (variables is String) { variables = json.decode(variables as String); } return await sendGraphQLResponse(await graphQL.parseAndExecute( text, sourceUrl: 'input', operationName: operationName, variableValues: foldToStringDynamic(variables as Map), globalVariables: globalVariables, )); } try { if (req.method == 'GET') { if (await validateQuery(graphQlPostBody)(req, res) as bool) { return await executeMap(req.queryParameters); } } else if (req.method == 'POST') { if (req.headers.contentType?.mimeType == graphQlContentType.mimeType) { var text = await req.body.transform(utf8.decoder).join(); return sendGraphQLResponse(await graphQL.parseAndExecute( text, sourceUrl: 'input', globalVariables: globalVariables, )); } else if (req.headers.contentType?.mimeType == 'application/json') { if (await validate(graphQlPostBody)(req, res) as bool) { return await executeMap(req.bodyAsMap); } } else if (req.headers.contentType?.mimeType == 'multipart/form-data') { var fields = await req.parseBody().then((_) => req.bodyAsMap); var operations = fields['operations'] as String; if (operations == null) { throw AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: 'Missing "operations" field.'); } var map = fields.containsKey('map') ? json.decode(fields['map'] as String) : null; if (map is! Map) { throw AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: '"map" field must decode to a JSON object.'); } var variables = Map.from(globalVariables); for (var entry in (map as Map).entries) { var file = req.uploadedFiles .firstWhere((f) => == entry.key, orElse: () => null); if (file == null) { throw AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: '"map" contained key "${entry.key}", but no uploaded file ' 'has that name.'); } if (entry.value is! List) { throw AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: 'The value for "${entry.key}" in the "map" field was not a JSON array.'); } var objectPaths = entry.value as List; for (var objectPath in objectPaths) { var subPaths = (objectPath as String).split('.'); if (subPaths[0] == 'variables') { Object current = variables; for (int i = 1; i < subPaths.length; i++) { var name = subPaths[i]; var parent = subPaths.take(i).join('.'); if (_num.hasMatch(name)) { if (current is! List) { throw AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: 'Object "$parent" is not a JSON array, but the ' '"map" field contained a mapping to $parent.$name.'); } (current as List)[int.parse(name)] = file; } else { if (current is! Map) { throw AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: 'Object "$parent" is not a JSON object, but the ' '"map" field contained a mapping to $parent.$name.'); } (current as Map)[name] = file; } } } else { throw AngelHttpException.badRequest( message: 'All array values in the "map" field must begin with "variables.".'); } } } return await sendGraphQLResponse(await graphQL.parseAndExecute( operations, sourceUrl: 'input', globalVariables: variables, )); } else { throw AngelHttpException.badRequest(); } } else { throw AngelHttpException.badRequest(); } } on ValidationException catch (e) { var errors = [GraphQLExceptionError(e.message)]; errors.addAll( => GraphQLExceptionError(ee)).toList()); return GraphQLException(errors).toJson(); } on AngelHttpException catch (e) { var errors = [GraphQLExceptionError(e.message)]; errors.addAll( => GraphQLExceptionError(ee)).toList()); return GraphQLException(errors).toJson(); } on SyntaxError catch (e) { return GraphQLException.fromSourceSpan(e.message, e.span); } on GraphQLException catch (e) { return e.toJson(); } catch (e, st) { if ( != null) { 'An error occurred while processing GraphQL query at ${req.uri}.', e, st); } return GraphQLException.fromMessage(e.toString()).toJson(); } }; }