import 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:angel_framework/http.dart'; import 'package:angel_validate/angel_validate.dart'; import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'package:pretty_logging/pretty_logging.dart'; Future main() async { Logger.root ..level = Level.ALL ..onRecord.listen(prettyLog); var app = Angel(logger: Logger('angel_validate')); var http = AngelHttp(app); var todos = []; /// We can combine fields into a form; this is most /// useful when we immediately deserialize the form into /// something else. var todoForm = Form(fields: [ TextField('text'), BoolField('is_complete'), ]); /// We can directly use a `Form` to deserialize a /// request body into a `Map`. /// /// By calling `deserialize` or `decode`, we can populate /// concrete Dart objects.'/', (req, res) async { var todo = await todoForm.deserialize(req, Todo.fromMap); todos.add(todo); await res.redirect('/'); }); /// You can also use `Field`s to read directly from the /// request, without `as` casts. /// /// In this handler, we read the value of `name` from the query. app.get('/hello', (req, res) async { var nameField = TextField('name'); var name = await nameField.getValue(req, query: true); return 'Hello, $name!'; }); /// Simple page displaying a form and some state. app.get('/', (req, res) { res ..contentType = MediaType('text', 'html') ..write('''


    ${ { return '
  • ${t.text} (isComplete=${t.isComplete})
  • '; }).join()}

'''); }); // You can use a [MapField] to embed one [Form] with another. // In this example, we embed the [todoForm], but also call `.deserialize`, // so that the final value we see is a [Todo] instance, rather than a [Map].'/map_field', (req, res) async { var form = Form(fields: [ MapField('todo', todoForm).deserialize(Todo.fromMap), ]); var data = await form.validate(req); var b = StringBuffer(); b.write(data); return b.toString(); }); app.fallback((req, res) => throw AngelHttpException.notFound()); app.errorHandler = (e, req, res) { res.writeln('Error ${e.statusCode}: ${e.message}'); for (var error in e.errors) { res.writeln('* $error'); } }; await http.startServer('', 3011); print('Listening at ${http.uri}'); } class Todo { final String text; final bool isComplete; Todo(this.text, this.isComplete); static Todo fromMap(Map map) { return Todo(map['text'] as String, map['is_complete'] as bool); } @override String toString() => 'Todo($text, $isComplete)'; }