library angel_framework.http.controller; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:mirrors'; import 'package:angel_route/angel_route.dart'; import 'metadata.dart'; import 'request_context.dart'; import 'response_context.dart'; import 'routable.dart'; import 'server.dart' show Angel, preInject; /// Contains a list of the data required for a DI-enabled method to run. /// /// This improves performance by removing the necessity to reflect a method /// every time it is requested. /// /// Regular request handlers can also skip DI entirely, lowering response time /// and memory use. class InjectionRequest { /// Optional, typed data that can be passed to a DI-enabled method. Map named = {}; /// A list of the arguments required for a DI-enabled method to run. final List required = []; /// A list of the arguments that can be null in a DI-enabled method. final List optional = []; } /// Supports grouping routes with shared functionality. class Controller { Angel _app; /// The [Angel] application powering this controller. Angel get app => _app; final bool debug; /// If `true` (default), this class will inject itself as a singleton into the [app]'s container when bootstrapped. final bool injectSingleton; /// Middleware to run before all handlers in this class. List middleware = []; /// A mapping of route paths to routes, produced from the [Expose] annotations on this class. Map routeMappings = {}; Controller({this.debug: false, this.injectSingleton: true}); Future call(Angel app) async { _app = app; if (injectSingleton != false) _app.container.singleton(this); // Load global expose decl ClassMirror classMirror = reflectClass(this.runtimeType); Expose exposeDecl = findExpose(); if (exposeDecl == null) { throw new Exception( "All controllers must carry an @Expose() declaration."); } var routable = new Routable(debug: debug); app.use(exposeDecl.path, routable); TypeMirror typeMirror = reflectType(this.runtimeType); String name = == true ? : MirrorSystem.getName(typeMirror.simpleName); app.controllers[name] = this; // Pre-reflect methods InstanceMirror instanceMirror = reflect(this); final handlers = []..addAll(exposeDecl.middleware)..addAll(middleware); final routeBuilder = _routeBuilder(instanceMirror, routable, handlers); classMirror.instanceMembers.forEach(routeBuilder); configureRoutes(routable); } Function _routeBuilder( InstanceMirror instanceMirror, Routable routable, List handlers) { return (Symbol methodName, MethodMirror method) { if (method.isRegularMethod && methodName != #toString && methodName != #noSuchMethod && methodName != #call && methodName != #equals && methodName != #==) { Expose exposeDecl = method.metadata .map((m) => m.reflectee) .firstWhere((r) => r is Expose, orElse: () => null); if (exposeDecl == null) return; var reflectedMethod = instanceMirror.getField(methodName).reflectee; var middleware = []..addAll(handlers)..addAll(exposeDecl.middleware); String name = == true ? : MirrorSystem.getName(methodName); // Check if normal if (method.parameters.length == 2 && method.parameters[0].type.reflectedType == RequestContext && method.parameters[1].type.reflectedType == ResponseContext) { // Create a regular route routeMappings[name] = routable .addRoute(exposeDecl.method, exposeDecl.path, (req, res) async { var result = await reflectedMethod(req, res); return result is RequestHandler ? await result(req, res) : result; }, middleware: middleware); return; } var injection = preInject(reflectedMethod); if (exposeDecl?.allowNull?.isNotEmpty == true) injection.optional?.addAll(exposeDecl.allowNull); routeMappings[name] = routable.addRoute(exposeDecl.method, exposeDecl.path, handleContained(reflectedMethod, injection), middleware: middleware); } }; } /// Used to add additional routes to the router from within a [Controller]. void configureRoutes(Routable routable) {} /// Finds the [Expose] declaration for this class. Expose findExpose() => reflectClass(runtimeType) .metadata .map((m) => m.reflectee) .firstWhere((r) => r is Expose, orElse: () => null); } /// Shortcut for calling [preInject], and then [handleContained]. /// /// Use this to instantly create a request handler for a DI-enabled method. RequestHandler createDynamicHandler(handler, {Iterable optional: const []}) { var injection = preInject(handler); injection.optional.addAll(optional ?? []); return handleContained(handler, injection); } /// Handles a request with a DI-enabled handler. RequestHandler handleContained(handler, InjectionRequest injection) { return (RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async { List args = []; void inject(requirement) { var propFromApp; if (requirement == RequestContext) { args.add(req); } else if (requirement == ResponseContext) { args.add(res); } else if (requirement is String) { if (req.params.containsKey(requirement)) { args.add(req.params[requirement]); } else if (req.injections.containsKey(requirement)) args.add(req.injections[requirement]); else if ( args.add([requirement]); else if ((propFromApp = != null) args.add(propFromApp); else if (injection.optional.contains(requirement)) args.add(null); else { throw new ArgumentError( "Cannot resolve parameter '$requirement' within handler."); } } else if (requirement is List && requirement.length == 2 && requirement.first is String && requirement.last is Type) { String key = requirement.first; Type type = requirement.last; if (req.params.containsKey(key) || req.injections.containsKey(key) || || { inject(key); } else inject(type); } else if (requirement is Type && requirement != dynamic) { if (req.injections.containsKey(requirement)) args.add(req.injections[requirement]); else args.add(; } else { throw new ArgumentError( '$requirement cannot be injected into a request handler.'); } } Map named = {}; injection.required.forEach(inject); injection.named.forEach((k, v) { var name = new Symbol(k); if (req.params.containsKey(k)) named[name] = v; else if (req.injections.containsKey(k)) named[name] = v; else if (req.injections.containsKey(v) && v != dynamic) named[name] = v; else { try { named[name] =; } catch (e) { named[name] = null; } } }); var result = Function.apply(handler, args, named); return result is Future ? await result : result; }; }