/// Command-line client library for the Angel framework. library angel_client.cli; import 'dart:async'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:json_god/json_god.dart' as god; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; import 'angel_client.dart'; import 'base_angel_client.dart'; export 'angel_client.dart'; /// Queries an Angel server via REST. class Rest extends BaseAngelClient { final List<Service> _services = []; Rest(String path) : super(http.Client() as http.BaseClient, path); @override Service<Id, Data> service<Id, Data>(String path, {Type? type, AngelDeserializer? deserializer}) { var url = baseUrl.replace(path: p.join(baseUrl.path, path)); var s = RestService<Id, Data>(client, this, url, type); _services.add(s); return s as Service<Id, Data>; } @override Stream<String> authenticateViaPopup(String url, {String eventName = 'token'}) { throw UnimplementedError( 'Opening popup windows is not supported in the `dart:io` client.'); } @override Future close() async { await super.close(); await Future.wait(_services.map((s) => s.close())).then((_) { _services.clear(); }); } } /// Queries an Angel service via REST. class RestService<Id, Data> extends BaseAngelService<Id, Data> { final Type? type; RestService(http.BaseClient? client, BaseAngelClient app, url, this.type) : super(client, app, url); @override Data? deserialize(x) { print(x); if (type != null) { return x.runtimeType == type ? x as Data? : god.deserializeDatum(x, outputType: type) as Data?; } return x as Data?; } @override String makeBody(x) { print(x); if (type != null) { return super.makeBody(god.serializeObject(x)); } return super.makeBody(x); } }