# Angel3 Container Generator  [](https://dart.dev/null-safety) [](https://gitter.im/angel_dart/discussion) [](https://github.com/dukefirehawk/angel/tree/master/packages/container/angel3_container_generator/LICENSE) An alternative container for Angel3 that uses `reflectable` package instead of `dart:mirrors` for reflection. However, `reflectable` has much limited relfection capabilities when compared to `dart:mirrors`. ## Usage * Annotable the class with `@contained`. * Run `dart run build_runner build <Your class directory>` * Alternatively create a `build.xml` file with the following content ```yaml targets: $default: builders: reflectable: generate_for: - bin/**_controller.dart options: formatted: true ``` ## Known limitation * Reflection on functions/closures is not supported * Reflection on private declarations is not supported * Reflection on generic type is not supported