import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:angel3_framework/angel3_framework.dart'; import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; import 'auth_token.dart'; import 'options.dart'; import 'strategy.dart'; /// Handles authentication within an Angel application. class AngelAuth { final _log = Logger('AngelAuth'); late Hmac _hs256; late int _jwtLifeSpan; final StreamController _onLogin = StreamController(), _onLogout = StreamController(); final Random _random =; final RegExp _rgxBearer = RegExp(r'^Bearer'); /// If `true` (default), then JWT's will be stored and retrieved from a `token` cookie. final bool allowCookie; /// If `true` (default), then users can include a JWT in the query string as `token`. final bool allowTokenInQuery; /// Whether emitted cookies should have the `secure` and `HttpOnly` flags, /// as well as being restricted to a specific domain. final bool secureCookies; /// A domain to restrict emitted cookies to. /// /// Only applies if [allowCookie] is `true`. final String? cookieDomain; /// A path to restrict emitted cookies to. /// /// Only applies if [allowCookie] is `true`. final String cookiePath; /// If `true` (default), then JWT's will be considered invalid if used from a different IP than the first user's it was issued to. /// /// This is a security provision. Even if a user's JWT is stolen, a remote attacker will not be able to impersonate anyone. final bool enforceIp; /// The endpoint to mount [reviveJwt] at. If `null`, then no revival route is mounted. Default: `/auth/token`. String reviveTokenEndpoint; /// A set of [AuthStrategy] instances used to authenticate users. Map> strategies = {}; /// Serializes a user into a unique identifier associated only with one identity. FutureOr Function(User) serializer; /// Deserializes a unique identifier into its associated identity. In most cases, this is a user object or model instance. FutureOr Function(Object) deserializer; /// Fires the result of [deserializer] whenever a user signs in to the application. Stream get onLogin =>; /// Fires `req.user`, which is usually the result of [deserializer], whenever a user signs out of the application. Stream get onLogout =>; /// The [Hmac] being used to encode JWT's. Hmac get hmac => _hs256; String _randomString( {int length = 32, String validChars = 'ABCDEFHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_'}) { var chars = []; while (chars.length < length) { chars.add(_random.nextInt(validChars.length)); } return String.fromCharCodes(chars); } /// `jwtLifeSpan` - should be in *milliseconds*. AngelAuth( {String? jwtKey, required this.serializer, required this.deserializer, num jwtLifeSpan = -1, this.allowCookie = true, this.allowTokenInQuery = true, this.enforceIp = true, this.cookieDomain, this.cookiePath = '/', this.secureCookies = true, this.reviveTokenEndpoint = '/auth/token'}) : super() { _hs256 = Hmac(sha256, (jwtKey ?? _randomString()).codeUnits); _jwtLifeSpan = jwtLifeSpan.toInt(); } /// Configures an Angel server to decode and validate JSON Web tokens on demand, /// whenever an instance of [User] is injected. Future configureServer(Angel app) async { /* if (serializer == null) { throw StateError( 'An `AngelAuth` plug-in was called without its `serializer` being set. All authentication will fail.'); } if (deserializer == null) { throw StateError( 'An `AngelAuth` plug-in was called without its `deserializer` being set. All authentication will fail.'); } */ if (app.container == null) { _log.severe('Angel3 container is null'); throw StateError( 'Angel.container is null. All authentication will fail.'); } var appContainer = app.container!; appContainer.registerSingleton(this); if (runtimeType != AngelAuth) { appContainer.registerSingleton(this, as: AngelAuth); } if (!appContainer.has<_AuthResult>()) { appContainer .registerLazySingleton>>((container) async { var req = container.make(); var res = container.make(); if (req == null || res == null) { _log.warning('RequestContext or responseContext is null'); throw AngelHttpException.forbidden(); } var result = await _decodeJwt(req, res); if (result != null) { return result; } else { _log.warning('JWT is null'); throw AngelHttpException.forbidden(); } }); appContainer.registerLazySingleton>((container) async { var result = await container.makeAsync<_AuthResult>(); return result?.user; }); appContainer.registerLazySingleton>((container) async { var result = await container.makeAsync<_AuthResult>(); return result?.token; }); }, _reviveJwt); app.shutdownHooks.add((_) { _onLogin.close(); }); } void _apply( RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, AuthToken token, User user) { if (req.container == null) { _log.severe('RequestContext.container is null'); throw StateError( 'RequestContext.container is not set. All authentication will fail.'); } var reqContainer = req.container!; if (!reqContainer.has()) { reqContainer.registerSingleton(user); } if (!reqContainer.has()) { reqContainer.registerSingleton(token); } if (allowCookie) { _addProtectedCookie(res, 'token', token.serialize(_hs256)); } } /// DEPRECATED: A middleware that decodes a JWT from a request, and injects a corresponding user. /// /// Now that `package:angel_framework` supports asynchronous injections, this middleware /// is no longer directly necessary. Instead, call [configureServer]. You can then use /// `makeAsync`, or Angel's injections directly: /// /// ```dart /// var auth = AngelAuth(...); /// await app.configure(auth.configureServer); /// /// app.get('/hmm', (User user) async { /// // `package:angel_auth` decodes the JWT on demand. /// print(; /// }); /// /// @Expose('/my') /// class MyController extends Controller { /// @Expose('/hmm') /// String getUsername(User user) => /// } /// ``` @deprecated Future decodeJwt(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async { if (req.method == 'POST' && req.path == reviveTokenEndpoint) { return await _reviveJwt(req, res); } else { await _decodeJwt(req, res); return true; } } Future<_AuthResult?> _decodeJwt( RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async { var jwt = getJwt(req); if (jwt != null) { var token = AuthToken.validate(jwt, _hs256); if (enforceIp) { if (req.ip != token.ipAddress) { _log.warning('JWT cannot be accessed from this IP address'); throw AngelHttpException.forbidden( message: 'JWT cannot be accessed from this IP address.'); } } if (token.lifeSpan > -1) { var expiry = token.issuedAt.add(Duration(milliseconds: token.lifeSpan.toInt())); if (!expiry.isAfter( { _log.warning('Expired JWT'); throw AngelHttpException.forbidden(message: 'Expired JWT.'); } } var user = await deserializer(token.userId as Object); _apply(req, res, token, user); return _AuthResult(user, token); } return null; } /// Retrieves a JWT from a request, if any was sent at all. String? getJwt(RequestContext req) { if (req.headers?.value('Authorization') != null) { final authHeader = req.headers?.value('Authorization'); if (authHeader != null) { // Allow Basic auth to fall through if (_rgxBearer.hasMatch(authHeader)) { return authHeader.replaceAll(_rgxBearer, '').trim(); } }'RequestContext.headers is null'); } else if (allowCookie && req.cookies.any((cookie) => == 'token')) { return req.cookies.firstWhere((cookie) => == 'token').value; } else if (allowTokenInQuery) { //&& req.uri?.queryParameters['token'] is String) { if (req.uri != null) { return req.uri?.queryParameters['token']?.toString(); } } return null; } void _addProtectedCookie(ResponseContext res, String name, String value) { if (!res.cookies.any((c) => == name)) { res.cookies.add(protectCookie(Cookie(name, value))); } } /// Applies security protections to a [cookie]. Cookie protectCookie(Cookie cookie) { if (secureCookies != false) { cookie.httpOnly = true; = true; } var lifeSpan = _jwtLifeSpan; if (lifeSpan > 0) { cookie.maxAge ??= lifeSpan < 0 ? -1 : lifeSpan ~/ 1000; cookie.expires ??= lifeSpan)); } cookie.domain ??= cookieDomain; cookie.path ??= cookiePath; return cookie; } /// Attempts to revive an expired (or still alive) JWT. Future> _reviveJwt( RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async { try { var jwt = getJwt(req); if (jwt == null) { var body = await req.parseBody().then((_) => req.bodyAsMap); jwt = body['token']?.toString(); } if (jwt == null) { _log.warning('No JWT provided'); throw AngelHttpException.forbidden(message: 'No JWT provided'); } else { var token = AuthToken.validate(jwt, _hs256); if (enforceIp) { if (req.ip != token.ipAddress) { _log.warning('WT cannot be accessed from this IP address'); throw AngelHttpException.forbidden( message: 'JWT cannot be accessed from this IP address.'); } } if (token.lifeSpan > -1) { var expiry = token.issuedAt .add(Duration(milliseconds: token.lifeSpan.toInt())); if (!expiry.isAfter( { //print( // 'Token has indeed expired! Resetting assignment date to current timestamp...'); // Extend its lifespan by changing iat token.issuedAt =; } } if (allowCookie) { _addProtectedCookie(res, 'token', token.serialize(_hs256)); } final data = await deserializer(token.userId as Object); return {'data': data, 'token': token.serialize(_hs256)}; } } catch (e) { if (e is AngelHttpException) { rethrow; } _log.warning('Malformed JWT'); throw AngelHttpException.badRequest(message: 'Malformed JWT'); } } /// Attempts to authenticate a user using one or more strategies. /// /// [type] is a strategy name to try, or a `List` of such. /// /// If a strategy returns `null` or `false`, either the next one is tried, /// or a `401 Not Authenticated` is thrown, if it is the last one. /// /// Any other result is considered an authenticated user, and terminates the loop. RequestHandler authenticate(type, [AngelAuthOptions? options]) { return (RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async { var names = []; var arr = type is Iterable ? => x.toString()).toList() : [type.toString()]; for (var t in arr) { var n = t .split(',') .map((s) => s.trim()) .where((String s) => s.isNotEmpty) .toList(); names.addAll(n); } for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { var name = names[i]; var strategy = strategies[name]; if (strategy == null) { _log.severe('No strategy "$name" found.'); throw ArgumentError('No strategy "$name" found.'); } var reqContainer = req.container; if (reqContainer == null) { print('req.container is null'); } var hasExisting = reqContainer?.has() ?? false; var result = hasExisting ? reqContainer?.make() : await strategy.authenticate(req, res, options); if (result != null && result == true) { return result; } else if (result != false && result != null) { var userId = await serializer(result); // Create JWT var token = AuthToken( userId: userId, lifeSpan: _jwtLifeSpan, ipAddress: req.ip); var jwt = token.serialize(_hs256); if (options != null && options.tokenCallback != null) { var hasUser = reqContainer?.has() ?? false; if (!hasUser) { reqContainer?.registerSingleton(result); } var r = await options.tokenCallback!(req, res, token, result); if (r != null) return r; jwt = token.serialize(_hs256); } _apply(req, res, token, result); if (allowCookie) { _addProtectedCookie(res, 'token', jwt); } // Options is not null if (options != null) { if (options.callback != null) { return await options.callback!(req, res, jwt); } if (options.successRedirect?.isNotEmpty == true) { await res.redirect(options.successRedirect); return false; } else if (options.canRespondWithJson && req.accepts('application/json')) { var user = hasExisting ? result : await deserializer((await serializer(result)) as Object); _onLogin.add(user); return {'data': user, 'token': jwt}; } // Options is null } else if (hasExisting && req.accepts('application/json')) { var user = hasExisting ? result : await deserializer((await serializer(result)) as Object); _onLogin.add(user); return {'data': user, 'token': jwt}; } return true; } else { if (i < names.length - 1) continue; // Check if not redirect if (res.statusCode == 301 || res.statusCode == 302 || res.headers.containsKey('location')) { return false; } else if (options != null && options.failureRedirect != null) { await res.redirect(options.failureRedirect); return false; } else { _log.warning('Not authenticated'); throw AngelHttpException.notAuthenticated(); } } } }; } /// Log a user in on-demand. Future login(AuthToken token, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async { var user = await deserializer(token.userId as Object); _apply(req, res, token, user); _onLogin.add(user); if (allowCookie) { _addProtectedCookie(res, 'token', token.serialize(_hs256)); } } /// Log a user in on-demand. Future loginById(userId, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async { var user = await deserializer(userId as Object); var token = AuthToken(userId: userId, lifeSpan: _jwtLifeSpan, ipAddress: req.ip); _apply(req, res, token, user); _onLogin.add(user); if (allowCookie) { _addProtectedCookie(res, 'token', token.serialize(_hs256)); } } /// Log an authenticated user out. RequestHandler logout([AngelAuthOptions? options]) { return (RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async { if (req.container?.has() == true) { var user = req.container?.make(); if (user != null) { _onLogout.add(user); } } if (allowCookie == true) { res.cookies.removeWhere((cookie) => == 'token'); _addProtectedCookie(res, 'token', '""'); } if (options != null && options.successRedirect != null && options.successRedirect!.isNotEmpty) { await res.redirect(options.successRedirect); } return true; }; } } class _AuthResult { final User user; final AuthToken token; _AuthResult(this.user, this.token); }