part of angel_framework.http; typedef Route RouteAssigner(Pattern path, handler, {List middleware}); _matchingAnnotation(List metadata, Type T) { for (InstanceMirror metaDatum in metadata) { if (metaDatum.hasReflectee) { var reflectee = metaDatum.reflectee; if (reflectee.runtimeType == T) { return reflectee; } } } return null; } _getAnnotation(obj, Type T) { if (obj is Function || obj is Future) { MethodMirror methodMirror = (reflect(obj) as ClosureMirror).function; return _matchingAnnotation(methodMirror.metadata, T); } else { ClassMirror classMirror = reflectClass(obj.runtimeType); return _matchingAnnotation(classMirror.metadata, T); } return null; } /// A routable server that can handle dynamic requests. class Routable extends Extensible { /// Additional filters to be run on designated requests. Map requestMiddleware = {}; /// Dynamic request paths that this server will respond to. List routes = []; /// A set of [Service] objects that have been mapped into routes. Map services = {}; /// A set of [Controller] objects that have been loaded into the application. Map controllers = {}; /// Assigns a middleware to a name for convenience. registerMiddleware(String name, RequestMiddleware middleware) { this.requestMiddleware[name] = middleware; } /// Retrieves the service assigned to the given path. Service service(Pattern path) => services[path]; /// Retrieves the controller with the given name. Controller controller(String name) => controllers[name]; /// Incorporates another [Routable]'s routes into this one's. /// /// If `hooked` is set to `true` and a [Service] is provided, /// then that service will be wired to a [HookedService] proxy. /// If a `middlewareNamespace` is provided, then any middleware /// from the provided [Routable] will be prefixed by that namespace, /// with a dot. /// For example, if the [Routable] has a middleware 'y', and the `middlewareNamespace` /// is 'x', then that middleware will be available as 'x.y' in the main application. /// These namespaces can be nested. use(Pattern path, Routable routable, {bool hooked: true, String middlewareNamespace: null}) { Routable _routable = routable; // If we need to hook this service, do it here. It has to be first, or // else all routes will point to the old service. if (_routable is Service) { Hooked hookedDeclaration = _getAnnotation(_routable, Hooked); Service service = (hookedDeclaration != null || hooked) ? new HookedService(_routable) : _routable; services[path.toString().trim().replaceAll( new RegExp(r'(^\/+)|(\/+$)'), '')] = service; _routable = service; } if (_routable is Angel) { all(path, (RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async { = _routable; = _routable; return true; }); } for (Route route in _routable.routes) { Route provisional = new Route('', path); if (route.path == '/') { route.path = ''; route.matcher = new RegExp(r'^\/?$'); } route.matcher = new RegExp(route.matcher.pattern.replaceAll( new RegExp('^\\^'), provisional.matcher.pattern.replaceAll(new RegExp(r'\$$'), ''))); route.path = "$path${route.path}"; routes.add(route); } // Let's copy middleware, heeding the optional middleware namespace. String middlewarePrefix = ""; if (middlewareNamespace != null) middlewarePrefix = "$middlewareNamespace."; for (String middlewareName in _routable.requestMiddleware.keys) { requestMiddleware["$middlewarePrefix$middlewareName"] = _routable.requestMiddleware[middlewareName]; } // Copy services, too. :) for (Pattern servicePath in { String newServicePath = path.toString().trim().replaceAll( new RegExp(r'(^\/+)|(\/+$)'), '') + '/$servicePath'; services[newServicePath] =[servicePath]; } } /// Adds a route that responds to the given path /// for requests with the given method (case-insensitive). /// Provide '*' as the method to respond to all methods. Route addRoute(String method, Pattern path, Object handler, {List middleware}) { List handlers = []; // Merge @Middleware declaration, if any Middleware middlewareDeclaration = _getAnnotation( handler, Middleware); if (middlewareDeclaration != null) { handlers.addAll(middlewareDeclaration.handlers); } handlers ..addAll(middleware ?? []) ..add(handler); var route = new Route(method.toUpperCase().trim(), path, handlers); routes.add(route); return route; } /// Adds a route that responds to any request matching the given path. Route all(Pattern path, Object handler, {List middleware}) { return addRoute('*', path, handler, middleware: middleware); } /// Adds a route that responds to a GET request. Route get(Pattern path, Object handler, {List middleware}) { return addRoute('GET', path, handler, middleware: middleware); } /// Adds a route that responds to a POST request. Route post(Pattern path, Object handler, {List middleware}) { return addRoute('POST', path, handler, middleware: middleware); } /// Adds a route that responds to a PATCH request. Route patch(Pattern path, Object handler, {List middleware}) { return addRoute('PATCH', path, handler, middleware: middleware); } /// Adds a route that responds to a DELETE request. Route delete(Pattern path, Object handler, {List middleware}) { return addRoute('DELETE', path, handler, middleware: middleware); } Routable() { } }