library angel_framework.http.service; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel_http_exception/angel_http_exception.dart'; import 'package:merge_map/merge_map.dart'; import '../util.dart'; import 'hooked_service.dart' show HookedService; import 'metadata.dart'; import 'request_context.dart'; import 'response_context.dart'; import 'routable.dart'; import 'server.dart'; /// Indicates how the service was accessed. /// /// This will be passed to the `params` object in a service method. /// When requested on the server side, this will be null. class Providers { /// The transport through which the client is accessing this service. final String via; const Providers(String this.via); static const String viaRest = "rest"; static const String viaWebsocket = "websocket"; static const String viaGraphQL = "graphql"; /// Represents a request via REST. static const Providers rest = Providers(viaRest); /// Represents a request over WebSockets. static const Providers websocket = Providers(viaWebsocket); /// Represents a request parsed from GraphQL. static const Providers graphql = Providers(viaGraphQL); @override bool operator ==(other) => other is Providers && other.via == via; @override String toString() { return 'via:$via'; } } /// A front-facing interface that can present data to and operate on data on behalf of the user. /// /// Heavily inspired by FeathersJS. <3 class Service extends Routable { /// A [List] of keys that services should ignore, should they see them in the query. static const List specialQueryKeys = [ r'$limit', r'$sort', 'page', 'token' ]; /// Handlers that must run to ensure this service's functionality. List get bootstrappers => []; /// The [Angel] app powering this service. Angel app; /// Closes this service, including any database connections or stream controllers. void close() {} /// Retrieves the first object from the result of calling [index] with the given [params]. /// /// If the result of [index] is `null`, OR an empty [Iterable], a 404 `AngelHttpException` will be thrown. /// /// If the result is both non-null and NOT an [Iterable], it will be returned as-is. /// /// If the result is a non-empty [Iterable], [findOne] will return `it.first`, where `it` is the aforementioned [Iterable]. /// /// A custom [errorMessage] may be provided. Future findOne( [Map params, String errorMessage = 'No record was found matching the given query.']) { return index(params).then((result) { if (result == null) { throw new AngelHttpException.notFound(message: errorMessage); } else if (result is Iterable) { if (result.isEmpty) { throw new AngelHttpException.notFound(message: errorMessage); } else { return result.first; } } else { return result; } }); } /// Retrieves all resources. Future index([Map params]) { throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } /// Retrieves the desired resource. Future read(id, [Map params]) { throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } /// Creates a resource. Future create(data, [Map params]) { throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } /// Modifies a resource. Future modify(id, data, [Map params]) { throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } /// Overwrites a resource. Future update(id, data, [Map params]) { throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } /// Removes the given resource. Future remove(id, [Map params]) { throw new AngelHttpException.methodNotAllowed(); } /// Transforms an [id] (whether it is a String, num, etc.) into one acceptable by a service. /// /// The single type argument, [T], is used to determine how to parse the [id]. /// /// For example, `parseId` attempts to parse the value as a [bool]. static T parseId(id) { if (id == 'null' || id == null) return null; else if (T == String) return id.toString() as T; else if (T == int) return int.parse(id.toString()) as T; else if (T == bool) return (id == true || id?.toString() == 'true') as T; else if (T == double) return int.parse(id.toString()) as T; else if (T == num) return num.parse(id.toString()) as T; else return id as T; } /// Generates RESTful routes pointing to this class's methods. void addRoutes([Service service]) { _addRoutesInner(service ?? this, bootstrappers); } void _addRoutesInner(Service service, Iterable handlerss) { var restProvider = {'provider':}; var handlers = new List.from(handlerss); // Add global middleware if declared on the instance itself Middleware before = getAnnotation(service, Middleware); if (before != null) handlers.addAll(before.handlers); Middleware indexMiddleware = getAnnotation(service.index, Middleware); get('/', (RequestContext req, res) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return this.index(mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }, middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll((indexMiddleware == null) ? [] : indexMiddleware.handlers)); Middleware createMiddleware = getAnnotation(service.create, Middleware); post('/', (RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return req.parseBody().then((body) { return this .create( body, mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])) .then((r) { res.statusCode = 201; return r; }); }); }); }, middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll( (createMiddleware == null) ? [] : createMiddleware.handlers)); Middleware readMiddleware = getAnnotation(, Middleware); get('/:id', (RequestContext req, res) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return parseId(req.params['id']), mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }, middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll((readMiddleware == null) ? [] : readMiddleware.handlers)); Middleware modifyMiddleware = getAnnotation(service.modify, Middleware); patch( '/:id', (RequestContext req, res) => req.parseBody().then((body) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return this.modify( parseId(req.params['id']), body, mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }), middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll( (modifyMiddleware == null) ? [] : modifyMiddleware.handlers)); Middleware updateMiddleware = getAnnotation(service.update, Middleware); post( '/:id', (RequestContext req, res) => req.parseBody().then((body) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return this.update( parseId(req.params['id']), body, mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }), middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll( (updateMiddleware == null) ? [] : updateMiddleware.handlers)); put( '/:id', (RequestContext req, res) => req.parseBody().then((body) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return this.update( parseId(req.params['id']), body, mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }), middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll( (updateMiddleware == null) ? [] : updateMiddleware.handlers)); Middleware removeMiddleware = getAnnotation(service.remove, Middleware); delete('/', (RequestContext req, res) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return this.remove( null, mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }, middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll( (removeMiddleware == null) ? [] : removeMiddleware.handlers)); delete('/:id', (RequestContext req, res) { return req.parseQuery().then((query) { return this.remove( parseId(req.params['id']), mergeMap([ {'query': query}, restProvider, req.serviceParams ])); }); }, middleware: [] ..addAll(handlers) ..addAll( (removeMiddleware == null) ? [] : removeMiddleware.handlers)); // REST compliance put('/', () => throw new AngelHttpException.notFound()); patch('/', () => throw new AngelHttpException.notFound()); } /// Invoked when this service is wrapped within a [HookedService]. void onHooked(HookedService hookedService) {} }