# 3.0.1 (NNBD)
* Changed Dart SDK requirements for all packages to ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0" to support NNBD. 
* Updated pretty_logging to 2.0.0
* Updated angel_http_exception to 2.0.0
* Updated angel_cli to 3.0.0. (Rename not working)

# 3.0.0 (Non NNBD)
* Changed Dart SDK requirements for all packages to ">=2.10.0 <3.0.0"
* Updated pretty_logging to 2.0.0
* Updated angel_http_exception to 2.0.0
* Updated angel_cli to 3.0.0. (Rename not working)
* Updated angel_route to 4.0.0
* Updated angel_model to 2.0.0
* Updated angel_container to 2.0.0
* Updated angel_framework to 3.0.0
* Updated angel_auth to 3.0.0
* Updated angel_configuration to 3.0.0
* Updated jael to 3.0.0
* Updated jael_preprocessor to 3.0.0
* Updated validate to 3.0.0
* Added and updated json_god to 3.0.0
* Updated angel_client to 3.0.0
* Updated angel_websocket to 3.0.0 (one issue to be resolved)
* Updated test to 3.0.0
* Updated angel_jael to 3.0.0 (Issue with 2 dependencies)
* Added pub_sub and updated to 3.0.0
* Updated production to 2.0.0
* Updated hot to 3.0.0
* Updated static to 3.0.0
* Update basic-sdk-2.12.x boilerplate
* Updated angel_serialize to 3.0.0
* Updated angel_serialize_generator to 3.0.0
* Updated angel_orm to 3.0.0
* Updated angel_migration to 3.0.0
* Updated angel_orm_generator to 3.0.0 (use a fork of postgres)
* Updated angel_migration_runner to 3.0.0
* Updated angel_orm_test to 1.0.0
* Updated angel_orm_postgres to 2.0.0
* Update orm-sdk-2.12.x boilerplate
* Updated angel_auth_oauth2 to 3.0.0
* Updated angel_auth_cache to 3.0.0
* Updated angel_auth_cors to 3.0.0
* Updated angel_container_generator to 2.0.0
* Updated angel_file_service to 3.0.0

# 2.2.0
* Changed Dart SDK requirements for all packages to ">=2.10.0 <2.12.0"
* Upgraded 3rd party libraries to the latest version prior to dart 2.12
* Fixed broken code due to 3rd party libraries update
* Revert packages/validate from version 3.0 to version 2.2

# 2.1.x and below
* Refer to the orginal repo before the fork