import 'get_value.dart'; /// Parses a URI-encoded string into real data! **Wow!** /// /// Whichever map you provide will be automatically populated from the urlencoded body string you provide. buildMapFromUri(Map map, String body) { RegExp parseArrayRgx = new RegExp(r'^(.+)\[\]$'); for (String keyValuePair in body.split('&')) { if (keyValuePair.contains('=')) { var equals = keyValuePair.indexOf('='); String key = Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValuePair.substring(0, equals)); String value = Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValuePair.substring(equals + 1)); if (parseArrayRgx.hasMatch(key)) { Match queryMatch = parseArrayRgx.firstMatch(key); key =; if (!(map[key] is List)) { map[key] = []; } map[key].add(getValue(value)); } else if (key.contains('.')) { // i.e. => [map, foo, bar] List keys = key.split('.'); Map targetMap = map[keys[0]] != null ? map[keys[0]] as Map : {}; map[keys[0]] = targetMap; for (int i = 1; i < keys.length; i++) { if (i < keys.length - 1) { targetMap[keys[i]] = targetMap[keys[i]] ?? {}; targetMap = targetMap[keys[i]] as Map; } else { targetMap[keys[i]] = getValue(value); } } } else map[key] = getValue(value); } else map[Uri.decodeQueryComponent(keyValuePair)] = true; } }