import 'dart:math'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; import 'package:faker/faker.dart'; export 'package:faker/faker.dart'; /// Generates data using a [Faker]. typedef FakerCallback = Function(Faker faker); /// Used to seed nested objects. typedef SeederCallback<T> = Function(T created, Function(Pattern path, SeederConfiguration configuration, {bool? verbose})); /// Seeds the given service in development. AngelConfigurer seed<T>( Pattern servicePath, SeederConfiguration<T> configuration, { bool verbose = false, }) { return (Angel app) async { if (configuration.runInProduction != true) return; if (! { throw ArgumentError( "App does not contain a service at path '$servicePath'."); } if (configuration.disabled == true) { print("Service '$servicePath' will not be seeded."); return; } var service = app.findService(servicePath); var faker = Faker(); Map _buildTemplate(Map data) { return data.keys.fold({}, (map, key) { var value = data[key]; if (value is FakerCallback) { return map..[key] = value(faker); } else if (value is Function) { return map..[key] = value(); } else if (value is Map) { return map..[key] = _buildTemplate(value); } else { return map..[key] = value; } }); } Future<Null> Function(SeederConfiguration configuration) _buildSeeder( Service? service, {bool? verbose}) { return (SeederConfiguration configuration) async { if (configuration.delete == true) await service!.remove(null); var count = configuration.count; var rnd = Random(); if (count < 1) count = 1; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { Future _gen(template) async { var data = template; if (data is Map) { data = _buildTemplate(data); } else if (data is Faker) { data = template(faker); } var params = <String, dynamic>{}..addAll(configuration.params); var result = await service!.create(data, params); if (configuration.callback != null) { await configuration.callback!(result, (Pattern path, SeederConfiguration configuration, {bool? verbose}) { return _buildSeeder(app.findService(path), verbose: verbose == true)(configuration); }); } } if (configuration.template != null) { await _gen(configuration.template); } else if (configuration.templates.isNotEmpty == true) { var template = configuration.templates .elementAt(rnd.nextInt(configuration.templates.length)); await _gen(template); } else { throw ArgumentError( 'Configuration for service \'$servicePath\' must define at least one template.'); } } if (verbose == true) { print('Created $count object(s) in service \'$servicePath\'.'); } }; } await _buildSeeder(service, verbose: verbose == true)(configuration); }; } /// Configures the seeder. class SeederConfiguration<T> { /// Optional callback on creation. final SeederCallback<T>? callback; /// Number of objects to seed. final int count; /// If `true`, all records in the service are deleted before seeding. final bool delete; /// If `true`, seeding will not occur. final bool disabled; /// Optional service parameters to be passed. final Map<String, dynamic> params; /// Unless this is `true`, the seeder will not run in production. final bool runInProduction; /// A data template to build from. final template; /// A set of templates to choose from. final Iterable templates; SeederConfiguration( {this.callback, this.count = 1, this.delete = true, this.disabled = false, this.params = const {}, this.runInProduction = false, this.template, this.templates = const []}); }