import 'dart:io'; import 'package:angel_framework/angel_framework.dart'; final RegExp _param = new RegExp(r':([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(\((.+)\))?'); final RegExp _straySlashes = new RegExp(r'(^/+)|(/+$)'); String _pathify(String path) { var p = path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); Map replace = {}; for (Match match in _param.allMatches(p)) { if (match[3] != null) replace[match[0]] = ':${match[1]}'; } replace.forEach((k, v) { p = p.replaceAll(k, v); }); return p; } /// Copies HTTP headers ;) void copyHeaders(HttpHeaders from, HttpHeaders to) { from.forEach((k, v) { if (k != HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING || !v.contains('gzip')) to.set(k, v); }); /*to ..chunkedTransferEncoding = from.chunkedTransferEncoding ..contentLength = from.contentLength ..contentType = from.contentType = ..expires = from.expires = ..ifModifiedSince = from.ifModifiedSince ..persistentConnection = from.persistentConnection ..port = from.port;*/ } class ProxyLayer { Angel app; HttpClient _client; String _prefix; final bool debug, streamToIO; final String host, mapTo, publicPath; final int port; final String protocol; ProxyLayer(, this.port, {this.debug: false, this.mapTo: '/', this.publicPath: '/', this.protocol: 'http', this.streamToIO: false, SecurityContext securityContext}) { _client = new HttpClient(context: securityContext); _prefix = publicPath.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); } call(Angel app) async => serve( = app); _printDebug(msg) { if (debug == true) print(msg); } void close() => _client.close(force: true); void serve(Router router) { _printDebug('Public path prefix: "$_prefix"'); handler(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async { var path = req.path.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); return serveFile(path, req, res); } router.all('$publicPath/*', handler); } serveFile(String path, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) async { var _path = path; if (_prefix.isNotEmpty) { _path = path.replaceAll(new RegExp('^' + _pathify(_prefix)), ''); } // Create mapping _printDebug('Serving path $_path via proxy'); final mapping = '$mapTo/$_path'.replaceAll(_straySlashes, ''); _printDebug('Mapped path $_path to path $mapping on proxy $host:$port'); final rq = await, host, port, mapping); _printDebug('Opened client request'); copyHeaders(req.headers, rq.headers); _printDebug('Copied headers'); rq.cookies.addAll(req.cookies ?? []); _printDebug('Added cookies'); rq.headers .set('X-Forwarded-For',; rq.headers ..set('X-Forwarded-Port', ..set('X-Forwarded-Host', ?? req.headers.value(HttpHeaders.HOST) ?? 'none') ..set('X-Forwarded-Proto', protocol); _printDebug('Added X-Forwarded headers'); if (app.storeOriginalBuffer == true) { await req.parse(); if (req.originalBuffer?.isNotEmpty == true) rq.add(req.originalBuffer); } await rq.flush(); final HttpClientResponse rs = await rq.close(); _printDebug( 'Proxy responded to $mapping with status code ${rs.statusCode}'); res ..statusCode = rs.statusCode ..contentType = rs.headers.contentType; _printDebug('Proxy response headers:\n${rs.headers}'); if (streamToIO == true) { res ..willCloseItself = true ..end(); copyHeaders(rs.headers,; if (rs.headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING] != null), rs.headers[HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING]); await rs.pipe(; } else { rs.headers.forEach((k, v) { if (k != HttpHeaders.CONTENT_ENCODING || !v.contains('gzip')) res.headers[k] = v.join(','); }); await rs.forEach(res.buffer.add); } return res.buffer.isEmpty; } }