# Protevus RethinkDB ![Pub Version (including pre-releases)](https://img.shields.io/pub/v/angel3_rethinkdb?include_prereleases) [![Null Safety](https://img.shields.io/badge/null-safety-brightgreen)](https://dart.dev/null-safety) [![Discord](https://img.shields.io/discord/1060322353214660698)](https://discord.gg/3X6bxTUdCM) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/dart-backend/protevus)](https://github.com/dart-backend/protevus/tree/master/packages/mongo/LICENSE) This is RethinkDB service for Protevus framework. RethinkDB is an open-source database for the realtime web. ## Installation Add the following to your `pubspec.yaml`: ```yaml dependencies: angel3_rethink: ^8.0.0 ``` `belatuk-rethinkdb` driver will be used for connecting to RethinkDB. ## Usage This library exposes one class: `RethinkService`. By default, these services will listen to [changefeeds](https://www.rethinkdb.com/docs/changefeeds/ruby/) from the database, which makes them very suitable for WebSocket use. However, only `CREATED`, `UPDATED` and `REMOVED` events will be fired. Technically not a problem, as it lowers the number of events that need to be handled on the client side. ## Model `Model` is class with no real functionality; however, it represents a basic document, and your services should host inherited classes. Other Protevus service providers host `Model` as well, so you will easily be able to modify your application if you ever switch databases. ```dart class User extends Model { String username; String password; } main() async { var r = RethinkDb(); var conn = await r.connect( db: 'testDB', host: "localhost", port: 28015, user: "admin", password: ""); app.use('/api/users', RethinkService(conn, r.table('users'))); // Add type de/serialization if you want app.use('/api/users', TypedService(RethinkService(conn, r.table('users')))); // You don't have to even use a table... app.use('/api/pro_users', RethinkService(conn, r.table('users').filter({'membership': 'pro'}))); app.service('api/users').afterCreated.listen((event) { print("New user: ${event.result}"); }); } ``` ## RethinkService This class interacts with a `Query` (usually a table) and serializes data to and from Maps. ## RethinkTypedService Does the same as above, but serializes to and from a target class using `belatuk_json_serializer` and it supports reflection. ## Querying You can query these services as follows: ```curl /path/to/service?foo=bar ``` The above will query the database to find records where `foo` equals `bar`. The former will sort result in ascending order of creation, and so will the latter. You can use advanced queries: ```dart // Pass an actual query... service.index({'query': r.table('foo').filter(...)}); // Or, a function that creates a query from a table... service.index({'query': (table) => table.getAll('foo')}); // Or, a Map, which will be transformed into a `filter` query: service.index({'query': {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'quux'}}); ``` You can also apply sorting by adding a `reql` parameter on the server-side. ```dart service.index({'reql': (query) => query.sort(...)}); ``` See the tests for more usage examples.