part of angel_framework.http; class Controller { List middleware = []; List routes = []; Map _mappings = {}; Expose exposeDecl; Future call(Angel app) async { Routable routable = new Routable() ..routes.addAll(routes); app.use(exposeDecl.path, routable); TypeMirror typeMirror = reflectType(this.runtimeType); String name =; if (name == null || name.isEmpty) name = MirrorSystem.getName(typeMirror.simpleName); app.controllers[name] = this; } Controller() { // Load global expose decl ClassMirror classMirror = reflectClass(this.runtimeType); for (InstanceMirror metadatum in classMirror.metadata) { if (metadatum.reflectee is Expose) { exposeDecl = metadatum.reflectee; break; } } if (exposeDecl == null) throw new Exception( "All controllers must carry an @Expose() declaration."); else routes.add( new Route( "*", "*", []..addAll(exposeDecl.middleware)..addAll(middleware))); InstanceMirror instanceMirror = reflect(this); classMirror.instanceMembers.forEach((Symbol key, MethodMirror methodMirror) { if (methodMirror.isRegularMethod && key != #toString && key != #noSuchMethod && key != #call && key != #equals && key != #==) { InstanceMirror exposeMirror = methodMirror.metadata.firstWhere(( mirror) => mirror.reflectee is Expose, orElse: () => null); if (exposeMirror != null) { RequestHandler handler = (RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async { List args = []; try { // Load parameters, and execute for (int i = 0; i < methodMirror.parameters.length; i++) { ParameterMirror parameter = methodMirror.parameters[i]; if (parameter.type.reflectedType == RequestContext) args.add(req); else if (parameter.type.reflectedType == ResponseContext) args.add(res); else { String name = MirrorSystem.getName(parameter.simpleName); var arg = req.params[name]; if (arg == null && !exposeMirror.reflectee.allowNull.contain(name)) { throw new AngelHttpException.BadRequest(); } args.add(arg); } } return await instanceMirror .invoke(key, args) .reflectee; } catch (e) { throw new AngelHttpException(e); } }; Route route = new Route( exposeMirror.reflectee.method, exposeMirror.reflectee.path, [handler]..addAll(exposeMirror.reflectee.middleware)); routes.add(route); String name =; if (name == null || name.isEmpty) name = MirrorSystem.getName(key); _mappings[name] = route; } } }); } }