import 'package:angel_http_exception/angel_http_exception.dart'; class AuthorizationException extends AngelHttpException { final ErrorResponse errorResponse; AuthorizationException(this.errorResponse, {StackTrace stackTrace, int statusCode}) : super(errorResponse, stackTrace: stackTrace, message: '', statusCode: statusCode ?? 401); } class ErrorResponse { final String code, description; // Taken from // TODO: Use original error messages static const ErrorResponse invalidRequest = const ErrorResponse( 'invalid_request', 'The request was malformed, or contains unsupported parameters.'), invalidClient = const ErrorResponse( 'invalid_client', 'The client authentication failed.'), invalidGrant = const ErrorResponse( 'invalid_grant', 'The provided authorization is invalid.'), unauthorizedClient = const ErrorResponse('unauthorized_client', 'The client application is not allowed to use this grant_type.'), unauthorizedGrantType = const ErrorResponse('unsupported_grant_type', 'A grant_type other than “password” was used in the request.'), invalidScope = const ErrorResponse( 'invalid_scope', 'One or more of the scopes you provided was invalid.'), unsupportedTokenType = const ErrorResponse('unsupported_token_type', 'The client tried to revoke an access token on a server not supporting this feature.'), invalidToken = const ErrorResponse( 'invalid_token', 'The presented token is invalid.'); const ErrorResponse(this.code, this.description); }