import 'package:graphql_parser/graphql_parser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'common.dart'; import 'field_test.dart'; import 'fragment_spread_test.dart'; import 'inline_fragment_test.dart'; main() { test('empty', () { expect('{}', isSelectionSet([])); }); test('with commas', () { expect( '{foo, bar: baz}', isSelectionSet([ isField(fieldName: isFieldName('foo')), isField(fieldName: isFieldName('bar', alias: 'baz')) ])); }); test('no commas', () { expect( ''' { foo bar: baz ...quux ... on foo {bar, baz} }''' .split('\n') .map((s) => s.trim()) .join(' '), isSelectionSet([ isField(fieldName: isFieldName('foo')), isField(fieldName: isFieldName('bar', alias: 'baz')), isFragmentSpread('quux'), isInlineFragment('foo', selectionSet: isSelectionSet([ isField(fieldName: isFieldName('bar')), isField(fieldName: isFieldName('baz')), ])) ])); }); test('exceptions', () { var throwsSyntaxError = predicate((x) { var parser = parse(x.toString())..parseSelectionSet(); return parser.errors.isNotEmpty; }, 'fails to parse selection set'); expect('{foo,bar,baz', throwsSyntaxError); }); } SelectionSetContext parseSelectionSet(String text) => parse(text).parseSelectionSet(); Matcher isSelectionSet(List<Matcher> selections) => new _IsSelectionSet(selections); class _IsSelectionSet extends Matcher { final List<Matcher> selections; _IsSelectionSet(this.selections); @override Description describe(Description description) { return description .add('is selection set with ${selections.length} selection(s)'); } @override bool matches(item, Map matchState) { var set = item is SelectionSetContext ? item : parseSelectionSet(item.toString()); if (set == null) return false; if (set.selections.length != selections.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < set.selections.length; i++) { var sel = set.selections[i]; if (!selections[i].matches( sel.field ?? sel.fragmentSpread ?? sel.inlineFragment, matchState)) return false; } return true; } }