library angel_framework.http.response_context; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:angel_route/angel_route.dart'; import 'package:json_god/json_god.dart' as god; import 'package:mime/mime.dart'; import '../extensible.dart'; import 'server.dart' show Angel; import 'controller.dart'; final RegExp _contentType = new RegExp(r'([^/\n]+)\/\s*([^;\n]+)\s*(;\s*charset=([^$;\n]+))?'); final RegExp _straySlashes = new RegExp(r'(^/+)|(/+$)'); /// Serializes response data into a String. typedef String ResponseSerializer(data); /// A convenience wrapper around an outgoing HTTP request. class ResponseContext extends Extensible { final _LockableBytesBuilder _buffer = new _LockableBytesBuilder(); final Map _headers = {HttpHeaders.SERVER: 'angel'}; bool _isOpen = true, _isClosed = false; /// The [Angel] instance that is sending a response. Angel app; /// Is `Transfer-Encoding` chunked? bool chunked; /// Any and all cookies to be sent to the user. final List cookies = []; /// Headers that will be sent to the user. Map get headers { /// If the response is closed, then this getter will return an immutable `Map`. if (!_isOpen) return new Map.unmodifiable(_headers); else return _headers; } /// Serializes response data into a String. /// /// The default is conversion into JSON via `package:json_god`. /// /// If you are 100% sure that your response handlers will only /// be JSON-encodable objects (i.e. primitives, `List`s and `Map`s), /// then consider setting [serializer] to `JSON.encode`. /// /// To set it globally for the whole [app], use the following helper: /// ```dart /// app.injectSerializer(JSON.encode); /// ``` ResponseSerializer serializer = god.serialize; /// This response's status code. int statusCode = 200; /// Can we still write to this response? bool get isOpen => _isOpen; /// A set of UTF-8 encoded bytes that will be written to the response. BytesBuilder get buffer => _buffer; /// Sets the status code to be sent with this response. @Deprecated('Please use `statusCode=` instead.') void status(int code) { statusCode = code; } /// The underlying [HttpResponse] under this instance. final HttpResponse io; @deprecated HttpResponse get underlyingRequest { throw new Exception( '`ResponseContext#underlyingResponse` is deprecated. Please update your application to use the newer `ResponseContext#io`.'); } /// Gets the Content-Type header. ContentType get contentType { if (!headers.containsKey(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE)) return null; var header = headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE]; var match = _contentType.firstMatch(header); if (match == null) throw new Exception('Malformed Content-Type response header: "$header".'); if (match[4]?.isNotEmpty != true) return new ContentType(match[1], match[2]); else return new ContentType(match[1], match[2], charset: match[4]); } /// Sets the Content-Type header. void set contentType(ContentType contentType) { headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE] = contentType.toString(); } ResponseContext(,; /// Set this to true if you will manually close the response. /// /// If `true`, all response finalizers will be skipped. bool willCloseItself = false; StateError _closed() => new StateError('Cannot modify a closed response.'); /// Sends a download as a response. download(File file, {String filename}) async { if (!_isOpen) throw _closed(); headers["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="${filename ?? file.path}"'; headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE] = lookupMimeType(file.path); headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH] = file.lengthSync().toString(); buffer.add(await file.readAsBytes()); end(); } /// Prevents more data from being written to the response, and locks it entire from further editing. void close() { _buffer._lock(); _isOpen = false; _isClosed = true; } /// Prevents further request handlers from running on the response, except for response finalizers. /// /// To disable response finalizers, see [willCloseItself]. void end() { _isOpen = false; } /// Re-opens a closed response. **NEVER USE THIS IN A PLUGIN**. /// /// To preserve your sanity, don't use it ever. This is solely for internal use. /// /// You're going to need this one day, and you'll be happy it was added. void reopen() { _buffer._reopen(); _isOpen = true; } /// Sets a response header to the given value, or retrieves its value. @Deprecated('Please use `headers` instead.') header(String key, [String value]) { if (value == null) return headers[key]; else headers[key] = value; } /// Serializes JSON to the response. void json(value) => serialize(value, contentType: ContentType.JSON); /// Returns a JSONP response. void jsonp(value, {String callbackName: "callback", contentType}) { if (_isClosed) throw _closed(); write("$callbackName(${serializer(value)})"); if (contentType != null) { if (contentType is ContentType) this.contentType = contentType; else headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE] = contentType.toString(); } else headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/javascript'; end(); } /// Renders a view to the response stream, and closes the response. Future render(String view, [Map data]) async { if (_isClosed) throw _closed(); write(await app.viewGenerator(view, data)); headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE] = ContentType.HTML.toString(); end(); } /// Redirects to user to the given URL. /// /// [url] can be a `String`, or a `List`. /// If it is a `List`, a URI will be constructed /// based on the provided params. /// /// See [Router]#navigate for more. :) void redirect(url, {bool absolute: true, int code: 302}) { if (_isClosed) throw _closed(); headers ..[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE] = ContentType.HTML.toString() ..[HttpHeaders.LOCATION] = url is String ? url : app.navigate(url, absolute: absolute); statusCode = code ?? 302; write(''' Redirecting...

Currently redirecting you...

Click here if you are not automatically redirected... '''); end(); } /// Redirects to the given named [Route]. void redirectTo(String name, [Map params, int code]) { if (_isClosed) throw _closed(); Route _findRoute(Router r) { for (Route route in r.routes) { if (route is SymlinkRoute) { final m = _findRoute(route.router); if (m != null) return m; } else if ( == name) return route; } return null; } Route matched = _findRoute(app); if (matched != null) { redirect(matched.makeUri(params), code: code); return; } throw new ArgumentError.notNull('Route to redirect to ($name)'); } /// Redirects to the given [Controller] action. void redirectToAction(String action, [Map params, int code]) { if (_isClosed) throw _closed(); // UserController@show List split = action.split("@"); if (split.length < 2) throw new Exception( "Controller redirects must take the form of 'Controller@action'. You gave: $action"); Controller controller = app.controller(split[0].replaceAll(_straySlashes, '')); if (controller == null) throw new Exception("Could not find a controller named '${split[0]}'"); Route matched = controller.routeMappings[split[1]]; if (matched == null) throw new Exception( "Controller '${split[0]}' does not contain any action named '${split[1]}'"); final head = controller.findExpose().path.toString().replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); final tail = matched.makeUri(params).replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); redirect('$head/$tail'.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''), code: code); } /// Copies a file's contents into the response buffer. Future sendFile(File file, {int chunkSize, int sleepMs: 0, bool resumable: true}) async { if (_isClosed) throw _closed(); headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE] = lookupMimeType(file.path); buffer.add(await file.readAsBytes()); end(); } /// Serializes data to the response. /// /// [contentType] can be either a [String], or a [ContentType]. void serialize(value, {contentType}) { if (_isClosed) throw _closed(); var text = serializer(value); write(text); if (contentType is String) headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE] = contentType; else if (contentType is ContentType) this.contentType = contentType; end(); } /// Streams a file to this response. /// /// You can optionally transform the file stream with a [codec]. Future streamFile(File file, {int chunkSize, int sleepMs: 0, bool resumable: true, Codec, List> codec}) async { if (_isClosed) throw _closed(); headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE] = lookupMimeType(file.path); end(); willCloseItself = true; Stream stream = codec != null ? file.openRead().transform(codec.encoder) : file.openRead(); await stream.pipe(io); } /// Writes data to the response. void write(value, {Encoding encoding: UTF8}) { if (_isClosed) throw _closed(); else { if (value is List) buffer.add(value); else buffer.add(encoding.encode(value.toString())); } } } abstract class _LockableBytesBuilder extends BytesBuilder { factory _LockableBytesBuilder() => new _LockableBytesBuilderImpl(); void _lock(); void _reopen(); } class _LockableBytesBuilderImpl implements _LockableBytesBuilder { bool _closed = false; final List _data = []; StateError _deny() => new StateError('Cannot modified a closed response\'s buffer.'); @override void _lock() { _closed = true; } @override void _reopen() { _closed = false; } @override void add(List bytes) { if (_closed) throw _deny(); else { _data.addAll(bytes); } } @override void addByte(int byte) { if (_closed) throw _deny(); else { _data.add(byte); } } @override void clear() { if (_closed) throw _deny(); else { _data.clear(); } } @override bool get isEmpty => _data.isEmpty; @override bool get isNotEmpty => _data.isNotEmpty; @override int get length => _data.length; @override List takeBytes() { if (_closed) return toBytes(); else { var r = new List.from(_data); clear(); return r; } } @override List toBytes() { return _data; } }