import 'dart:io'; import 'package:angel3_framework/angel3_framework.dart'; import 'package:angel3_framework/http.dart'; import 'package:angel3_proxy/angel3_proxy.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; final Duration timeout = Duration(seconds: 5); void main() async { var app = Protevus(); // Forward any /api requests to pub. // By default, if the host throws a 404, the request will fall through to the next handler. var pubProxy = Proxy( '', publicPath: '/pub', timeout: timeout, ); app.all('/pub/*', pubProxy.handleRequest); // Surprise! We can also proxy WebSockets. // // Play around with this at var echoProxy = Proxy( '', publicPath: '/echo', timeout: timeout, ); app.get('/echo', echoProxy.handleRequest); // Pub's HTML assumes that the site's styles, etc. are on the absolute path `/static`. // This is not the case here. Let's patch that up: app.get('/static/*', (RequestContext req, res) { return pubProxy.servePath(req.path, req, res); }); // Anything else should fall through to var dartlangProxy = Proxy( '', timeout: timeout, recoverFrom404: false, ); app.all('*', dartlangProxy.handleRequest); // In case we can't connect to, show an error. app.fallback( (req, res) => res.write('Couldn\'t connect to Pub or dartlang.')); app.logger = Logger('protevus') ..onRecord.listen( (rec) { print(rec); if (rec.error != null) print(rec.error); if (rec.stackTrace != null) print(rec.stackTrace); }, ); var server = await ProtevusHttp(app).startServer(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 8080); print('Listening at http://${server.address.address}:${server.port}'); print( 'Check this out! http://${server.address.address}:${server.port}/pub/packages/angel_framework'); }