// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND // ************************************************************************** // Generator: PostgresORMGenerator // Target: class _Author // ************************************************************************** import 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel_orm/angel_orm.dart'; import 'package:postgres/postgres.dart'; import 'author.dart'; class AuthorQuery { final List _and = []; final List _or = []; final List _not = []; final AuthorQueryWhere where = new AuthorQueryWhere(); void and(AuthorQuery other) { var compiled = other.where.toWhereClause(keyword: false); if (compiled != null) { _and.add(compiled); } } void or(AuthorQuery other) { var compiled = other.where.toWhereClause(keyword: false); if (compiled != null) { _or.add(compiled); } } void not(AuthorQuery other) { var compiled = other.where.toWhereClause(keyword: false); if (compiled != null) { _not.add(compiled); } } String toSql() { var buf = new StringBuffer('SELECT * FROM "authors"'); var whereClause = where.toWhereClause(); if (whereClause != null) { buf.write(' ' + whereClause); } if (_and.isNotEmpty) { buf.write(' AND (' + _and.join(',') + ')'); } if (_or.isNotEmpty) { buf.write(' OR (' + _or.join(',') + ')'); } if (_not.isNotEmpty) { buf.write(' NOT (' + _not.join(',') + ')'); } buf.write(';'); return buf.toString(); } static Author parseRow(List row) { return new Author.fromJson({ 'id': row[0].toString(), 'name': row[1], 'created_at': row[2], 'updated_at': row[3] }); } Stream get(PostgreSQLConnection connection) { StreamController ctrl = new StreamController(); connection.query(toSql()).then((rows) { rows.map(parseRow).forEach(ctrl.add); ctrl.close(); }).catchError(ctrl.addError); return ctrl.stream; } static Future getOne(int id, PostgreSQLConnection connection) { return connection.query('SELECT * FROM "authors" WHERE "id" = @id;', substitutionValues: {'id': id}).then((rows) => parseRow(rows.first)); } Stream update(PostgreSQLConnection connection, {String name, DateTime createdAt, DateTime updatedAt}) { var buf = new StringBuffer( 'UPDATE "authors" SET ("name", "created_at", "updated_at") = (@name, @createdAt, @updatedAt) '); var whereClause = where.toWhereClause(); if (whereClause == null) { buf.write('WHERE "id" = @id'); } else { buf.write(whereClause); } var __ormNow__ = new DateTime.now(); var ctrl = new StreamController(); connection.query( buf.toString() + ' RETURNING ("id", "name", "created_at", "updated_at");', substitutionValues: { 'name': name, 'createdAt': createdAt != null ? createdAt : __ormNow__, 'updatedAt': updatedAt != null ? updatedAt : __ormNow__ }).then((rows) { rows.map(parseRow).forEach(ctrl.add); ctrl.close(); }).catchError(ctrl.addError); return ctrl.stream; } Stream delete(PostgreSQLConnection connection) async {} static Future deleteOne( int id, PostgreSQLConnection connection) async { var __ormBeforeDelete__ = await AuthorQuery.getOne(id, connection); var result = await connection.execute( 'DELETE FROM "authors" WHERE id = @id;', substitutionValues: {'id': id}); if (result != 1) { new StateError('DELETE query deleted ' + result + ' row(s), instead of exactly 1 row.'); } return __ormBeforeDelete__; } static Future insert(PostgreSQLConnection connection, {String name, DateTime createdAt, DateTime updatedAt}) async { var __ormNow__ = new DateTime.now(); var nRows = await connection.execute( 'INSERT INTO "authors" ("name", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (@name, @createdAt, @updatedAt);', substitutionValues: { 'name': name, 'createdAt': createdAt != null ? createdAt : __ormNow__, 'updatedAt': updatedAt != null ? updatedAt : __ormNow__ }); if (nRows < 1) { throw new StateError('Insertion into "authors" table failed.'); } var currVal = await connection.query( 'SELECT * FROM "authors" WHERE id = currval(pg_get_serial_sequence(\'authors\', \'id\'));'); return parseRow(currVal[0]); } static Stream getAll(PostgreSQLConnection connection) => new AuthorQuery().get(connection); } class AuthorQueryWhere { final NumericSqlExpressionBuilder id = new NumericSqlExpressionBuilder(); final StringSqlExpressionBuilder name = new StringSqlExpressionBuilder(); final DateTimeSqlExpressionBuilder createdAt = new DateTimeSqlExpressionBuilder('created_at'); final DateTimeSqlExpressionBuilder updatedAt = new DateTimeSqlExpressionBuilder('updated_at'); String toWhereClause({bool keyword}) { final List expressions = []; if (id.hasValue) { expressions.add('"id" ' + id.compile()); } if (name.hasValue) { expressions.add('"name" ' + name.compile()); } if (createdAt.hasValue) { expressions.add(createdAt.compile()); } if (updatedAt.hasValue) { expressions.add(updatedAt.compile()); } return expressions.isEmpty ? null : ((keyword != false ? 'WHERE ' : '') + expressions.join(' AND ')); } }