import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:angel_client/io.dart' as client; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:mock_request/mock_request.dart'; import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart'; final Uuid _uuid = new Uuid(); Future connectTo(Angel app, {Map initialSession, bool saveSession: false}) async { TestClient client; var path = '/${_uuid.v1()}/${_uuid.v1()}/${_uuid.v1()}'; if (saveSession) { app ..get(path, (RequestContext req, res) async { client._session = req.session; if (initialSession != null) { req.session.addAll(initialSession); } }), (RequestContext req, res) async { client._session = req.session..addAll(req.body); }) ..patch(path, (RequestContext req, res) async { req.body['keys'].forEach(req.session.remove); client._session = req.session; }); } final server = await app.startServer(); final url = 'http://${server.address.address}:${server.port}'; client = new TestClient(server, url); if (saveSession) { await client.client.get('$url$path'); client._sessionPath = path; } return client; } Future mock(Angel app, String method, Uri uri, {Iterable cookies: const [], Map headers: const {}}) async { var rq = new MockHttpRequest(method, uri); rq.cookies.addAll(cookies ?? []); headers.forEach(rq.headers.add); await rq.close(); await app.handleRequest(rq); return rq.response; } /// Interacts with an Angel server. class TestClient extends client.Rest { final HttpServer server; HttpSession _session; String _sessionPath; /// Returns a pointer to the current session. HttpSession get session => _session; TestClient(this.server, String path) : super(path); /// Adds data to the [session]. Future addToSession(Map data) => post(_sessionPath, body: data); /// Removes data from the [session]. Future removeFromSession(List keys) => patch(_sessionPath, body: JSON.encode({'keys': keys}), headers: {HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE: ContentType.JSON.mimeType}); @override Future close() async { if (server != null) { await server.close(force: true); } } }