library angel_framework.http.request_context; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:angel_route/src/extensible.dart'; import 'package:body_parser/body_parser.dart'; import 'angel_base.dart'; /// A convenience wrapper around an incoming HTTP request. class RequestContext extends Extensible { BodyParseResult _body; ContentType _contentType; HttpRequest _io; String _path; /// Additional params to be passed to services. final Map serviceParams = {}; /// The [Angel] instance that is responding to this request. AngelBase app; /// Any cookies sent with this request. List get cookies => io.cookies; /// All HTTP headers sent with this request. HttpHeaders get headers => io.headers; /// The requested hostname. String get hostname => io.headers.value(HttpHeaders.HOST); /// A [Map] of values that should be DI'd. final Map injections = {}; /// The underlying [HttpRequest] instance underneath this context. HttpRequest get io => _io; /// The user's IP. String get ip => remoteAddress.address; /// This request's HTTP method. String get method => io.method; /// All post data submitted to the server. Map get body => _body.body; /// The content type of an incoming request. ContentType get contentType => _contentType; /// Any and all files sent to the server with this request. List get files => _body.files; /// The original body bytes sent with this request. May be empty. List get originalBuffer => _body.originalBuffer ?? []; /// The URL parameters extracted from the request URI. Map params = {}; /// The requested path. String get path => _path; /// The parsed request query string. Map get query => _body.query; /// The remote address requesting this resource. InternetAddress get remoteAddress => io.connectionInfo.remoteAddress; /// The user's HTTP session. HttpSession get session => io.session; /// The [Uri] instance representing the path this request is responding to. Uri get uri => io.uri; /// Is this an **XMLHttpRequest**? bool get xhr => io.headers.value("X-Requested-With")?.trim()?.toLowerCase() == 'xmlhttprequest'; @deprecated HttpRequest get underlyingRequest { throw new Exception( '`RequestContext#underlyingRequest` is deprecated. Please update your application to use the newer `RequestContext#io`.'); } /// Magically transforms an [HttpRequest] into a [RequestContext]. static Future from(HttpRequest request, AngelBase app) async { RequestContext ctx = new RequestContext(); = app; ctx._contentType = request.headers.contentType; ctx._path = request.uri .toString() .replaceAll("?" + request.uri.query, "") .replaceAll(new RegExp(r'/+$'), ''); ctx._io = request; ctx._body = (await parseBody(request, storeOriginalBuffer: app.storeOriginalBuffer == true)) ?? {}; return ctx; } /// Grabs an object by key or type from [params], [injections], or /// [app].container. Use this to perform dependency injection /// within a service hook. T grab(key) { if (params.containsKey(key)) return params[key]; else if (injections.containsKey(key)) return injections[key]; else if (key is Type) { try { return app.container.make(key); } catch (e) { return null; } } else return null; } void inject(type, value) { injections[type] = value; } }