import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:angel_route/angel_route.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:test/test.dart'; main() { http.Client client; final people = [ {'name': 'John Smith'} ]; final Router router = new Router(debug: true); HttpServer server; String url; router.get('/', (req, res) { res.write('Root'); return false; }); router.get('/hello', (req, res) { res.write('World'); return false; });'/people', (router) { router.get('/', (req, res) { res.write(JSON.encode(people)); return false; });'/:id', (router) { router.get('/', (req, res) { // In a real application, we would take the param, // but not here... res.write(JSON.encode(people.first)); return false; }); router.get('/name', (req, res) { // In a real application, we would take the param, // but not here... res.write(JSON.encode(people.first['name'])); return false; }); }); }); final beatles = new Router();'/spinal_clacker', (req, res) { res.write('come '); return true; }); final yellow = new Router() ..get('/submarine', (req, res) { res.write('we all live in a'); return false; });'/big', (router) { router.mount('/yellow', yellow); }); beatles.all('*', (req, res) { res.write('together'); return false; }); router.mount('/beatles', beatles); setUp(() async { client = new http.Client(); router.dumpTree(); server = await HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.LOOPBACK_IP_V4, 0); url = 'http://${server.address.address}:${server.port}'; server.listen((req) async { final res = req.response; // Easy middleware pipeline final results = router.resolveAll(req.uri.toString(), req.uri.toString(), method: req.method); final pipeline = new MiddlewarePipeline(results); if (pipeline.handlers.isEmpty) { res ..statusCode = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND ..writeln('404 Not Found'); } else { for (final handler in pipeline.handlers) { if (!await handler(req, res)) break; } } await res.close(); }); }); tearDown(() async { await server.close(force: true); client.close(); client = null; url = null; }); group('top-level', () { group('get', () { test('root', () async { final res = await client.get(url); print('Response: ${res.body}'); expect(res.body, equals('Root')); }); test('path', () async { final res = await client.get('$url/hello'); print('Response: ${res.body}'); expect(res.body, equals('World')); }); }); }); group('group', () { group('top-level', () { test('root', () async { final res = await client.get('$url/people'); print('Response: ${res.body}'); expect(JSON.decode(res.body), equals(people)); }); group('param', () { test('root', () async { final res = await client.get('$url/people/0'); print('Response: ${res.body}'); expect(JSON.decode(res.body), equals(people.first)); }); test('path', () async { final res = await client.get('$url/people/0/name'); print('Response: ${res.body}'); expect(JSON.decode(res.body), equals(people.first['name'])); }); }); }); }); group('mount', () { group('path', () { test('top-level', () async { final res = await'$url/beatles/spinal_clacker'); print('Response: ${res.body}'); expect(res.body, equals('come together')); }); test('fallback', () async { final res = await client.patch('$url/beatles/muddy_water'); print('Response: ${res.body}'); expect(res.body, equals('together')); }); }); test('deep nested', () async { final res = await client.get('$url/beatles/big/yellow/submarine'); print('Response: ${res.body}'); expect(res.body, equals('we all live in a')); }); group('fallback', () {}); }); group('404', () { expect404(r) => r.then((res) { print('Response (${res.statusCode}): ${res.body}'); expect(res.statusCode, equals(404)); }); test('path', () async { await expect404(client.get('$url/foo')); await expect404(client.get('$url/bye')); await expect404(client.get('$url/people/0/age')); await expect404(client.get('$url/beatles2')); }); test('method', () async {}); }); }