import 'dart:async'; import 'package:angel3_framework/angel3_framework.dart'; import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart'; import 'context_aware.dart'; /// Returns an [AngelMatcher] that uses an arbitrary function that returns /// true or false for the actual value. /// /// Analogous to the synchronous [predicate] matcher. AngelMatcher predicateWithAngel( FutureOr Function(String, Object, Angel) f, [String description = 'satisfies function']) => _PredicateWithAngel(f, description); /// Returns an [AngelMatcher] that applies an asynchronously-created [Matcher] /// to the input. /// /// Use this to match values against configuration, injections, etc. AngelMatcher matchWithAngel(FutureOr Function(Object, Map, Angel) f, [String description = 'satisfies asynchronously created matcher']) => _MatchWithAngel(f, description); /// Calls [matchWithAngel] without the initial parameter. AngelMatcher matchWithAngelBinary( FutureOr Function(Map context, Angel) f, [String description = 'satisfies asynchronously created matcher']) => matchWithAngel((_, context, app) => f(context, app)); /// Calls [matchWithAngel] without the initial two parameters. AngelMatcher matchWithAngelUnary(FutureOr Function(Angel) f, [String description = 'satisfies asynchronously created matcher']) => matchWithAngelBinary((_, app) => f(app)); /// Calls [matchWithAngel] without any parameters. AngelMatcher matchWithAngelNullary(FutureOr Function() f, [String description = 'satisfies asynchronously created matcher']) => matchWithAngelUnary((_) => f()); /// Returns an [AngelMatcher] that represents [x]. /// /// If [x] is an [AngelMatcher], then it is returned, unmodified. AngelMatcher wrapAngelMatcher(x) { if (x is AngelMatcher) return x; if (x is ContextAwareMatcher) return _WrappedAngelMatcher(x); return wrapAngelMatcher(wrapContextAwareMatcher(x)); } /// Returns an [AngelMatcher] that asynchronously resolves a [feature], builds a [matcher], and executes it. AngelMatcher matchAsync(FutureOr Function(String, Object) matcher, FutureOr Function() feature, [String description = 'satisfies asynchronously created matcher']) { return _MatchAsync(matcher, feature, description); } /// Returns an [AngelMatcher] that verifies that an item with the given [idField] /// exists in the service at [servicePath], without throwing a `404` or returning `null`. AngelMatcher idExistsInService(String servicePath, {String idField = 'id', String? description}) { return predicateWithAngel( (key, item, app) async { try { var result = await app.findService(servicePath)?.read(item); return result != null; } on AngelHttpException catch (e) { if (e.statusCode == 404) { return false; } else { rethrow; } } }, description ?? 'exists in service $servicePath', ); } /// An asynchronous [Matcher] that runs in the context of an [Angel] app. abstract class AngelMatcher extends ContextAwareMatcher { Future matchesWithAngel( item, String key, Map context, Map matchState, Angel app); @override bool matchesWithContext(item, String key, Map context, Map matchState) { return true; } } class _WrappedAngelMatcher extends AngelMatcher { final ContextAwareMatcher matcher; _WrappedAngelMatcher(this.matcher); @override Description describe(Description description) => matcher.describe(description); @override Future matchesWithAngel( item, String key, Map context, Map matchState, Angel app) async { return matcher.matchesWithContext(item, key, context, matchState); } } class _MatchWithAngel extends AngelMatcher { final FutureOr Function(Object, Map, Angel) f; final String description; _MatchWithAngel(this.f, this.description); @override Description describe(Description description) => description.add(this.description); @override Future matchesWithAngel( item, String key, Map context, Map matchState, Angel app) { return Future.sync(() => f(item as Object, context, app)).then((result) { return result.matches(item, matchState); }); } } class _PredicateWithAngel extends AngelMatcher { final FutureOr Function(String, Object, Angel) predicate; final String description; _PredicateWithAngel(this.predicate, this.description); @override Description describe(Description description) => description.add(this.description); @override Future matchesWithAngel( item, String key, Map context, Map matchState, Angel app) { return Future.sync(() => predicate(key, item as Object, app)); } } class _MatchAsync extends AngelMatcher { final FutureOr Function(String, Object) matcher; final FutureOr Function() feature; final String description; _MatchAsync(this.matcher, this.feature, this.description); @override Description describe(Description description) => description.add(this.description); @override Future matchesWithAngel( item, String key, Map context, Map matchState, Angel app) async { var f = await feature(); var m = await matcher(key, f as Object); var c = wrapAngelMatcher(m); return await c.matchesWithAngel(item, key, context, matchState, app); } }