// GENERATED CODE - DO NOT MODIFY BY HAND part of angel_serialize.test.models.book; // ************************************************************************** // JsonModelGenerator // ************************************************************************** @generatedSerializable @pragma('hello') @SerializableField(alias: 'omg') class Book extends _Book { Book( {this.id, this.createdAt, this.updatedAt, this.author, this.title, this.description, this.pageCount, List notModels, this.camelCaseString}) : this.notModels = List.unmodifiable(notModels ?? []); /// A unique identifier corresponding to this item. @override String id; /// The time at which this item was created. @override DateTime createdAt; /// The last time at which this item was updated. @override DateTime updatedAt; @override String author; @override String title; @override String description; /// The number of pages the book has. @override int pageCount; @override List notModels; @override String camelCaseString; Book copyWith( {String id, DateTime createdAt, DateTime updatedAt, String author, String title, String description, int pageCount, List notModels, String camelCaseString}) { return Book( id: id ?? this.id, createdAt: createdAt ?? this.createdAt, updatedAt: updatedAt ?? this.updatedAt, author: author ?? this.author, title: title ?? this.title, description: description ?? this.description, pageCount: pageCount ?? this.pageCount, notModels: notModels ?? this.notModels, camelCaseString: camelCaseString ?? this.camelCaseString); } bool operator ==(other) { return other is _Book && other.id == id && other.createdAt == createdAt && other.updatedAt == updatedAt && other.author == author && other.title == title && other.description == description && other.pageCount == pageCount && ListEquality(DefaultEquality()) .equals(other.notModels, notModels) && other.camelCaseString == camelCaseString; } @override int get hashCode { return hashObjects([ id, createdAt, updatedAt, author, title, description, pageCount, notModels, camelCaseString ]); } @override String toString() { return "Book(id=$id, createdAt=$createdAt, updatedAt=$updatedAt, author=$author, title=$title, description=$description, pageCount=$pageCount, notModels=$notModels, camelCaseString=$camelCaseString)"; } Map toJson() { return BookSerializer.toMap(this); } } @generatedSerializable class Author extends _Author { Author( {this.id, this.createdAt, this.updatedAt, @required this.name, @required this.age, List<_Book> books, this.newestBook, this.secret, this.obscured}) : this.books = List.unmodifiable(books ?? []); /// A unique identifier corresponding to this item. @override String id; /// The time at which this item was created. @override DateTime createdAt; /// The last time at which this item was updated. @override DateTime updatedAt; @override final String name; @override final int age; @override final List<_Book> books; /// The newest book. @override final _Book newestBook; @override final String secret; @override final String obscured; Author copyWith( {String id, DateTime createdAt, DateTime updatedAt, String name, int age, List<_Book> books, _Book newestBook, String secret, String obscured}) { return Author( id: id ?? this.id, createdAt: createdAt ?? this.createdAt, updatedAt: updatedAt ?? this.updatedAt, name: name ?? this.name, age: age ?? this.age, books: books ?? this.books, newestBook: newestBook ?? this.newestBook, secret: secret ?? this.secret, obscured: obscured ?? this.obscured); } bool operator ==(other) { return other is _Author && other.id == id && other.createdAt == createdAt && other.updatedAt == updatedAt && other.name == name && other.age == age && ListEquality<_Book>(DefaultEquality<_Book>()) .equals(other.books, books) && other.newestBook == newestBook && other.secret == secret && other.obscured == obscured; } @override int get hashCode { return hashObjects([ id, createdAt, updatedAt, name, age, books, newestBook, secret, obscured ]); } @override String toString() { return "Author(id=$id, createdAt=$createdAt, updatedAt=$updatedAt, name=$name, age=$age, books=$books, newestBook=$newestBook, secret=$secret, obscured=$obscured)"; } Map toJson() { return AuthorSerializer.toMap(this); } } @generatedSerializable class Library extends _Library { Library( {this.id, this.createdAt, this.updatedAt, Map collection}) : this.collection = Map.unmodifiable(collection ?? {}); /// A unique identifier corresponding to this item. @override String id; /// The time at which this item was created. @override DateTime createdAt; /// The last time at which this item was updated. @override DateTime updatedAt; @override final Map collection; Library copyWith( {String id, DateTime createdAt, DateTime updatedAt, Map collection}) { return Library( id: id ?? this.id, createdAt: createdAt ?? this.createdAt, updatedAt: updatedAt ?? this.updatedAt, collection: collection ?? this.collection); } bool operator ==(other) { return other is _Library && other.id == id && other.createdAt == createdAt && other.updatedAt == updatedAt && MapEquality( keys: DefaultEquality(), values: DefaultEquality<_Book>()) .equals(other.collection, collection); } @override int get hashCode { return hashObjects([id, createdAt, updatedAt, collection]); } @override String toString() { return "Library(id=$id, createdAt=$createdAt, updatedAt=$updatedAt, collection=$collection)"; } Map toJson() { return LibrarySerializer.toMap(this); } } @generatedSerializable class Bookmark extends _Bookmark { Bookmark(_Book book, {this.id, this.createdAt, this.updatedAt, List history, @required this.page, this.comment}) : this.history = List.unmodifiable(history ?? []), super(book); /// A unique identifier corresponding to this item. @override String id; /// The time at which this item was created. @override DateTime createdAt; /// The last time at which this item was updated. @override DateTime updatedAt; @override final List history; @override final int page; @override final String comment; Bookmark copyWith(_Book book, {String id, DateTime createdAt, DateTime updatedAt, List history, int page, String comment}) { return Bookmark(book, id: id ?? this.id, createdAt: createdAt ?? this.createdAt, updatedAt: updatedAt ?? this.updatedAt, history: history ?? this.history, page: page ?? this.page, comment: comment ?? this.comment); } bool operator ==(other) { return other is _Bookmark && other.id == id && other.createdAt == createdAt && other.updatedAt == updatedAt && ListEquality(DefaultEquality()) .equals(other.history, history) && other.page == page && other.comment == comment; } @override int get hashCode { return hashObjects([id, createdAt, updatedAt, history, page, comment]); } @override String toString() { return "Bookmark(id=$id, createdAt=$createdAt, updatedAt=$updatedAt, history=$history, page=$page, comment=$comment)"; } Map toJson() { return BookmarkSerializer.toMap(this); } } // ************************************************************************** // SerializerGenerator // ************************************************************************** const BookSerializer bookSerializer = BookSerializer(); class BookEncoder extends Converter { const BookEncoder(); @override Map convert(Book model) => BookSerializer.toMap(model); } class BookDecoder extends Converter { const BookDecoder(); @override Book convert(Map map) => BookSerializer.fromMap(map); } class BookSerializer extends Codec { const BookSerializer(); @override get encoder => const BookEncoder(); @override get decoder => const BookDecoder(); static Book fromMap(Map map) { return Book( id: map['id'] as String, createdAt: map['created_at'] != null ? (map['created_at'] is DateTime ? (map['created_at'] as DateTime) : DateTime.parse(map['created_at'].toString())) : null, updatedAt: map['updated_at'] != null ? (map['updated_at'] is DateTime ? (map['updated_at'] as DateTime) : DateTime.parse(map['updated_at'].toString())) : null, author: map['author'] as String, title: map['title'] as String, description: map['description'] as String, pageCount: map['page_count'] as int, notModels: map['not_models'] is Iterable ? (map['not_models'] as Iterable).cast().toList() : null, camelCaseString: map['camelCase'] as String); } static Map toMap(_Book model) { if (model == null) { return null; } return { 'id': model.id, 'created_at': model.createdAt?.toIso8601String(), 'updated_at': model.updatedAt?.toIso8601String(), 'author': model.author, 'title': model.title, 'description': model.description, 'page_count': model.pageCount, 'not_models': model.notModels, 'camelCase': model.camelCaseString }; } } abstract class BookFields { static const List allFields = [ id, createdAt, updatedAt, author, title, description, pageCount, notModels, camelCaseString ]; static const String id = 'id'; static const String createdAt = 'created_at'; static const String updatedAt = 'updated_at'; static const String author = 'author'; static const String title = 'title'; static const String description = 'description'; static const String pageCount = 'page_count'; static const String notModels = 'not_models'; static const String camelCaseString = 'camelCase'; } const AuthorSerializer authorSerializer = AuthorSerializer(); class AuthorEncoder extends Converter { const AuthorEncoder(); @override Map convert(Author model) => AuthorSerializer.toMap(model); } class AuthorDecoder extends Converter { const AuthorDecoder(); @override Author convert(Map map) => AuthorSerializer.fromMap(map); } class AuthorSerializer extends Codec { const AuthorSerializer(); @override get encoder => const AuthorEncoder(); @override get decoder => const AuthorDecoder(); static Author fromMap(Map map) { if (map['name'] == null) { throw FormatException("Missing required field 'name' on Author."); } if (map['age'] == null) { throw FormatException("Custom message for missing `age`"); } return Author( id: map['id'] as String, createdAt: map['created_at'] != null ? (map['created_at'] is DateTime ? (map['created_at'] as DateTime) : DateTime.parse(map['created_at'].toString())) : null, updatedAt: map['updated_at'] != null ? (map['updated_at'] is DateTime ? (map['updated_at'] as DateTime) : DateTime.parse(map['updated_at'].toString())) : null, name: map['name'] as String, age: map['age'] as int, books: map['books'] is Iterable ? List.unmodifiable(((map['books'] as Iterable).whereType()) .map(BookSerializer.fromMap)) : null, newestBook: map['newest_book'] != null ? BookSerializer.fromMap(map['newest_book'] as Map) : null, obscured: map['obscured'] as String); } static Map toMap(_Author model) { if (model == null) { return null; } if (model.name == null) { throw FormatException("Missing required field 'name' on Author."); } if (model.age == null) { throw FormatException("Custom message for missing `age`"); } return { 'id': model.id, 'created_at': model.createdAt?.toIso8601String(), 'updated_at': model.updatedAt?.toIso8601String(), 'name': model.name, 'age': model.age, 'books': model.books?.map((m) => BookSerializer.toMap(m))?.toList(), 'newest_book': BookSerializer.toMap(model.newestBook) }; } } abstract class AuthorFields { static const List allFields = [ id, createdAt, updatedAt, name, age, books, newestBook, secret, obscured ]; static const String id = 'id'; static const String createdAt = 'created_at'; static const String updatedAt = 'updated_at'; static const String name = 'name'; static const String age = 'age'; static const String books = 'books'; static const String newestBook = 'newest_book'; static const String secret = 'secret'; static const String obscured = 'obscured'; } const LibrarySerializer librarySerializer = LibrarySerializer(); class LibraryEncoder extends Converter { const LibraryEncoder(); @override Map convert(Library model) => LibrarySerializer.toMap(model); } class LibraryDecoder extends Converter { const LibraryDecoder(); @override Library convert(Map map) => LibrarySerializer.fromMap(map); } class LibrarySerializer extends Codec { const LibrarySerializer(); @override get encoder => const LibraryEncoder(); @override get decoder => const LibraryDecoder(); static Library fromMap(Map map) { return Library( id: map['id'] as String, createdAt: map['created_at'] != null ? (map['created_at'] is DateTime ? (map['created_at'] as DateTime) : DateTime.parse(map['created_at'].toString())) : null, updatedAt: map['updated_at'] != null ? (map['updated_at'] is DateTime ? (map['updated_at'] as DateTime) : DateTime.parse(map['updated_at'].toString())) : null, collection: map['collection'] is Map ? Map.unmodifiable( (map['collection'] as Map).keys.fold({}, (out, key) { return out ..[key] = BookSerializer.fromMap( ((map['collection'] as Map)[key]) as Map); })) : null); } static Map toMap(_Library model) { if (model == null) { return null; } return { 'id': model.id, 'created_at': model.createdAt?.toIso8601String(), 'updated_at': model.updatedAt?.toIso8601String(), 'collection': model.collection.keys?.fold({}, (map, key) { return map..[key] = BookSerializer.toMap(model.collection[key]); }) }; } } abstract class LibraryFields { static const List allFields = [ id, createdAt, updatedAt, collection ]; static const String id = 'id'; static const String createdAt = 'created_at'; static const String updatedAt = 'updated_at'; static const String collection = 'collection'; } abstract class BookmarkSerializer { static Bookmark fromMap(Map map, _Book book) { if (map['page'] == null) { throw FormatException("Missing required field 'page' on Bookmark."); } return Bookmark(book, id: map['id'] as String, createdAt: map['created_at'] != null ? (map['created_at'] is DateTime ? (map['created_at'] as DateTime) : DateTime.parse(map['created_at'].toString())) : null, updatedAt: map['updated_at'] != null ? (map['updated_at'] is DateTime ? (map['updated_at'] as DateTime) : DateTime.parse(map['updated_at'].toString())) : null, history: map['history'] is Iterable ? (map['history'] as Iterable).cast().toList() : null, page: map['page'] as int, comment: map['comment'] as String); } static Map toMap(_Bookmark model) { if (model == null) { return null; } if (model.page == null) { throw FormatException("Missing required field 'page' on Bookmark."); } return { 'id': model.id, 'created_at': model.createdAt?.toIso8601String(), 'updated_at': model.updatedAt?.toIso8601String(), 'history': model.history, 'page': model.page, 'comment': model.comment }; } } abstract class BookmarkFields { static const List allFields = [ id, createdAt, updatedAt, history, page, comment ]; static const String id = 'id'; static const String createdAt = 'created_at'; static const String updatedAt = 'updated_at'; static const String history = 'history'; static const String page = 'page'; static const String comment = 'comment'; }