import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart'; /// An advanced StringBuffer geared toward generating code, and source maps. class CodeBuffer implements StringBuffer { /// The character sequence used to represent a line break. final String newline; /// The character sequence used to represent a space/tab. final String space; /// The source URL to be applied to all generated [SourceSpan] instances. final sourceUrl; /// If `true` (default: `false`), then an additional [newline] will be inserted at the end of the generated string. final bool trailingNewline; final List<CodeBufferLine> _lines = []; CodeBufferLine? _currentLine, _lastLine; int _indentationLevel = 0; int _length = 0; CodeBuffer( { = ' ', this.newline = '\n', this.trailingNewline = false, this.sourceUrl}); /// Creates a [CodeBuffer] that does not emit additional whitespace. factory CodeBuffer.noWhitespace({sourceUrl}) => CodeBuffer( space: '', newline: '', trailingNewline: false, sourceUrl: sourceUrl); /// The last line created within this buffer. CodeBufferLine? get lastLine => _lastLine; /// Returns an immutable collection of the [CodeBufferLine]s within this instance. List<CodeBufferLine> get lines => List<CodeBufferLine>.unmodifiable(_lines); @override bool get isEmpty => _lines.isEmpty; @override bool get isNotEmpty => _lines.isNotEmpty; @override int get length => _length; CodeBufferLine _createLine() { var start = SourceLocation( _length, sourceUrl: sourceUrl, line: _lines.length, column: _indentationLevel * space.length, ); var line = CodeBufferLine._(_indentationLevel, start).._end = start; _lines.add(_lastLine = line); return line; } /// Increments the indentation level. void indent() { _indentationLevel++; } /// Decrements the indentation level, if it is greater than `0`. void outdent() { if (_indentationLevel > 0) _indentationLevel--; } /// Copies the contents of this [CodeBuffer] into another, preserving indentation and source mapping information. void copyInto(CodeBuffer other) { if (_lines.isEmpty) return; var i = 0; for (var line in _lines) { // To compute offset: // 1. Find current length of other // 2. Add length of its newline // 3. Add indentation var column = (other._indentationLevel + line.indentationLevel) *; var offset = other._length + other.newline.length + column; // Re-compute start + end var start = SourceLocation( offset, sourceUrl: other.sourceUrl, line: other._lines.length + i, column: column, ); var end = SourceLocation( offset + line.span.length, sourceUrl: other.sourceUrl, line: start.line, column: column + line._buf.length, ); var clone = CodeBufferLine._( line.indentationLevel + other._indentationLevel, start) .._end = end .._buf.write(line._buf.toString()); // Adjust lastSpan if (line._lastSpan != null) { var s = line._lastSpan!.start; var lastSpanColumn = ((line.indentationLevel + other._indentationLevel) * + line.text.indexOf(line._lastSpan!.text); clone._lastSpan = SourceSpan( SourceLocation( offset + s.offset, sourceUrl: other.sourceUrl, line: clone.span.start.line, column: lastSpanColumn, ), SourceLocation( offset + s.offset + line._lastSpan!.length, sourceUrl: other.sourceUrl, line: clone.span.end.line, column: lastSpanColumn + line._lastSpan!.length, ), line._lastSpan!.text, ); } other._lines.add(other._currentLine = other._lastLine = clone); // Adjust length accordingly... other._length = offset + clone.span.length; i++; } other.writeln(); } @override void clear() { _lines.clear(); _length = _indentationLevel = 0; _currentLine = null; } @override void writeCharCode(int charCode) { _currentLine ??= _createLine(); _currentLine!._buf.writeCharCode(charCode); var end = _currentLine!._end; _currentLine!._end = SourceLocation( end.offset + 1, sourceUrl: end.sourceUrl, line: end.line, column: end.column + 1, ); _length++; _currentLine!._lastSpan = SourceSpan(end, _currentLine!._end, String.fromCharCode(charCode)); } @override void write(Object? obj) { var msg = obj.toString(); _currentLine ??= _createLine(); _currentLine!._buf.write(msg); var end = _currentLine!._end; _currentLine!._end = SourceLocation( end.offset + msg.length, sourceUrl: end.sourceUrl, line: end.line, column: end.column + msg.length, ); _length += msg.length; _currentLine!._lastSpan = SourceSpan(end, _currentLine!._end, msg); } @override void writeln([Object? obj = '']) { if (obj != null && obj != '') write(obj); _currentLine = null; _length++; } @override void writeAll(Iterable objects, [String separator = '']) { write(objects.join(separator)); } @override String toString() { var buf = StringBuffer(); var i = 0; for (var line in lines) { if (i++ > 0) buf.write(newline); for (var j = 0; j < line.indentationLevel; j++) { buf.write(space); } buf.write(line._buf.toString()); } if (trailingNewline == true) buf.write(newline); return buf.toString(); } } /// Represents a line of text within a [CodeBuffer]. class CodeBufferLine { /// Mappings from one [SourceSpan] to another, to aid with generating dynamic source maps. final Map<SourceSpan, SourceSpan> sourceMappings = {}; /// The level of indentation preceding this line. final int indentationLevel; final SourceLocation _start; final StringBuffer _buf = StringBuffer(); late SourceLocation _end; SourceSpan? _lastSpan; CodeBufferLine._(this.indentationLevel, this._start); /// The [SourceSpan] corresponding to the last text written to this line. SourceSpan? get lastSpan => _lastSpan; /// The [SourceSpan] corresponding to this entire line. SourceSpan get span => SourceSpan(_start, _end, _buf.toString()); /// The text within this line. String get text => _buf.toString(); }