import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'package:belatuk_pub_sub/belatuk_pub_sub.dart'; import 'package:belatuk_pub_sub/isolate.dart'; import 'package:intl/intl.dart'; import 'package:angel3_container/angel3_container.dart'; import 'package:angel3_framework/angel3_framework.dart'; import 'package:angel3_framework/http.dart'; import 'package:angel3_framework/http2.dart'; import 'package:args/args.dart'; import 'package:io/ansi.dart'; import 'package:io/io.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'instance_info.dart'; import 'options.dart'; /// A command-line utility for easier running of multiple instances of an Angel application. /// /// Makes it easy to do things like configure SSL, log messages, and send messages between /// all running instances. class Runner { final String name; final AngelConfigurer configureServer; final Reflector reflector; final Map removeResponseHeaders; final Map responseHeaders; Runner(, this.configureServer, {this.reflector = const EmptyReflector(), this.removeResponseHeaders = const {}, this.responseHeaders = const {}}); static const String _asciiArt = ''' _ _ _ ____ _____ _ _____ / \\ | \\ | |/ ___| ____| | |___ / / _ \\ | \\| | | _| _| | | |_ \\ / ___ \\| |\\ | |_| | |___| |___ ___) | /_/ \\_\\_| \\_|\\____|_____|_____|____/ '''; static final DateFormat _defaultDateFormat = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'); /// LogRecord handler static void handleLogRecord(LogRecord? record, RunnerOptions options) { if (options.quiet || record == null) return; var code = chooseLogColor(record.level); var now = _defaultDateFormat.format(; if (record.error == null) { //print(code.wrap(record.message)); print(code.wrap( '$now ${} [${record.loggerName}]: ${record.message}')); } if (record.error != null) { var err = record.error; if (err is AngelHttpException && err.statusCode != 500) return; //print(code.wrap(record.message + '\n')); print(code.wrap( '$now ${} [${record.loggerName}]: ${record.message} \n')); print(code.wrap( '$now ${} [${record.loggerName}]: ${err.toString()}')); if (record.stackTrace != null) { print(code.wrap( '$now ${} [${record.loggerName}]: ${record.stackTrace.toString()}')); } } } /// Chooses a color based on the logger [level]. static AnsiCode chooseLogColor(Level level) { if (level == Level.SHOUT) { return backgroundRed; } else if (level == Level.SEVERE) { return red; } else if (level == Level.WARNING) { return yellow; } else if (level == Level.INFO) { return cyan; } else if (level == Level.FINER || level == Level.FINEST) { return lightGray; } return resetAll; } /// Spawns a new instance of the application in a separate isolate. /// /// If the command-line arguments permit, then the instance will be respawned on crashes. /// /// The returned [Future] completes when the application instance exits. /// /// If respawning is enabled, the [Future] will *never* complete. Future spawnIsolate(int id, RunnerOptions options, SendPort pubSubSendPort) { return _spawnIsolate(id, Completer(), options, pubSubSendPort); } Future _spawnIsolate( int id, Completer c, RunnerOptions options, SendPort pubSubSendPort) { var onLogRecord = ReceivePort(); var onExit = ReceivePort(); var onError = ReceivePort(); var runnerArgs = RunnerArgs(name, configureServer, options, reflector, onLogRecord.sendPort, pubSubSendPort); var argsWithId = RunnerArgsWithId(id, runnerArgs); Isolate.spawn(isolateMain, argsWithId, onExit: onExit.sendPort, onError: onError.sendPort, errorsAreFatal: true && false) .then((isolate) {}) .catchError((e) { c.completeError(e as Object); return null; }); onLogRecord.listen((msg) => handleLogRecord(msg as LogRecord?, options)); onError.listen((msg) { if (msg is List) { dynamic e = msg[0]; var st = StackTrace.fromString(msg[1].toString()); handleLogRecord( LogRecord( Level.SEVERE, 'Fatal error', runnerArgs.loggerName, e, st), options); } else { handleLogRecord( LogRecord(Level.SEVERE, 'Fatal error', runnerArgs.loggerName, msg), options); } }); onExit.listen((_) { if (options.respawn) { handleLogRecord( LogRecord( Level.WARNING, 'Instance #$id at ${} crashed. Respawning immediately...', runnerArgs.loggerName), options); _spawnIsolate(id, c, options, pubSubSendPort); } else { c.complete(); } }); return c.future .whenComplete(onExit.close) .whenComplete(onError.close) .whenComplete(onLogRecord.close); } /// Starts a number of isolates, running identical instances of an Angel application. Future run(List args) async { Server? server; try { var argResults = RunnerOptions.argParser.parse(args); var options = RunnerOptions.fromArgResults(argResults); options.responseHeaders.addAll(responseHeaders); options.removeResponseHeaders.addAll(removeResponseHeaders); if (options.ssl || options.http2) { if (options.certificateFile == null) { throw ArgParserException('Missing --certificate-file option.'); } else if (options.keyFile == null) { throw ArgParserException('Missing --key-file option.'); } } print(darkGray.wrap( '$_asciiArt\n\nA batteries-included, full-featured, full-stack framework in Dart.\n\n\n')); if (argResults['help'] == true) { stdout ..writeln('Options:') ..writeln(RunnerOptions.argParser.usage); return; } print('Starting `$name` application...'); var adapter = IsolateAdapter(); server = Server([adapter]); // Register clients // for (var i = 0; i < Platform.numberOfProcessors; i++) { for (var i = 0; i < options.concurrency; i++) { server.registerClient(ClientInfo('client$i')); } server.start(); await Future.wait(List.generate(options.concurrency, (id) => spawnIsolate(id, options, adapter.receivePort.sendPort))); } on ArgParserException catch (e) { stderr ..writeln(red.wrap(e.message)) ..writeln() ..writeln(red.wrap('Options:')) ..writeln(red.wrap(RunnerOptions.argParser.usage)); exitCode = ExitCode.usage.code; } catch (e, st) { stderr ..writeln(red.wrap('fatal error: $e')) ..writeln(red.wrap(st.toString())); exitCode = 1; } finally { await server?.close(); } } /// Run with main isolate static void isolateMain(RunnerArgsWithId argsWithId) { var args = argsWithId.args; hierarchicalLoggingEnabled = false; var zone = Zone.current.fork(specification: ZoneSpecification( print: (self, parent, zone, msg) { args.loggingSendPort.send(LogRecord(Level.INFO, msg, args.loggerName)); }, )); async { var client = IsolateClient('client${}', args.pubSubSendPort); var app = Angel(reflector: args.reflector) ..container.registerSingleton(client) ..container.registerSingleton(InstanceInfo(id:; app.shutdownHooks.add((_) => client.close()); await app.configure(args.configureServer); app.logger = Logger(args.loggerName) ..onRecord.listen((rec) => Runner.handleLogRecord(rec, args.options)); AngelHttp http; late SecurityContext securityContext; Uri serverUrl; if (args.options.ssl || args.options.http2) { securityContext = SecurityContext(); var certificateFile = args.options.certificateFile; if (certificateFile != null) { securityContext.useCertificateChain(certificateFile, password: args.options.certificatePassword); } var keyFile = args.options.keyFile; if (keyFile != null) { securityContext.usePrivateKey(keyFile, password: args.options.keyPassword); } } if (args.options.ssl) { http = AngelHttp.custom(app, startSharedSecure(securityContext), useZone: args.options.useZone); } else { http = AngelHttp.custom(app, startShared, useZone: args.options.useZone); } Driver driver; if (args.options.http2) { securityContext.setAlpnProtocols(['h2'], true); var http2 = AngelHttp2.custom(app, securityContext, startSharedHttp2, useZone: args.options.useZone); http2.onHttp1.listen(http.handleRequest); driver = http2; } else { driver = http; } await driver.startServer(args.options.hostname, args.options.port); // Only apply the headers to AngelHttp instance if (driver is AngelHttp) { driver.addResponseHeader(args.options.responseHeaders); driver.removeResponseHeader(args.options.removeResponseHeaders); } serverUrl = driver.uri; if (args.options.ssl || args.options.http2) { serverUrl = serverUrl.replace(scheme: 'https'); } print('Instance #${} listening at $serverUrl'); }); } } class RunnerArgsWithId { final int id; final RunnerArgs args; RunnerArgsWithId(, this.args); } class RunnerArgs { final String name; final AngelConfigurer configureServer; final RunnerOptions options; final Reflector reflector; final SendPort loggingSendPort, pubSubSendPort; RunnerArgs(, this.configureServer, this.options, this.reflector, this.loggingSendPort, this.pubSubSendPort); String get loggerName => name; }