import 'package:angel3_framework/angel3_framework.dart'; import 'package:belatuk_code_buffer/belatuk_code_buffer.dart'; import 'package:file/file.dart'; import 'package:jael3/jael3.dart'; import 'package:jael3_preprocessor/jael3_preprocessor.dart'; import 'package:belatuk_symbol_table/belatuk_symbol_table.dart'; /// Configures an Angel server to use Jael to render templates. /// /// To enable "minified" output, you need to override the [createBuffer] function, /// to instantiate a [CodeBuffer] that emits no spaces or line breaks. /// /// To apply additional transforms to parsed documents, provide a set of [patch] functions. AngelConfigurer jael(Directory viewsDirectory, {String? fileExtension, bool strictResolution = false, bool cacheViews = false, Iterable<Patcher>? patch, bool asDSX = false, CodeBuffer Function()? createBuffer}) { var cache = <String, Document?>{}; fileExtension ??= '.jael'; createBuffer ??= () => CodeBuffer(); return (Angel app) async { app.viewGenerator = (String name, [Map? locals]) async { var errors = <JaelError>[]; Document? processed; if (cacheViews == true && cache.containsKey(name)) { processed = cache[name]; } else { var file = viewsDirectory.childFile(name + fileExtension!); var contents = await file.readAsString(); var doc = parseDocument(contents, sourceUrl: file.uri, asDSX: asDSX == true, onError: errors.add)!; processed = doc; try { processed = await (resolve(doc, viewsDirectory, patch: patch, onError: errors.add)); } catch (_) { // Ignore these errors, so that we can show syntax errors. } if (cacheViews == true) { cache[name] = processed; } } var buf = createBuffer!(); var scope = SymbolTable( values: locals?.keys.fold<Map<String, dynamic>>(<String, dynamic>{}, (out, k) => out..[k.toString()] = locals[k]) ?? <String, dynamic>{}); if (errors.isEmpty) { try { const Renderer().render(processed!, buf, scope, strictResolution: strictResolution == true); return buf.toString(); } on JaelError catch (e) { errors.add(e); } } Renderer.errorDocument(errors, buf..clear()); return buf.toString(); }; }; }