# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub. # They are provided by a third-party and are governed by # separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support # documentation. name: Angel3 CI on: push: branches: [ master ] pull_request: branches: [ master ] jobs: jobs_001: name: Validate framework package runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # Note: This workflow uses the latest stable version of the Dart SDK. # You can specify other versions if desired, see documentation here: # https://github.com/dart-lang/setup-dart/blob/main/README.md # - uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@v1 - uses: dart-lang/setup-dart@v1 with: sdk: "2.15.1" - id: framework; Upgrade packages working-directory: packages/framework run: dart pub upgrade - name: framework; Verify formatting working-directory: packages/framework run: dart format --output=none --set-exit-if-changed . # Consider passing '--fatal-infos' for slightly stricter analysis. - name: framework; Analyze source code working-directory: packages/framework run: dart analyze . - name: framework; Run tests working-directory: packages/framework run: dart test