import 'package:analyzer/dart/constant/value.dart'; import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart'; import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart'; import 'package:angel_orm/angel_orm.dart'; import 'package:source_gen/source_gen.dart'; import 'orm_build_context.dart'; const TypeChecker columnTypeChecker = const TypeChecker.fromRuntime(Column); Orm reviveORMAnnotation(ConstantReader reader) { return Orm(tableName: reader.peek('tableName')?.stringValue); } class ColumnReader { final ConstantReader reader; ColumnReader(this.reader); bool get isNullable => reader.peek('isNullable')?.boolValue ?? true; int get length => reader.peek('length')?.intValue; DartObject get defaultValue => reader.peek('defaultValue')?.objectValue; } class RelationshipReader { final int type; final String localKey; final String foreignKey; final String foreignTable; final bool cascadeOnDelete; final DartType through; final OrmBuildContext foreign; final OrmBuildContext throughContext; const RelationshipReader(this.type, {this.localKey, this.foreignKey, this.foreignTable, this.cascadeOnDelete, this.through, this.foreign, this.throughContext}); bool get isManyToMany => type == RelationshipType.hasMany && throughContext != null; FieldElement findLocalField(OrmBuildContext ctx) { return ctx.effectiveFields.firstWhere( (f) => ctx.buildContext.resolveFieldName( == localKey, orElse: () { throw '${} has no field that maps to the name "$localKey", ' 'but it has a @HasMany() relation that expects such a field.'; }); } FieldElement findForeignField(OrmBuildContext ctx) { var foreign = throughContext ?? this.foreign; return foreign.effectiveFields.firstWhere( (f) => foreign.buildContext.resolveFieldName( == foreignKey, orElse: () { throw '${} has no field that maps to the name "$foreignKey", ' 'but ${} has a @HasMany() relation that expects such a field.'; }); } }