# Contribution

Any help from the open-source community is always welcome and needed:

1. Found an issue?
    - Please [fill a bug report][tracker] with error message and steps to reproduce it.
2. Wish a feature?
    - Open a feature request with use cases.
3. Are you using and liking the project?
    - Create an article about your use case
    - Do a post on your likes and dislikes
    - Make a donation.
4. Are you a developer?
    - Fix a bug and send a [pull request][pull_request]
    - Implement a new feature
    - Improve the Unit Tests
    - Improve the [User Guide][doc] and send a [document pull request][doc_repo]
5. Have you already helped in any way?
    - **Many thanks to the contributors and everybody that uses this project!**

[tracker]: https://github.com/dukefirehawk/angel/issues
[pull_request]: https://github.com/dukefirehawk/angel/pulls
[doc]: https://angel3-docs.dukefirehawk.com
[doc_repo]: https://github.com/dukefirehawk/angel3-guide/pulls