import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:angel_graphql/angel_graphql.dart'; import 'package:graphql_schema/graphql_schema.dart'; import 'package:graphql_server/graphql_server.dart'; import 'package:graphql_server/mirrors.dart'; import 'src/models/models.dart'; Future configureServer(Angel app) async { // Create standard Angel services. Note that these will also *automatically* be // exposed via a REST API as well. var droidService = mountService<Droid>(app, '/api/droids'); var humansService = mountService<Human>(app, '/api/humans'); var starshipService = mountService<Starship>(app, '/api/starships'); var rnd = new Random(); // Create the GraphQL schema. // This code uses dart:mirrors to easily create GraphQL types from Dart PODO's. var droidType = convertDartClass(Droid); var episodeType = convertDartType(Episode); var humanType = convertDartClass(Human); var starshipType = convertDartType(Starship); // A Hero can be either a Droid or Human; create a union type that represents this. var heroType = new GraphQLUnionType('Hero', [droidType, humanType]); // Create the query type. // // Use the `resolveViaServiceIndex` helper to load data directly from an // Angel service. var queryType = objectType( 'StarWarsQuery', description: 'A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...', fields: [ field( 'droids', listOf(droidType.nonNullable()), description: 'All droids in the known galaxy.', resolve: resolveViaServiceIndex(droidService), ), field( 'humans', listOf(humanType.nonNullable()), description: 'All humans in the known galaxy.', resolve: resolveViaServiceIndex(humansService), ), field( 'starships', listOf(starshipType.nonNullable()), description: 'All starships in the known galaxy.', resolve: resolveViaServiceIndex(starshipService), ), field( 'hero', heroType, description: 'Finds a random hero within the known galaxy, whether a Droid or Human.', inputs: [ new GraphQLFieldInput('ep', episodeType), ], resolve: randomHeroResolver(droidService, humansService, rnd), ), ], ); // Convert our object types to input objects, so that they can be passed to // mutations. var humanChangesType = humanType.toInputObject('HumanChanges'); // Create the mutation type. var mutationType = objectType( 'StarWarsMutation', fields: [ // We'll use the `modify_human` mutation to modify a human in the database. field( 'modify_human', humanType.nonNullable(), description: 'Modifies a human in the database.', inputs: [ new GraphQLFieldInput('id', graphQLId.nonNullable()), new GraphQLFieldInput('data', humanChangesType.nonNullable()), ], resolve: resolveViaServiceModify(humansService), ), ], ); // Finally, create the schema. var schema = graphQLSchema( queryType: queryType, mutationType: mutationType, ); // Next, create a GraphQL object, which will be passed to `graphQLHttp`, and // used to mount a spec-compliant GraphQL endpoint on the server. var graphQL = new GraphQL(schema); // Mount the GraphQL endpoint. app.all('/graphql', graphQLHttp(graphQL)); // In development, we'll want to mount GraphiQL, for easy management of the database. if (!app.isProduction) { app.get('/graphiql', graphiQL()); } // Seed the database. var leia = await humansService.create({ 'name': 'Leia Organa', 'appears_in': ['NEWHOPE', 'EMPIRE', 'JEDI'], 'total_credits': 520, }); var lando = await humansService.create({ 'name': 'Lando Calrissian', 'appears_in': ['EMPIRE', 'JEDI'], 'total_credits': 525430, }); var hanSolo = await humansService.create({ 'name': 'Han Solo', 'appears_in': ['NEWHOPE', 'EMPIRE', 'JEDI'], 'total_credits': 23, 'friends': [leia, lando], }); // Luke, of course. await humansService.create({ 'name': 'Luke Skywalker', 'appears_in': ['NEWHOPE', 'EMPIRE', 'JEDI'], 'total_credits': 682, 'friends': [leia, hanSolo, lando], }); } GraphQLFieldResolver randomHeroResolver( Service droidService, Service humansService, Random rnd) { return (_, args) async { var allHeroes = []; var allDroids = await droidService.index() as Iterable; var allHumans = await humansService.index() as Iterable; allHeroes..addAll(allDroids)..addAll(allHumans); // Ignore the annoying cast here, hopefully Dart 2 fixes cases like this allHeroes = allHeroes .where((m) => !args.containsKey('ep') || (m['appears_in'].contains(args['ep']) as bool)) .toList(); return allHeroes.isEmpty ? null : allHeroes[rnd.nextInt(allHeroes.length)]; }; } Service mountService<T extends Model>(Angel app, String path) => app.use(path, new TypedService(new MapService())) as Service;