import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:collection'; import 'package:file/file.dart'; import 'package:jael/jael.dart'; import 'package:symbol_table/symbol_table.dart'; /// Modifies a Jael document. typedef FutureOr Patcher(Document document, Directory currentDirectory, void onError(JaelError error)); /// Expands all `block[name]` tags within the template, replacing them with the correct content. /// /// To apply additional patches to resolved documents, provide a set of [patch] /// functions. Future resolve(Document document, Directory currentDirectory, {void onError(JaelError error), Iterable patch}) async { onError ?? (e) => throw e; // Resolve all includes... var includesResolved = await resolveIncludes(document, currentDirectory, onError); var patched = await applyInheritance( includesResolved, currentDirectory, onError, patch); if (patch?.isNotEmpty != true) return patched; for (var p in patch) { patched = await p(patched, currentDirectory, onError); } return patched; } /// Folds any `extend` declarations. Future applyInheritance(Document document, Directory currentDirectory, void onError(JaelError error), Iterable patch) async { if ( != 'extend') { // This is not an inherited template, so just fill in the existing blocks. var root = replaceChildrenOfElement(document.root, {}, onError, true, false); return new Document(document.doctype, root); } var element = document.root; var attr = element.attributes.firstWhere((a) => == 'src', orElse: () => null); if (attr == null) { onError(new JaelError(JaelErrorSeverity.warning, 'Missing "src" attribute in "extend" tag.', element.tagName.span)); return null; } else if (attr.value is! StringLiteral) { onError(new JaelError( JaelErrorSeverity.warning, 'The "src" attribute in an "extend" tag must be a string literal.', element.tagName.span)); return null; } else { // In theory, there exists: // * A single root template with a number of blocks // * Some amount of templates. // To produce an accurate representation, we need to: // 1. Find the root template, and store a copy in a variable. // 2: For each template: // a. Enumerate the block overrides it defines // b. Replace matching blocks in the current document // c. If there is no block, and this is the LAST , fill in the default block content. var hierarchy = await resolveHierarchy(document, currentDirectory, onError); var out = hierarchy?.root; if (out is! RegularElement) { return hierarchy.rootDocument; } Element setOut(Element out, Map definedOverrides, bool anyTemplatesRemain) { var children = []; // Replace matching blocks, etc. for (var c in out.children) { if (c is Element) { children.addAll(replaceBlocks( c, definedOverrides, onError, false, anyTemplatesRemain)); } else { children.add(c); } } var root = hierarchy.root as RegularElement; return new RegularElement(, root.tagName, root.attributes,, children, root.lt2, root.slash, root.tagName2, root.gt2); } // Loop through all extends, filling in blocks. while (hierarchy.extendsTemplates.isNotEmpty) { var tmpl = hierarchy.extendsTemplates.removeFirst(); var definedOverrides = findBlockOverrides(tmpl, onError); if (definedOverrides == null) break; out = setOut(out, definedOverrides, hierarchy.extendsTemplates.isNotEmpty); } // Lastly, just default-fill any remaining blocks. var definedOverrides = findBlockOverrides(out, onError); if (definedOverrides != null) out = setOut(out, definedOverrides, false); // Return our processed document. return new Document(document.doctype, out); } } Map findBlockOverrides( Element tmpl, void onError(JaelError e)) { var out = {}; for (var child in tmpl.children) { if (child is RegularElement && child.tagName?.name == 'block') { var name = child.attributes .firstWhere((a) => == 'name', orElse: () => null) ?.value ?.compute(new SymbolTable()) as String; if (name?.trim()?.isNotEmpty == true) { out[name] = child; } } } return out; } /// Resolves the document hierarchy at a given node in the tree. Future resolveHierarchy(Document document, Directory currentDirectory, void onError(JaelError e)) async { var extendsTemplates = new Queue(); String parent; while (document != null && (parent = getParent(document, onError)) != null) { try { extendsTemplates.addFirst(document.root); var file = currentDirectory.childFile(parent); var parsed = parseDocument(await file.readAsString(), sourceUrl: file.uri, onError: onError); document = await resolveIncludes(parsed, currentDirectory, onError); } on FileSystemException catch (e) { onError(new JaelError( JaelErrorSeverity.error, e.message, document.root.span)); return null; } } if (document == null) return null; return new DocumentHierarchy(document, extendsTemplates); } class DocumentHierarchy { final Document rootDocument; final Queue extendsTemplates; // FIFO DocumentHierarchy(this.rootDocument, this.extendsTemplates); Element get root => rootDocument.root; } Iterable replaceBlocks( Element element, Map definedOverrides, void onError(JaelError e), bool replaceWithDefault, bool anyTemplatesRemain) { if ( == 'block') { var nameAttr = element.attributes .firstWhere((a) => == 'name', orElse: () => null); var name = nameAttr?.value?.compute(new SymbolTable()); if (name?.trim()?.isNotEmpty != true) { onError(new JaelError( JaelErrorSeverity.warning, 'This has no `name` attribute, and will be outputted as-is.', element.span)); return [element]; } else if (!definedOverrides.containsKey(name)) { if (element is RegularElement) { if (anyTemplatesRemain || !replaceWithDefault) { // If there are still templates remaining, this current block may eventually // be resolved. Keep it alive. // We can't get rid of the block itself, but it may have blocks as children... var inner = allChildrenOfRegularElement(element, definedOverrides, onError, replaceWithDefault, anyTemplatesRemain); return [ new RegularElement(, element.tagName, element.attributes,, inner, element.lt2, element.slash, element.tagName2, element.gt2) ]; } else { // Otherwise, just return the default contents. return element.children; } } else { return [element]; } } else { return allChildrenOfRegularElement(definedOverrides[name], definedOverrides, onError, replaceWithDefault, anyTemplatesRemain); } } else if (element is SelfClosingElement) { return [element]; } else { return [ replaceChildrenOfRegularElement(element as RegularElement, definedOverrides, onError, replaceWithDefault, anyTemplatesRemain) ]; } } Element replaceChildrenOfElement( Element el, Map definedOverrides, void onError(JaelError e), bool replaceWithDefault, bool anyTemplatesRemain) { if (el is RegularElement) { return replaceChildrenOfRegularElement( el, definedOverrides, onError, replaceWithDefault, anyTemplatesRemain); } else { return el; } } RegularElement replaceChildrenOfRegularElement( RegularElement el, Map definedOverrides, void onError(JaelError e), bool replaceWithDefault, bool anyTemplatesRemain) { var children = allChildrenOfRegularElement( el, definedOverrides, onError, replaceWithDefault, anyTemplatesRemain); return new RegularElement(, el.tagName, el.attributes,, children, el.lt2, el.slash, el.tagName2, el.gt2); } List allChildrenOfRegularElement( RegularElement el, Map definedOverrides, void onError(JaelError e), bool replaceWithDefault, bool anyTemplatesRemain) { var children = []; for (var c in el.children) { if (c is Element) { children.addAll(replaceBlocks(c, definedOverrides, onError, replaceWithDefault, anyTemplatesRemain)); } else { children.add(c); } } return children; } /// Finds the name of the parent template. String getParent(Document document, void onError(JaelError error)) { var element = document.root; if (element?.tagName?.name != 'extend') return null; var attr = element.attributes.firstWhere((a) => == 'src', orElse: () => null); if (attr == null) { onError(new JaelError(JaelErrorSeverity.warning, 'Missing "src" attribute in "extend" tag.', element.tagName.span)); return null; } else if (attr.value is! StringLiteral) { onError(new JaelError( JaelErrorSeverity.warning, 'The "src" attribute in an "extend" tag must be a string literal.', element.tagName.span)); return null; } else { return (attr.value as StringLiteral).value; } } /// Expands all `include[src]` tags within the template, and fills in the content of referenced files. Future resolveIncludes(Document document, Directory currentDirectory, void onError(JaelError error)) async { return new Document(document.doctype, await _expandIncludes(document.root, currentDirectory, onError)); } Future _expandIncludes(Element element, Directory currentDirectory, void onError(JaelError error)) async { if ( != 'include') { if (element is SelfClosingElement) return element; else if (element is RegularElement) { List expanded = []; for (var child in element.children) { if (child is Element) { expanded.add(await _expandIncludes(child, currentDirectory, onError)); } else { expanded.add(child); } } return new RegularElement(, element.tagName, element.attributes,, expanded, element.lt2, element.slash, element.tagName2, element.gt2); } else { throw new UnsupportedError( 'Unsupported element type: ${element.runtimeType}'); } } var attr = element.attributes.firstWhere((a) => == 'src', orElse: () => null); if (attr == null) { onError(new JaelError(JaelErrorSeverity.warning, 'Missing "src" attribute in "include" tag.', element.tagName.span)); return null; } else if (attr.value is! StringLiteral) { onError(new JaelError( JaelErrorSeverity.warning, 'The "src" attribute in an "include" tag must be a string literal.', element.tagName.span)); return null; } else { var src = (attr.value as StringLiteral).value; var file = currentDirectory.fileSystem.file(currentDirectory.uri.resolve(src)); var contents = await file.readAsString(); var doc = parseDocument(contents, sourceUrl: file.uri, onError: onError); var processed = await resolve( doc,, onError: onError); return processed.root; } }