import 'package:graphql_parser/graphql_parser.dart'; import 'package:graphql_schema/graphql_schema.dart'; /// Performs introspection over a GraphQL [schema], and returns a one, containing /// introspective information. /// /// [allTypes] should contain all types, not directly defined in the schema, that you /// would like to have introspection available for. GraphQLSchema reflectSchema(GraphQLSchema schema, List<GraphQLType> allTypes) { var typeType = _reflectSchemaTypes(); var directiveType = _reflectDirectiveType(); Set<GraphQLType> allTypeSet; var schemaType = objectType('__Schema', fields: [ field( 'types', listOf(typeType), resolve: (_, __) => allTypeSet ??= allTypes.toSet(), ), field( 'queryType', typeType, resolve: (_, __) => schema.queryType, ), field( 'mutationType', typeType, resolve: (_, __) => schema.mutationType, ), field( 'subscriptionType', typeType, resolve: (_, __) => schema.subscriptionType, ), field( 'directives', listOf(directiveType).nonNullable(), resolve: (_, __) => [], // TODO: Actually fetch directives ), ]); allTypes.addAll([ graphQLBoolean, graphQLString, graphQLId, graphQLDate, graphQLFloat, graphQLInt, directiveType, typeType, directiveType, schemaType, _typeKindType, _directiveLocationType, _reflectFields(), _reflectInputValueType(), _reflectEnumValueType(), ]); var fields = <GraphQLObjectField>[ field( '__schema', schemaType, resolve: (_, __) => schemaType, ), field( '__type', typeType, inputs: [GraphQLFieldInput('name', graphQLString.nonNullable())], resolve: (_, args) { var name = args['name'] as String; return allTypes.firstWhere((t) => == name, orElse: () => throw GraphQLException.fromMessage( 'No type named "$name" exists.')); }, ), ]; fields.addAll(schema.queryType.fields); return GraphQLSchema( queryType: objectType(, fields: fields), mutationType: schema.mutationType, subscriptionType: schema.subscriptionType, ); } GraphQLObjectType _typeType; GraphQLObjectType _reflectSchemaTypes() { if (_typeType == null) { _typeType = _createTypeType(); _typeType.fields.add( field( 'ofType', _reflectSchemaTypes(), resolve: (type, _) { if (type is GraphQLListType) return type.ofType; else if (type is GraphQLNonNullableType) return type.ofType; return null; }, ), ); _typeType.fields.add( field( 'interfaces', listOf(_reflectSchemaTypes().nonNullable()), resolve: (type, _) { if (type is GraphQLObjectType) { return type.interfaces; } else { return <GraphQLType>[]; } }, ), ); _typeType.fields.add( field( 'possibleTypes', listOf(_reflectSchemaTypes().nonNullable()), resolve: (type, _) { if (type is GraphQLObjectType && type.isInterface) { return type.possibleTypes; } else if (type is GraphQLUnionType) { return type.possibleTypes; } else { return null; } }, ), ); var fieldType = _reflectFields(); var inputValueType = _reflectInputValueType(); var typeField = fieldType.fields .firstWhere((f) => == 'type', orElse: () => null); if (typeField == null) { fieldType.fields.add( field( 'type', _reflectSchemaTypes(), resolve: (f, _) => (f as GraphQLObjectField).type, ), ); } typeField = inputValueType.fields .firstWhere((f) => == 'type', orElse: () => null); if (typeField == null) { inputValueType.fields.add( field( 'type', _reflectSchemaTypes(), resolve: (f, _) => _fetchFromInputValue(f, (f) => f.type, (f) => f.type), ), ); } } return _typeType; } final GraphQLEnumType<String> _typeKindType = enumTypeFromStrings('__TypeKind', [ 'SCALAR', 'OBJECT', 'INTERFACE', 'UNION', 'ENUM', 'INPUT_OBJECT', 'LIST', 'NON_NULL' ]); GraphQLObjectType _createTypeType() { var enumValueType = _reflectEnumValueType(); var fieldType = _reflectFields(); var inputValueType = _reflectInputValueType(); return objectType('__Type', fields: [ field( 'name', graphQLString, resolve: (type, _) => (type as GraphQLType).name, ), field( 'description', graphQLString, resolve: (type, _) => (type as GraphQLType).description, ), field( 'kind', _typeKindType, resolve: (type, _) { var t = type as GraphQLType; if (t is GraphQLEnumType) { return 'ENUM'; } else if (t is GraphQLScalarType) { return 'SCALAR'; } else if (t is GraphQLInputObjectType) { return 'INPUT_OBJECT'; } else if (t is GraphQLObjectType) { return t.isInterface ? 'INTERFACE' : 'OBJECT'; } else if (t is GraphQLListType) { return 'LIST'; } else if (t is GraphQLNonNullableType) { return 'NON_NULL'; } else if (t is GraphQLUnionType) { return 'UNION'; } else { throw UnsupportedError('Cannot get the kind of $t.'); } }, ), field( 'fields', listOf(fieldType), inputs: [ new GraphQLFieldInput( 'includeDeprecated', graphQLBoolean, defaultValue: false, ), ], resolve: (type, args) => type is GraphQLObjectType ? type.fields .where( (f) => !f.isDeprecated || args['includeDeprecated'] == true) .toList() : null, ), field( 'enumValues', listOf(enumValueType.nonNullable()), inputs: [ new GraphQLFieldInput( 'includeDeprecated', graphQLBoolean, defaultValue: false, ), ], resolve: (obj, args) { if (obj is GraphQLEnumType) { return obj.values .where( (f) => !f.isDeprecated || args['includeDeprecated'] == true) .toList(); } else { return null; } }, ), field( 'inputFields', listOf(inputValueType.nonNullable()), resolve: (obj, _) { if (obj is GraphQLInputObjectType) { return obj.inputFields; } return null; }, ), ]); } GraphQLObjectType _fieldType; GraphQLObjectType _reflectFields() { if (_fieldType == null) { _fieldType = _createFieldType(); } return _fieldType; } GraphQLObjectType _createFieldType() { var inputValueType = _reflectInputValueType(); return objectType('__Field', fields: [ field( 'name', graphQLString, resolve: (f, _) => (f as GraphQLObjectField).name, ), field( 'description', graphQLString, resolve: (f, _) => (f as GraphQLObjectField).description, ), field( 'isDeprecated', graphQLBoolean, resolve: (f, _) => (f as GraphQLObjectField).isDeprecated, ), field( 'deprecationReason', graphQLString, resolve: (f, _) => (f as GraphQLObjectField).deprecationReason, ), field( 'args', listOf(inputValueType.nonNullable()).nonNullable(), resolve: (f, _) => (f as GraphQLObjectField).inputs, ), ]); } GraphQLObjectType _inputValueType; T _fetchFromInputValue<T>(x, T Function(GraphQLFieldInput) ifInput, T Function(GraphQLInputObjectField) ifObjectField) { if (x is GraphQLFieldInput) { return ifInput(x); } else if (x is GraphQLInputObjectField) { return ifObjectField(x); } else { return null; } } GraphQLObjectType _reflectInputValueType() { return _inputValueType ??= objectType('__InputValue', fields: [ field( 'name', graphQLString.nonNullable(), resolve: (obj, _) => _fetchFromInputValue(obj, (f) =>, (f) =>, ), field( 'description', graphQLString, resolve: (obj, _) => _fetchFromInputValue(obj, (f) => f.description, (f) => f.description), ), field( 'defaultValue', graphQLString, resolve: (obj, _) => _fetchFromInputValue(obj, (f) => f.defaultValue?.toString(), (f) => f.defaultValue?.toString()), ), ]); } GraphQLObjectType _directiveType; final GraphQLEnumType<String> _directiveLocationType = enumTypeFromStrings('__DirectiveLocation', [ 'QUERY', 'MUTATION', 'FIELD', 'FRAGMENT_DEFINITION', 'FRAGMENT_SPREAD', 'INLINE_FRAGMENT' ]); GraphQLObjectType _reflectDirectiveType() { var inputValueType = _reflectInputValueType(); // TODO: What actually is this??? return _directiveType ??= objectType('__Directive', fields: [ field( 'name', graphQLString.nonNullable(), resolve: (obj, _) => (obj as DirectiveContext).nameToken.span.text, ), field( 'description', graphQLString, resolve: (obj, _) => null, ), field( 'locations', listOf(_directiveLocationType.nonNullable()).nonNullable(), // TODO: Fetch directiveLocation resolve: (obj, _) => <String>[], ), field( 'args', listOf(inputValueType.nonNullable()).nonNullable(), resolve: (obj, _) => [], ), ]); } GraphQLObjectType _enumValueType; GraphQLObjectType _reflectEnumValueType() { return _enumValueType ??= objectType( '__EnumValue', fields: [ field( 'name', graphQLString.nonNullable(), resolve: (obj, _) => (obj as GraphQLEnumValue).name, ), field( 'description', graphQLString, resolve: (obj, _) => (obj as GraphQLEnumValue).description, ), field( 'isDeprecated', graphQLBoolean.nonNullable(), resolve: (obj, _) => (obj as GraphQLEnumValue).isDeprecated, ), field( 'deprecationReason', graphQLString, resolve: (obj, _) => (obj as GraphQLEnumValue).deprecationReason, ), ], ); } List<GraphQLType> fetchAllTypes( GraphQLSchema schema, List<GraphQLType> specifiedTypes) { var data = Set<GraphQLType>() ..add(schema.queryType) ..addAll(specifiedTypes); if (schema.mutationType != null) { data.add(schema.mutationType); } if (schema.subscriptionType != null) { data.add(schema.subscriptionType); } return CollectTypes(data).types.toList(); } class CollectTypes { Set<GraphQLType> traversedTypes = {}; Set<GraphQLType> get types => traversedTypes; CollectTypes(Iterable<GraphQLType> types) { types.forEach(_fetchAllTypesFromType); } CollectTypes.fromRootObject(GraphQLObjectType type) { _fetchAllTypesFromObject(type); } void _fetchAllTypesFromObject(GraphQLObjectType objectType) { if (traversedTypes.contains(objectType)) { return null; } traversedTypes.add(objectType); for (var field in objectType.fields) { if (field.type is GraphQLObjectType) { _fetchAllTypesFromObject(field.type as GraphQLObjectType); } else if (field.type is GraphQLInputObjectType) { for (var v in (field.type as GraphQLInputObjectType).inputFields) { _fetchAllTypesFromType(v.type); } } else { _fetchAllTypesFromType(field.type); } for (var input in field.inputs ?? <GraphQLFieldInput>[]) { _fetchAllTypesFromType(input.type); } } for (var i in objectType.interfaces) { _fetchAllTypesFromObject(i); } } void _fetchAllTypesFromType(GraphQLType type) { if (traversedTypes.contains(type)) { return null; } /* * Unwrap generics */ if (type is GraphQLNonNullableType) { return _fetchAllTypesFromType(type.ofType); } if (type is GraphQLListType) { return _fetchAllTypesFromType(type.ofType); } /* * Handle simple types */ if (type is GraphQLEnumType) { traversedTypes.add(type); return null; } if (type is GraphQLUnionType) { traversedTypes.add(type); for (var t in type.possibleTypes) { _fetchAllTypesFromType(t); } return null; } if (type is GraphQLInputObjectType) { traversedTypes.add(type); for (var v in type.inputFields) { _fetchAllTypesFromType(v.type); } return null; } /* * defer to object type traverser */ if (type is GraphQLObjectType) { return _fetchAllTypesFromObject(type); } return null; } }