# Body Parser ![version 1.0.0-beta](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-1.0.0--beta-blue.svg) **NOT YET PRODUCTION READY** Parse request bodies and query strings in Dart. No external dependencies required. ### Contents * [Body Parser](#body-parser) * [About](#about) * [Installation](#installation) * [Usage](#usage) * [Thanks](#thank-you-for-using-body-parser) # About I needed something like Express.js's `body-parser` module, so I made it here. It fully supports JSON requests. x-www-form-urlencoded is partially supported, as well as query strings. By the next update, they will be fully supported. The only missing link in the implementation is that I have not yet provided support for arrays in the query. File upload support will also be present by the production 1.0.0 release. A benefit of this is that primitive types are automatically deserialized correctly. As in, if you have a `hello=1.5` request, then `body['hello']` will equal `1.5` and not `'1.5'`. A very semantic difference, yes, but it relieves stress in my head. # Installation To install Body Parser for your Dart project, simply add body_parser to your pub dependencies. dependencies: body_parser: any # Usage Body Parser exposes a simple class called [BodyParseResult]. You can easily parse the query string and request body for a request by calling `Future parseBody`. ```dart import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:body_parser/body_parser.dart'; main() async { // ... await for (HttpRequest request in server) { request.response.write(JSON.encode(await parseBody(request).body)); await request.response.close(); } } ``` You can also use `buildMapFromUri(Map, String)` to populate a map from a URL encoded string. This can easily be used with a library like [JSON God](https://github.com/thosakwe/json_god) to build structured JSON/REST APIs. Add validation and you've got an instant backend. ```dart MyClass create(HttpRequest request) async { God god = new God(); return god.deserialize(await parseBody(request).body, MyClass); } ``` # Thank you for using Body Parser Thank you for using this library. I hope you like it. Feel free to follow me on Twitter: [@thosakwe](http://twitter.com/thosakwe) or [@regios_tech](http://twitter.com/regios_tech)