# graphql_generator [](https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/graphql_generator) [](https://travis-ci.org/angel-dart/graphql) Generates `package:graphql_schema` schemas for annotated class. Replaces `convertDartType` from `package:graphql_server`. ## Usage Usage is very simple. You just need a `@graphQLClass` or `@GraphQLClass()` annotation on any class you want to generate an object type for. Individual fields can have a `@GraphQLDocumentation()` annotation, to provide information like descriptions, deprecation reasons, etc. ```dart @graphQLClass @GraphQLDocumentation(description: 'Todo object type') class Todo { String text; /// Whether this item is complete bool isComplete; } void main() { print(todoGraphQLType.fields.map((f) => f.name)); } ``` The following is generated (as of April 18th, 2019): ```dart // GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND part of 'main.dart'; // ************************************************************************** // _GraphQLGenerator // ************************************************************************** /// Auto-generated from [Todo]. final GraphQLObjectType todoGraphQLType = objectType('Todo', isInterface: false, description: 'Todo object type', interfaces: [], fields: [ field('text', graphQLString), field('isComplete', graphQLBoolean, description: 'Whether this item is complete') ]); ```